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Baby C’s Surgery Date Postponed To Another Month

I anticipate that it will take another 3-4 weeks before my sweetiepie goes for a surgery. By the time the surgery date is fixed, my sweetiepie would have already celebrated her first birthday.

First we need to find a surgeon in KL who will agree to the MAG 3 scan to be performed on Baby C, then Baby C has to go for the MAG 3 scan afterwhich the MAG 3 scan films have to be couriered to London. Then the surgeons in London have to review the films and come up with a diagnosis / appropriate surgery. I am hoping and praying that from now until the surgery date, Baby C will not get another UTI attack coz if she does, the surgery will have to be postponed further. While I am glad that my baby doesn’t have to be operated on so soon, my anxiousness is more intense now and prolonged.

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6 Responses

  1. Florence says:

    Will keep you and your baby in prayer….

  2. good to hear that. the doc who was going to perform the surgery is reluctant to do the scan? baby C looks cute in the pink outfit and hairclip 😀 i so miss her 🙂

  3. huisia says:

    hope that she can have the surgery on time..
    you take care too

  4. mott says:

    omgosh..she looks soooo matured here!!! and so very sweet in her cute lil dress and hair clip!

    take care yea… see what the surgeons say..

  5. Paik Ling says:

    I know how it is – to be left in suspense. But these kind of things, better be safe right? Can your paed recommend you someone who will do the scan? My paed seems to have a lot of jalan with his ex-UM classmates. So if you want, text me and i’ll give you his name.

  6. Baby C looks absolutely adorable in the pic.

    Pray that Baby C stays healthy till the surgery.

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