post by admin | | 3

Still Coughing… And My Ribs Hurt

After coughing like a TB sufferer for almost a week, my right ribs hurt as if someone had just given me a good punch on the ribcage.  It’s so painful that I have to hold my right ribcage and cringe each time I cough. Jogging has also been torturous for me as my ribcage would hurt.  I didn’t know that coughing badly would also cause my tummy to feel gassy.  My tummy would also hurt (as in pain caused by gas) when I run.  I had to run very lightly and stop at intervals and hold my ribcage when the pain was unbearable.  It even hurts when I carry Baby C.  I hope I’ll get better by tomorrow.

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3 Responses

  1. Steph says:

    you shouldnt be exercising with a cough like that dear. Have you gone to see the Dr?

  2. shireen says:

    Steph… yup I’ve gone to see the dr but I’ve not been taking my meds diligently though.

  3. mott says:

    aiyo…rest la. if u’ll just delay your recovery…

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