Our 2-day 1 night stay in Westin KL last week was more like a food binging trip. My hubs had to utilize his free room-stay and dining voucher, so we had a food marathon at the hotel. I ate so much that I felt like my tummy was about to burst. When we came home that evening, I only ate watermelons and some green veggie for dinner. For the next 2 days, I still felt bloated and ate very little. I weighed myself yesterday and was really glad that the red needle pointed to the left again. Fortunately I know my body too well and can manage my weight really well. I don’t need to read oxyelite pro reviews to get diet products to stay slim, thank goodness!
Category Archive: Uncategorized
I used to think that cigars were only for the poor. When I was little, there was this man on his bicycle who used to come to our house to collect money from my dad. He’s the ‘middle man’ who helped my dad buy ‘numbers’ (something like Jackpot). He was always puffing cigars and I hated how he smelled. I only found out how expensive cigars were when I worked for my previous boss. He had expensive taste and only bought Davidoff cigars and other branded cigars. He even had a special box with dehumidifier and moisturizer to store his cigars!
Would You Leave Your Child In Such Hands?
While waiting for my friend to pick up Sherilyn for ballet class just now, I saw an old man walking from the lobby to a school van parked outside the lobby. He looked like he was in his late 70s and he was hobbling. As he walked towards the school van, I told Sherilyn “oh no, I hope he’s not the school van driver. Look at him! He’s old and he could hardly walk properly” We were both staring at him and when he opened the driver’s seat door of the bus van to get inside, my jaw almost dropped. When he drove the van and reversed it, he almost knocked onto a nearby teflon hose. I was really shocked that some parents actually trust such an old man who looked senile and could barely walk properly to drive their kids to school!! Would you have the peace of mind to leave your child everyday in the hands of such an old and helpless man?
Hectic Life For Another 15 Years?
It was a rainy and breezy morning today. It’s a perfect weather to lie in bed and to continue dreaming. I wished I could sleep longer and enjoy the warmth under my blanket but I pulled myself up from bed. As usual, I can hardly ever enjoy sleeping in until the skies turn bright. I had to complete a review on laminate flooring sale and had another bag of clothes to do perform QA check before I could ship them out to my customers today. I think it will be another 15 years (that’s when my youngest girl will finish secondary school) before I can have a more relaxed life and live life at a slower pace.
Cold Therapy
Cold therapy / Ice therapy or Cryotherapy is one of the most widely used treatment for treating acute sport injuries. It is cheap, easy to apply and highly effective too. Using cold therapy immediately after an injury can help minimize the amount of swelling. While cold therapy is very effective in reducing swells and pains, it can also be dangerous. If cold therapy devices or Cryotherapy are used too long, or at too cold of a temperature, it can result in serious injuries such as nerve damage, chronic pain, or frost bite.
If anyone of you have been injured through the use of Cold Therapy through the negligence of your doctor, you can get initial consultations for a cold therapy lawsuit without any charge from O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath. Here’s their address:
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
Get Your Vehicle Insured
About 22 years ago, my brother met with a very terrible road accident. Anyone who saw the mangled vehicle would have thought that the driver did not make it but thank God he did. Another car at the T-junction did not see my brother’s car and crashed on his car, on the driver’s side. He suffered injuries to his legs, hands, face and teeth. Thankfully my dad’s car was insured and we managed to claim the repair works from the insurer. If your vehicle is not yet insured, wait no further. Go and get some cheap auto insurance rates now!
As Long As I Am With My Loved Ones
I wonder what my hubs will give me for my birthday next month. I have hinted to him many times that I want a DSLR camera badly. But I think a DSLR will be out of his budget as it can be very costly for a good one. Even if I don’t get what I want, I will still be very happy if I can celebrate my birthday with my 3 girls and hubby. I would not mind getting just a cake, a box of chocolate or a shari’s online coupon as long as I am with my loved ones on my very special day.
Getting Enough Sleep Is A Luxury For Me
What is considered a luxury for me? Not diamond rings, not a pedicure or a manicure or a hair do in the saloon. If I could lie in bed and rise at 8am without having to worry about the kids or work, now that’s luxury in my own term. When you have kids, gone are the days where you can tuck inside your warm blanket and sleep in until it’s bright and shiny outside. I have not done that ever since the girls came along. I used to suffer from insomnia once in a while before the girls came along but I have not used the word ‘insomnia’ for aeons now. Getting sleep aids will be the last thing I ever need now.
Feeling Really Agitated
Today I feel very agitated, crabby and overwhelmed with work. Must also be my hormones wrecking havoc within me and partly caused by my 3 kids. Every Saturday I will be maid-less for half a day as my mil will take our helper to the wet market. Every minute of the morning I hear screams of “mummy, I want this, mummy, please come here, mummy mummy mummy……!” It’s impossible for me to attend to 3 demanding young girls single handedly. My kids, when they want something, they want it right away. If their demands are not met, they will nag me to no end with their constant whines. My mind is somewhere else too, worrying about my expiring online assignments, what to write on md clear and matters pertaining to my online store. I need to go somewhere to chill out.
Which One?
The one gadget that I must surely buy this year is a new cell phone. My current cell phone is over 3 years old and always acting up. There are so many types of cell phones in the market ranging from iPhone to Blackberry, Motorola Xoom, Smart Phone and all kinds of android cell phones. I need a cell phone that is not too expensive and not too android as I only need it to make calls and perhaps one which has WiFi so that I can check my emails on the go. Which one should I get?