I attended the girls’ Sports Day in school last Saturday. It was a very hot and humid day. When we left the school at about 2pm, the temperature in the car showed 40 degrees Celsius, holy cow!
After being in the sun for over 7 hours, my head was throbbing – from the school, all the way back home. It’s kind of funny that during my school days, I was a very active teenager whose life was so involved in camping, hiking, cycling, cross-country and did everything under the sun without any issue. Perhaps the earth then was not as polluted as it is now, that’s why? I don’t know. But as I age, I find that I cannot stand being exposed to the sun anymore.
On the Sports Day morning, I lugged along a few packets of Izumio hydrogen water along with me as I knew that everyone would need it badly to rehydrate and recover from the blazing heat. For 3 years straight, Alycia and Sherilyn were down with fever after attending their Sports Day event under the ferocious sun at the stadium. Sherilyn lost her voice and had a bad strep throat too.
This year I preempted the fever and ‘heatiness’ with Izumio and it was effective! I had a blasting headache after 7 hours in the sun but the headache was subdued with 2 packets of Izumio…amazing, I kid you not. You really got to try it to believe it.
After her team’s relay event, I quickly handed out a packet of Izumio to Cass. She bolted it down.
Once again, Izumio saves the day! And I am forever thankful to my friend who introduced the product to me.
In our bodies, hydrogen functions as an antioxidant, helping to prevent cell damage and inflammation, protect DNA and combat out-of-control cell growth. Izumio is a highly concentrated hydrogen water at 2.6 mg/l or 2.6 ppm.
Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the chemical chart making it perfect for accessing the deepest darkest parts of the body (mitochondrial cells) where others cannot reach. Every chromosome, amino acid and protein block in our bodies need Hydrogen to build good quality cells.
For more reading on Izumio and Super Lutein, please click on the following link:
Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein
Day 18 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence
IZUMIO – Antioxidant Hydrogen Water
Cancer Patients Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water
Dangers of Eczema Steroid Creams
Super Lutein and Izumio Hydrogen Water For Glaucoma
You can email shireenyong@gmail.com to find out more on Izumio and Super Lutein.
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