A Little Miracle Happened Today

This morning, I collected Baby C’s urine to have it tested again.  Though it wasn’t at the advise of our doctor, I just knew that I had to have her urine tested again…. first in the hope that the test today will show that the WBC (white blood cells) has dropped and second for other antibiotics to be tested in the sensitivity test, so that there is a suitable antibiotics to treat Baby C. 

I prayed hard that first, it would be quick and fuss-free to collect her urine as we were in a hurry to reach the hospital.  Prayer number one was answered – her pee was collected in under 15 minutes (which was quite rare – we normally require half an hour at least), yay!  

I also prayed hard that the pesky E.Coli bacteria would be flushed out from Baby C’s body through her pee and my prayer was answered again.  The minute I walked into our doctor’s office, she said in a lively mood : “her urine is ok…. look, everything is ok!!”   I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw negative in the WBC and RBC columns! This is indeed wonderful. In just less than 5 days, the WBC of 20-30 went down to 0! I even had doubts that the urine results were hers.

After chatting with our doctor, she advised that it’s not necessary to feed Baby C antibiotics every night anymore.   Whether she eats the antibiotics or not, she would still be getting a UTI every month… and the pesky bacteria are so smart that they have all become resistant to all the antibiotics!  So we have agreed to stop her on antibiotics.  Anyway we will be seeing her again next week after we have received news from the surgeons in London (hopefully by this week).   In the meantime, I will enjoy my 1 week of not having to feed her antibiotics.  I also have to feed her with lots of fluid to flush out all the bacteria from her body.

Aly's stickers, BBC's pee in bottles, mac&cheese 011
Baby C’s pee in specimen bottles. As the distance from our house to the hospital takes approximately 25 minutes, we were advised to put ice cubes in a plastic bag holding the specimen bottles.

Since we were in a hurry to reach the hospital this morning, I had to multi-task to save time. I fed my sweetie-pie breakfast in front of the TV, with her favorite Baby Bright VCD turned on (to distract her)…. with her legs opened up…. and  my maid collecting her pee!  Thank God, we had more than enough pee collected in under 15 minutes, phew!

Thank you Lord for answering my prayers!  I hope the surgery can take place soonest possible…. before another UTI attacks my poor baby…. and that the surgery will be a 100% success in fixing Cassandra’s urinary problem, once and for all, amen!

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7 Responses

  1. Paik Ling says:

    Hooray!!! I’m sure God will answer your prayers! He is giving you good signs of better things to come already!!! Hooray again!

  2. Irene says:

    gr8 news 🙂

  3. beckysmum says:

    Amen! Feel happy for baby C after reading your post!

  4. huisia says:

    glad to hear that 🙂

  5. So happy to hear this 🙂

  6. great news. Glad to hear that. 🙂

  7. vickylow says:

    Yippee!! so happy for you.

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