Vomiting Caused By Trapped Wind In Stomach

On Saturday, we spent almost the whole day at Times Square. We spent almost 3 hours at the Cosmo’s World indoor theme park, which is the largest indoor theme park in Malaysia. We only had lunch at about 3pm and had some light dim sum and wan tan meen at a restaurant at Times Square. Half way through eating, Sherilyn complained of tummy ache and wanted to do her poopie business. After pooping at the toilet, she still complained of tummy ache but she was still very active. After lunch, we walked around Times Square and snapped some pix of the beautiful Chinese New Year deco. Just as we were about to leave, Sherilyn puked all her lunch out.

Sherilyn continued vomiting in the car throughout our journey home. Luckily I had kept a baby plastic changing mat in the car and let her sit on it. I used up all the plastic bags I had in my bag to store her vomit. After dropping us at home, hubs brought Sherilyn to the ER. She was given an anti-vomiting suppository and a bunch of meds. Back home, she continued vomiting. When she had nothing else to vomit, she vomited yellow bile liquid.  I think she puked about 7-8 times yesterday evening.  But she had no spike in temperature and no diarrhea. I was quite certain that she had trapped wind in her tummy coz I am one who would surely have tummy ache and bad nausea if I skip a meal or feel very stressed up.

I read from www.chinesemedicinetools.com that an irregular diet, whether cold or hot foods / no scheduled meal times can cause spleen dysfunction, thus causing phlegm to go upward with stomach Qi and cause vomiting. Lesson learned for me. In future if we bring the kids to any theme park before lunch, we will smuggle in some buns and biscuits for the kids to munch on.

This was how we treated Sherilyn without using any meds:

1) Let her have small sips of water at every half hourly.

2) Let her sleep and rest.

3) No food for her.  Only gave her plain cream crackers when she stopped puking and asked for food. However, she had not much appetite and only took a small bite of the cream crackers.

4) No milk for her for 1-2 days.

5) Applied some anti-wind oil on her tummy.

6) Gave her 100 Plus and oral rehydration salt (ORS). Sherilyn preferred the former and when she felt better, she drank almost half a cup of 100 Plus. I poured out the 100 Plus into a cup and stirred it to release the gas from the drink.

The bunch of meds that the MO prescribed to Sherilyn.  He even prescribed antibiotics.  But I fed none of these to Sherilyn.  Today, Sherilyn is back to normal and her appetite came back.

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8 Responses

  1. mun says:

    Why do MOs here prescribe antibiotics everytime? Good thing you fed none of it to Sherilyn since she is well already else she will need to finish the whole course of antibiotics once started.

  2. Chris says:

    I agree with Mun that it is totally IRRESPONSIBLE for the doc to prescribe antibx without first testing and also there is no fever or any other life-threatening signs! More likely a virus anyways. My theory is that she picked up something from the playground, not the food. Did anybody else have the same food? Playgrounds are breeding grounds for germs off all sorts; not to say kids shouldn’t play there as I am a firm believer that kids get exposed to whatever so they can build up immunity. Our home is definitely less than sterile! Research has shown kids who grow up on farms are less prone to infections cos they are exposed and build up resistance. Antibx haven’t changed for tha past 50 years but bugs have, so who do u think will win?? Thx for the rant!

  3. Irene says:

    sounds like stomach flu, and what my poor kids and hubby went thru last year, but good thing for ya sher could keep her water and food down. for vic, she threw up even the sip of water that we gave her and the anti vomitting suppository was useless.

  4. syn says:

    poor sher! yea, we should smuggle in food for the kids even though they don’t allow it.

    thanks for the tips and glad that sher is feeling much better now.

  5. Linda says:

    I also don’t like to feed my girls antibiotic unless there is a very good reason from the doctor.
    Poor girl… she must have suffered on the day….
    There should be a some stalls selling snacks inside the theme park. I wouldn’t mind my girls munch on sweet popcorn in that occasion… 🙂

  6. the doctor must have been afraid of Sher catching a bad case of food poisoning that’s why the anti-bs.
    Even I have vomitting bouts too when lack of sleep and stress. glad it’s just wind in the tummy n not a full blown food poisoning

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