Estrogen is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body. It influences the growth and functioning of both female and male reproductive, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems.
Xenoestrogens are chemicals present in our environment that mimic estrogen and its affects. These, combined with the naturally occurring estrogen in our bodies, leads to an over-abundance of the hormone. This condition is commonly referred to as “Estrogen Dominance.”
Estrogen Dominance is linked to increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, infertility and miscarriages.
The best way to prevent estrogen dominance is to 1) support your body’s natural pathways for eliminating excess estrogen and 2) avoid xenoestrogens.
Cruciferous (cabbage) family vegetables including arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and brussel sprouts contain sulfur based plant compounds that encourage the breakdown and removal of estrogen. These chemicals have been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost 50 percent. Cabbage can also help break down estrogen at a faster rate. High levels of estrogen have been linked to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and by reducing the concentration of this hormone, cabbage helps to prevent these forms of cancer.
Cabbage has been credited with lowering the risk of colon cancer as well as many other forms of cancer. Some plant chemicals found in cabbage have the capacity to protect the human body from harmful free radicals that can cause cancer. Bioflavonoids are chemical compounds that are plentiful in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbages.
Your liver and your bowel are responsible for filtering estrogen from your body. You can give your liver a helping hand by eating foods that contain sulfur such as egg yolks, onions and garlic.
Your bowel needs a diet high in fiber to remove excess estrogen from the body. Without the fiber, estrogen will not be cleared from the bowel and can be reabsorbed. Eating foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage provide fiber and they contain the phytonutrient indole-3-carbinol which breaks down estrogen its a non-carcinogenic form.
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