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3 Family Fun Ideas After Dark

Just because the sun goes down, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy spending time with your family outside. It might even be the ideal time because you don’t have to worry about heat exhaustion, dehydration or sunburns. If you can’t think of any ideas, here are a few to get started.

1. Stargaze

Almost nothing will make you feel as small as looking at the stars. You can take in around 2,000 on an evening where there are no clouds or moon. For the best results, get as far out of town as you can. Light pollution can really interfere with the experience, so it is a good idea to locate the darkest areas possible on a specialized map.

Scenic Photo Of Starry Night Sky

Take a telescope if you have access to one, but don’t feel compelled to buy one if you aren’t going to do this hobby frequently. There are apps on your smartphone that can actually tell you what constellations you are looking at. The most common ones include both Dippers, Gemini and Orion.

You can go the extra mile by turning the event into a picnic. Be sure to bring drinks and snacks such as cookies Schaumburg so you won’t go hungry or thirsty.

2. Play Games

Adults often think they are too old to play games, but that is not true. Here are some games to consider:

Check your batteries in your handheld devices so everyone can see.

3. Have a Bonfire

If you have a fire pit or other place you can safely hold flames, you should consider lighting it up sometimes. Feel free to break out the acoustic guitar if you have the skills. If your kids are old enough, you can tell spooky stories. The best way to do this is to make sure everyone feels as if they are immersed in the experience. Also, keep a fire extinguisher on hand for emergencies.

Bonding with your kinfolk is one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially when it is combined with the fresh air of the great outdoors. Cherish every moment you can.

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