Baby C gave me a heart-stopping moment today when she fell backward and hit the back of her head on the cold hard terrazzo floor in the living room. She was crawling on the floor and then pulled herself up to a standing position by holding on to the sofa. Minutes later, she fell backwards and I heard a loud thud ‘phop’ on the floor. I felt as if my heart dropped and I had to scoop it back from the floor. She wailed her heart out and her cries sounded even more painful than the cries when our doctor poked her hands and legs to find a vein for the IV line or when the doctor jabbed her with the painful intra-muscular antibiotics jab. I quickly picked her up from the floor, massaged her head and prayed that everything would be ok. Minutes later, she puked… about 2 tablespoons of vomit. I think the vomiting was caused more by the phlegm that has been irritating her throat for the past 1 month and from the acute crying, than from a concussion. My mil quickly hurried to the scene and urged me to bring Baby C to the hospital. But my instinct just told me that she’s going to be fine and what I needed to do was to monitor her.
Baby C stopped crying after about 5 minutes but was very whiny. I brought her upstairs to my room and nursed her to sleep. When I came downstairs, my mil again urged me to bring Baby C to the hospital. I told her that it wasn’t necessarily but she was still very worried and she called my hubby herself urging him to quickly come home! Hubby sped home from his shop and brought us to the A&E section of the hospital.
In the hospital while waiting for my turn to see the MO, I walked pass the clinic of an ENT specialist and this young looking doctor walked out to greet me. I had no intention to see this ENT specialist but since there wasn’t any patient around, the doctor asked me what happened to Baby C. He took a look at Baby C and told me that Baby C still looked alert and active and told me that there’s most likely nothing to worry about, albeit I have to be on my guard for 24 hours to see if there’s anymore vomiting or altered mental status.
When the MO examined Baby C, he said the same thing.
I was then given a piece of paper on the ‘Symptoms of Raised Intra-Cranial Pressure’ and was advised by the doctor to be on the alert for these symptoms . Here are the symptoms :
Blurring vision
Double vision
Altered mental status
Altered conscious level
Weakness of hands and legs
Slurring of speech
Since the accident at 3pm until now, Baby C appears normal, is as active as usual and drinking her milkie as usual. I hope she’s going to b A-ok and does not need to do a CT Scan.