Need A Trip To The Optician

I have been feeling a tad queasy and dizzy for the past few days, in addition to feeling lethargic and hungry all the time. Nope, it is not what you are thinking about… I hope NOT! Nah, it is NOT! The light headedness and drowsy feeling happens if I am seated in front of the computer. I think my eyes need to be checked for an increase in power for long and short sightedness. To begin with, I have all the vision disorders from long and short sightedness to astigmatism to night blindness! I started to wear glasses when I was 13 years old but only wore them when I needed to read. At my workplace, I only wore them when I was using the computer or had to check loan documents and write reports. I stopped wearing the glasses about 9 years ago, out of vanity. I was tempted to wear contact lenses but chickened out when one of my ertswhile colleagues had a bad bout of eye infection caused by the contact lenses that she wore. Now that I am working in front of the desktop computer for more than 10 hours a day, I can feel the stress and burden on my over-worked eyes. I could even see floating black spots several times in a day. I read that those black spots are caused mostly from major stress of the eyes and lack of sleep.

Now coming back to the light headedness I get, I must make an effort to go to the optician to have my eyes checked during this 1-week long school holiday. At the same time, I could have my girls’ eyes checked too. I am a tad worried that they will inherit my genes. My parents and brother need to wear glasses too.  Several of my hubs’ immediate family members wear glasses too.  Am also worried that their regular usage of the iPad and laptop could have some adverse reaction to their eyesight.

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8 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    Please do have your eyes, and the kids’ too checked by an opthalmologist, not an optician who is the guy who works in the spectacles/ glasses shop. I’ve been wearing glasses since age 12 and love them!! Contact lenses are far better in quality now, so u might want to try them again. Black floaters can be an indication of retina problems, so best to get a professional opinion. As we age, our vision ages too (damn!), but after the mid 30s, things tend to settle down. I am fortunate my prescription has not changed in the past 10 years, but I still get new glasses every 2 years!

  2. oh i have those floaters too and my optometrist said it’s ok. i go to optimax for yearly checkup after i had lasik done. they are very thorough and professional 🙂

  3. shireen says:

    Chris, and what’s the difference bet. opthalmologist & optometrist? Perhaps I shd go to the opth. who did the Eye Chalazion operation for BBC 2 yrs ago.

    Barb, your lasik was done for what disorder? Was it painful?

  4. Chris says:

    An optometrist is NOT a medical doctor. If u already have contact with an opthalmologist, then go ahead.

  5. sheohyan says:

    I just brought my 8 year-old for an eye check. Thank Goodness that she has not short sighter and doesn’t need to wear glasses.

  6. syn says:

    yes, please do go have your eye sight checked. heard the black spots not a healthy sign.

    i’ve been wearing contact lenses since college days, no problems so far, not even eye infection (touch wood). but i do want to have my lasik done and i heard its not painful although the procedure sounds very scary. planning to do mine at midvalley.

  7. shireen says:

    Syn, oh you are scaring me :S I notice that if I have enough sleep, those floaters will not appear. Anyway, will hv my eyes checked soon and post my update in another blog post. Cass did her Chalazion eye op at ISEC Mid Valley too.

  8. mine was done because of my short-sightedness. i had been wearing glasses since my teens. Lasik was done about 8 years ago by qualified eye doctor. me and hubs go back to optimax yearly for their compulsory eye-check by optometrists 🙂

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