My Uterus Was ‘Pushed Up’ Into Place…

….by the urut lady (Malay masseuse) yesterday. Yesterday, the urut lady who used to urut me after the birth of Baby C last year came to urut me. I was enjoying the good massage when suddenly, I felt some pain at my lower abdomen. She told me that my uterus had ‘jatuh ke bawah’ (fallen down) as I have been coughing very badly for the past 2 weeks. This urut lady has over 18 years of urut experience and she seemed very knowledgeable. No wonder I kept feeling pain in my tummy whenever I jogged for the past 1 week when I was coughing badly. I thought it was just gas in my tummy. Today, the pain vanished when I worked out on the tread mill at the gym! I have to call this urut lady back again and give me another good massage. RM80 for a 1-hour session is really damn worth the money spent!

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5 Responses

  1. mott says:

    omg..better be careful.. a prolapsed uterus is VERY painful if not treated. best to check with the dr as well.

    my mil never did anything..and till today..she’s in pain. silly woman!

  2. Paik Ling says:

    Walau….sounds painful actually. I never had urut after both birth but think I’ll give her a try after this time. Can I have her contact plse? Does she make house calls?

  3. Michelle Lee says:

    ehhh sound familiar d urut lady, don’t know its d same one i used to. Is it Kak Rohani, drove Proton Wira? She is good and experienced!

  4. shireen says:

    Paik Ling… her hp no. is 019-2508666. All urut ladies make house calls, including mine. Her name is Kak Izan.

    Michelle… her name is Kak Izan.

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