Category Archive: Fruits

Miniature Honey Dew

Hubby bought some miniature honey dews from the fruit stall. When we saw it, we had no idea what it was. It didn’t look like the regular honey dew with smooth pale green skin. Instead, there were yellow and pale yellow stripes, which made it look like a pumpkin.  The size of the miniature honey dew is around the size of a huge guava with seeds.

This is how it looks like inside. It tastes exactly like honey dew but ain’t very sweet. Nothing special about the taste of this special miniature honey dew and it’s expensive too.

Honeydew Melon Nutritional And Health Benefits
Honeydew melons have similar nutritional benefits of summer and winter squash.
Honeydew melons are low in calories and high in their water content. They provide an
excellent source of vitamin C and are also a very good source of potassium, copper,
and B vitamins (including thiamine, niacin, B6, and pantothenic acid).

Due to their high water content and combination with potassium, honeydew melons
are helpful in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. They also provide several key
nutrients that are particularly beneficial for healthy skin.

Honeydew melon is low on calories and has no fat or cholesterols, so it is recommended to consume it instead of desserts if you want to lose weight in natural way. However it contains 14 grams of natural sugar per cup so it should not be eaten too much.

Another substance that honeydew melon is rich in is folate and therefore it improves cardiovascular system and prevents heart diseases. Folate is essential for proper brain function. If one is low in folate they have more chances to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Folate is especially important vitamin for pregnant women. Having enough of folate will keep your baby healthy and will help your baby develop well.

New researches show that honeydew melon can help in prevention of diabetes and also some types of cancer.

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Sour Sop Goodness

My mil bought a very huge sour sop from Ipoh the other day.   I can’t remember if I had ever tasted soup sop before in my life. Well, it tasted very much like apple custard but the flesh has a tinge of sourish taste and the sour sop that she bought had very few seeds. None of my kids liked it unfortunately because of the rather pungent smell. Not many people can stomach the smell, just like how some people love durians and some people just loathe at the sight of durians. My mil and I had to finish off the fruit over a few days.

Soursop is not only a delicious and healthy fruit but it is used medicinally to treat illness ranging from stomach ailments to worms.

1. Soursop seeds which have emetic properties can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
2. Soursop leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs.
3. Soursop crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing.
4. Soursop juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.
5. Soursop juice when taken when fasting and it is believed to relieve liver ailments and leprosy.
6. Speeds the healing of wounds, the flesh of the soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days.
7. A decoction of the young shoots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble, as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion.
8. Mashed leaves are used as a poultice to alleviate eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism.
9. The root bark is use as an antidote for poisoning.
10. Soursop flowers are believed to alleviate catarrh.
11. Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet.

In the past few years, the story about the miracle discovery of Sour Sop (also known as Graviola or scientifically named as Annona muricata) as a natural cure for cancer has definitely shocked the modern medical science, especially in advanced medical countries, such as America.

Nutrient Value per 100 grm:
i. Vitamin: C 20.6
ii.Calcium: 14
iii.Iron: 0.6
iv.Calories: 66
v. Dietary Fiber: 3.3g
vi.Protein: 1g
vii.Cholesterol: 0mg
viii.Sodium: 14mg
ix.Sugars: 13.54g
x.Total Carbohydrate: 16.84g
xi.Total Fat: 0.3g
xii.Saturated Fat: 0.05g
xiii.Monounsaturated Fat: 0.09g
xiv.Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.06g

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Everyone Loves Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is one of the fruits that my daughters love very much. They are sweet and when eaten chilled, they are really refreshing. This is how Alycia loves to eat her cantaloupe:

I’ve tried cutting the cantaloupe into easy-to-eat bite size but she prefers to eat it this way. And I hate the mess she creates on her hair and clothes when she eats her cantaloupe this way. I have to clip up both sides of her hair to prevent the hair from touching the sticky sweet juice.

Fruit For Thought:
Cantaloupe is full of health benefits and is extremely nutrient-packed, yet has very low calories.

This wonder fruit is highly concentrated with excellent levels of beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is also one of the very few fruits that has a high level of vitamin B complex,  B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine).

Cantaloupe is rich in anti-oxidants that can help prevent cancer and heart diseases.

Health Benefits

The high amount of beta-carotene and vitamin C (anti-oxidant) in cantaloupe makes it an excellent fruit in helping to prevent many degenerative diseases.

Anti-coagulant: A unique compound in cantaloupe helps decrease the viscosity of the blood, hence preventing the abnormal formation of blood clots in the cardiovascular system.

Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming vitamin C retards the development of hardening of the arteries.

Cancer prevention: The high vitamin C content acts as a good anti-oxidant that protects cells from damages by free radicals. Regularly drinking juices high in anti-oxidants keep cancer at bay, especially against intestinal cancer and melanoma.

Cataracts: The natural vitamin A from beta-carotene in this juice lowers the risk of cataract and generally helps improve your vision too.

Cholesterol: Drinking juices high in anti-oxidant has been proven to fight the oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in the blood.

High blood pressure: Potassium in this cantaloupe helps excrete sodium, thus bringing down high blood pressure especially in those with salt-sensitive hypertension.

Immune system: The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system.

Insomnia: A special compound in cantaloupe relieves the nerves and calm anxieties. A help for insomniacs.

Menstruation problems: For women, drink this wonder juice around the time of menstruation and it will help reduce heavy flow and clots.

Muscle Cramps: A deficiency in potassium can cause muscular cramps and greater susceptibility to injury. Drink cantaloupe juice to prevent these.

Pregnancy: The high content of folate (folic acid) prevents neural tube defects in infants.

Quit Smoking: The natural nutrients and minerals found in this juice provides a synergistic combination that helps the body recover from nicotine withdrawal of one who is trying to quit smoking. Smoking also quickly depletes the vitamin A in a smoker, but cantaloupe juice can help replace it with its beta-carotene.

Stress: When going through a stressful period, keep this musky melon on the side and drink its juice regularly. The potassium content helps to re-balance and normalize the heartbeat. This in turn sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the body’s water balance.

Water retention: Especially in pregnant women, cantaloupe juice helps your body excrete excess sodium, thus reducing water retention.

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Losing Weight With Lemons

One of the fruits that is always stocked up in my fridge is lemon.   I drink freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime juice almost everyday, after my meals.  I love the taste of lemon and lime and feel very refreshed after a drink of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice (minus the sugar or honey) especially after a heavy or fatty meal.

A lemon detox diet is effective for both cleansing and weight loss. Consuming anything sour makes the liver and gallbladder purge stored toxins. The liver is especially important for weight loss and overall health. When the liver is filled with toxins, it cannot do its critical tasks in metabolizing fat. So that is why it is essential to keep your liver in top working condition.

In a lemon detox diet, you use the juice of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water in the morning. The morning is when our bodies are in a natural cleansing phase, so it is a good time to consume cleansing foods and juices.  The added benefit of lemons in the morning is that your digestive system gets a jump start when it is stimulated by the lemons. Doing this as early in the day as possible will help you digest all meals more efficiently.  You also use either fresh lemon juice or a slice of a lemon in water that you drink throughout the day. In the lemon detox diet, water is a key component. You should drink at least 64 ounces a day.

Lemon juice provides an added benefit by supplying the body with a good dose of vitamin C.

Lemons are a common ingredient in many cleansing fasts and diets. The reason they are so effective for weight loss is their cleansing properties. Lemons help flush out the digestive tract and their acidity stimulates digestive enzymes. When the digestive system is clear and functioning properly it eliminates more waste as opposed to storing it all as fat. Still, to achieve any long-term weight loss goals you must eat healthily and exercise regularly.

Lemons are high in vitamin C. Scientists at Arizona State University have reported that the presence of vitamin C in the cells helps people burn fat while exercising. If you do not consume an adequate amount of vitamin C, it will be harder for you to lose fat than someone who does.

Lemons in the Morning
Drink a cup of hot water with three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice each morning when you wake up. An average sized lemon yields about three tablespoons when juiced. Sweeten the drink with raw, natural honey if desired. If you want to maximize weight loss, take a walk after you drink the lemon water. After the walk, eat some breakfast. You will have your metabolism and digestive system up and running by then–and ready to burn calories.

A note of caution about drinking lemon juice. Regular consumption of lemon juice can erode part of the outside enamel of our teeth as lemon juice is highly acidic. Some healthcare practitioners suggest drinking citrus fruits through a straw to avoid this possible damage to the tooth enamel. Diluting the lemon juice with plain water is also a good idea.

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Apart from the king of fruits, jackfruit is my other all-time favorite fruit. My 3 girls love jackfruits, cempedak and durians too – they love fruits that are pungent and aromatic. Baby who doesn’t really fancy fruits, loves durians and jackfruits VERY much! Hubs will normally buy a packet or two of jackfruits whenever he goes to the pasar malam (night market) to get our fruits and veggie for the week.

Did you know that apart from the sweet, aromatic taste, jackfruits are bursting with nutrients and healing properties too?

I googled around and found this information:

Use of jackfruit to treat Urinary Tract Infection:
Jackfruit is found to contain broad spectrum antibacterial activity. It is a natural alternative to antibiotics used against bacterial infections such as like penicillin, amoxycillin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin etc. Also the treatment with Jackfruit is relatively safer also as there are no any side effects associated with it. Jackfruit is also known as Artocarpus heterophyllus, Jakfruit, Jaca and Nangka.

Directions For Use: Extract about 3 table spoon juice of Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit). Consume this juice twice daily for 4-5 days for the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection.

Expected Results: The symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection are resolved in 4-5 days of the treatment with Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit).

Expected Results Within: 4 days

Jackfruits Are Rich In Potassium, Vitamin C And Phytonutrients

Jackfruit is a rich source of potassium with 303 milligram found in 100 grams of jackfruit. Studies show that food rich in potassium helps to lower blood pressure. Therefore, jackfruit has the health benefit of providing relief for anyone who suffers from high blood pressure.

Another benefit of eating jackfruit is that it is a good source of Vitamin C. The human body does not make Vitamin C naturally so we must eat food that contains Vitamin C to reap its health benefits. The health benefits of Vitamin C are that it is an antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals, Vitamin C holds the cells in our bodies together, and Vitamin C strengthens our immune systems and keeps our gums healthy.

Jackfruit contains the phytonutrients: lignans, isoflavones and saponins, which have health benefits that are wide ranging. These phytonutrients have anti-cancer, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer and anti-ageing properties. The phytonutrients found in jackfruit, therefore, can prevent cancer cells from forming in the body, can lower blood pressure, can fight against stomach ulcers and can slow down the degeneration of cells that make the skin look young and vital.

Jackfruit To Control Asthma

Jackfruit root has been found to help those suffering from asthma. Boiling the root of the jackfruit and extracting its high nutritional content has been found to control asthma. Jackfruit also benefits the body in that jackfruit root can also be used to treat skin problems. The extract of jackfruit root is also believed to be able to help cure diarrhea and fever.

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I saw some pomegranates at the fruit stall the other day and since it’s been aeons (I think more than a decade) I last ate them, I bought one. Pomegranates ain’t cheap, costing over RM4 each.  I had almost forgotten how pomegranates tasted like and when I ate it, I didn’t quite like it.  The entire fruit is made up of seeds.  The seeds are covered by a thin layer of aril or flesh.  The arils are sweet but the seeds are a tad bitter.  Some people only eat the flesh but I ate everything!  The seeds are edible and are a good source of fibre.

Pomegranates have very high content of punicalagins, a potent anti-oxidant component found to be responsible for its superior health benefits.

High in Anti-Oxidant
Researches indicate that the capacity of anti-oxidant in this fruit is two or three times higher than that of red wine and green tea. The level of anti-oxidant is even higher than those of other fruits known to have high-levels of anti-oxidant, including blueberries, cranberries and oranges. This was attributed to the very high polyphenol content in the fruit.

They are also a good source of vitamin B (riboflavin, thiamin and niacin), vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. These combination and other minerals in pomegranates cause a powerful synergy that prevents and reverses many diseases.

Good For The Heart
A new study has shown that drinking pomegranate juice frequently is extremely beneficial in fighting the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis). It reduces the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol which contributes to artery clogging and hardening.

Not only does the juice significantly reduce the blood vessel damage, it is found to actually reverse the progression of this disease.

Another study positively proved that pomegranates contain a powerful agent against cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

Here are some common ailments that are known to react positively with the use of pomegranate or its juice:

Anemia: Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon with a little honey to a cup of pomegranate juice. Especially beneficial for women after monthly loss of blood due to menstruation.

Anal Itch: Itching in the anal region is often caused by parasites in the intestines that go to the anal area to lay their eggs. Roast some pomegranate skin until it is brown and brittle. Then crush it to a fine powder form and mix with a little olive oil. Apply this concoction to the anus to kill the worms.

Asthma: The high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in this fruit is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It can greatly reduce wheezing in young children with asthma.

Bleeding Piles: Pound the (clean) skin of one fruit from the sour variety. Boil the pound pulp in about two cups of water. Sweeten with honey and drink twice a day until healed.

Dysentery: Drinking fresh pomegranate juice is an excellent remedy to soothe the pain and inflammation caused by severe diarrhea with blood and mucus in stools.

Loss of Appetite: If you can’t eat, at least you can drink! Pomegranate juice can help increase your appetite.

Morning Sickness: Mix and drink an equal amount of honey with pomegranate juice for relief.

Sore Throat: The anti-inflammatory agent in pomegranate juice significantly reduces the soreness and redness in the throat.

Info extracted from

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Many people have never seen, eaten or heard of the umbra fruit. This fruit is called ‘sar lei’ in Cantonese or buah kedondong in Malay.  Umbra is sometimes used in fruit rojak, where the fruit will be dipped with thick rojak sauce (made of shrimp paste).   These days, some restaurants and coffee shops sell freshly blended umbra juice.  A steamboat restaurant where we regularly patronize sells freshly blended umbra juice with ‘suen mui’ (dried sour plums).  The thirst quencher is sugar-free and is really refreshing especially when you are having a hot steamboat meal or on a sizzling day.  It costs a whopping RM3.50 a glass and a glass is usually not enough to satiate you.  According to the restaurant owner, the umbra juice is good for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

My mil bought a big bag of umbra from the wet market the other day. She had intended to bring them overseas but had forgotten all about them when she left. No one else in the family liked this sour fruit so I had to force myself to eat them – so much that my teeth felt sensitive after days of munching them, as a result of the high acid from the fruit corroding my teeth enamel! In the end, the remaining fruits turned black and all went into the bin!

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Fresh Dates

The hubs bought a packet of yellow color fresh dates the other day.  They didn’t taste as good as the brownish-greenish fresh dates which are round in shape.

The yellow color, oblong shaped fresh dates are sweet but have a slight bitter taste and sappy texture, as if you are eating bananas that are not ripened yet.  I was told later that I should not have refrigerated the fresh dates.  I should have left the fresh dates in room temperature and let the dates ripened, turn dry and wrinkly before eating them.  Well, after refrigerating the dates for almost a week, we left them in room temperature but bummer, the dates turned mouldy and we threw them away!

Food For Thought:
A 100 gram portion of fresh dates is a premium source of vitamin C and supplies 230 kcal (960 kJ) of energy. They are fat free, cholesterol free, and are a good source of fiber. Every 100 gram portion includes Vitamin A — 5 mcg beta-carotene and 75 mcg lutein + zeaxanthin and Vitamin B-complex total folate – 13 mcg. A single date contains Vitamin B6. Dates also contain Vitamin A1, B1, B2, B3, B5, C and more than 20 different amino acids, helping us digest and assimilate carbohydrates easier and control blood sugar levels and fatty acids content in our bodies. The selenium (a powerful antioxidant) lowers the risk of cancer and heart diseases, as well as helps us keep our immune systems healthy. As a single date contains around 23 calories, this very low calorie count and the huge amount of healthy substances in dates make them one of the best nutrition sources for a diet plan menu.

Dates are high in iron and potassium. They are useful in treating anemia, constipation and fatigue. Dates that are immersed in water overnight and then pureed with the remaining water before consuming in the morning can be used to counter constipation.

Dates are believed to prevent certain types of cancer, especially pancreatic cancer.

Dates soaked in fresh goat’s milk and eaten with honey and a pinch of cardamom is believed to increase sexual stamina!  Anyone gamed to try that?

Caution : Dates contain compounds that may cause headaches in certain individuals. Dates are also very high in sugar content and you should go easy on them or not eat them if you have diabetes.

Traditional Medicinal Uses:

Dates have a high tannin content and are used medicinally as a detersive (having cleansing power) and astringent in intestinal troubles. As an infusion, decoction, syrup, or paste, dates may be administered for sore throat, colds, bronchial catarrh, and taken to relieve fever and number of other complaints. One traditional belief is that it can counteract alcohol intoxication. The seed powder is also used in some traditional medicines. The roots are used against toothache.

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Custard Apple

There used to be a very fertile custard apple (hoong mo lai cee in Cantonese) tree that my late maternal grandma planted decades ago that bore us lots of fruits for many years. We had so much that my brothers and I got fed-up of eating them. There was also a huge guava tree that also bore loads of guavas and my brothers and I used to climb that tree to pluck ripe guavas.

The other day, hubby bought a huge custard apple that cost RM5 each. It tasted a tad different from the ones bore by the custard apple tree that my grandma planted. It was more fleshy, did not have a ‘sandy’ texture and there were not as many seeds as the ones that I used to eat when I was little. It was really sweet and really tasted like custard (well of course, that’s why it’s called custard apple).

I did a google search and found out that the custard apple has many nutritional and health benefits.

Given below is nutritional value per 100 gm of custard apple:

* Thiamine (B1) – 0.05 to 0.08 mg
* Vitamin A -1 mg
* Riboflavin (B2) – 0.08 to 0.1 mg
* Natural Sugar – 14 to 18 gm
* Niacin (B3) – 0.5 to 0.8 mg
* Carbohydrate – 23.71 gm
* Iron – 0.7mg
* Total Acidity – 0.4 mg
* Energy – 76 to 96 cal (310 to 420 kJ)
* Protein – 1 to 4.3 gm
* Zinc – 0.2 to 2.7mg
* Magnesium – 32 to 88 mg
* Copper – 2.4mg
* Potassium – 250 to 578 mg
* Sodium – 4 to 14 mg
* Calcium – 17 to 22 mg
* Vitamin C – 22 to 43 mg
* Fibre – 1 to 3.2 g
* Total Soluble Solids (Brix) – 22.3%

Health & Nutritional Benefits of Eating Custard Apple

* Custard apple is a storehouse of Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and helps in neutralizing free radicals.
* Vitamin A present in the fruit is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin.
* Custard apple contains magnesium, which plays vital role in relaxing muscles and protecting heart against diseases.
* Potassium and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple.
* Copper is yet another useful ingredient of custard apple.
* It is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps in digestion.
* As it contains low fat levels, it is good for maintaining optimum health.
* The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.
* The fruit, in its unripe form, can be dried, crushed and used for treating diarrhea and dysentery.
* Custard apple serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant and haematinic and is even useful in treating anemia.
* The seeds of the fruit have insecticidal and abortifacient properties.

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