Monthly Archives: March 2009

Both Older Girls Down

…with cough and runny nose.  With only 3 more days left before their trip to Hong Kong, I didn’t want to let them heal on their own, so I told hubby to bring them to the paed this morning.  Flying with a runny nose can be really disastrous and torturous as the ears will most likely get blocked.  My ears got blocked for several days one time when I had the sniffles and boarded a plane for a vacation.  Moreover, Alycia has quite a bit of phlegm irritating her throat and has been coughing and throwing up since yesterday.  She has no appetite and has not been eating much.  Alycia has not been this sick for many months and she must have caught the virulent bug from either one of us in the house as almost everyone is having the sniffles and cough lately.  The paed prescribed them with a cough syrup, a cold syrup, fever meds and a bottle of powder antibiotics (not reconstituted yet) to be on guard, just in case their condition worsens.  Praying hard that Baby C will not get bitten by the virulent bug too!

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Home Remedy For Cough

Did you know that eating fresh olives can heal a chronic cough? This is a ‘heong har’ (hometown in China) home remedy. I didn’t believe it until I tried it recently. My mil had brought some fresh olives back from Hong Kong recently and she asked me to chew on the fresh olives. Though the fresh olives tasted a tad bitter and sour, nevertheless, you have a fantastic aftertaste in your mouth. You would feel sweetness in your mouth after eating the olives. My mil also double boiled some soup made of fresh olives with lean pork for me. I drank a few bowls and I must say, the result is miraculous. I have no more cough now! Well, I’m not sure if it works well for you but it did for me.

To read up more home remedies for cough, check out
This website has many home remedies which I find would work well.

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Vaginal Yeast Infection In Toddlers

One of my friend’s 5-year old daughter has a vaginal yeast infection.  Her labia has been rather red for months and my friend thought that was due to the fact that her daughter did not wipe that part after her wee wee in pre-school.  For the past 1 week, my friend was horrified when she noticed a discharge that appear yellowish, greenish, brownish and bloody on her daughter’s panty.  At first she thought it was just smeared with some poop as it smelled foul. However, the discharge was persistant and she finally took her daughter to the paed.  The paed examined the girl’s down under and confirmed that there is an infection.  The girl was prescribed with an oral antibiotics and 2 types of topical cream, namely Daktarin and Bactroban, all to be eaten and applied for 7 days. In addition, she was also given Lactacyd feminine wash, to wash her down under thrice a day.

The paed also advised my friend that tight pants and jeans are a no-no for her daughter. Best to wear skirts and dresses. After the course of antibiotics, her daughter is to eat probiotics and yoghurt. 

I thought vaginal yeast infection only attacks older females but I was wrong. It attacks female of all ages.

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Bacteria In Baby C’s Pee Again

We will be bringing Baby C to see our pediatric nephrologist again tomorrow morning.  The urine culture test done on Tuesday shows that there are still 2 types of bacteria in her urine, namely E.Coli and Klabseilla.  Though Baby C is quite asymptomatic, the colony count is quite high at >100,000.   I think the single antibiotics jab given to her 2 weeks ago wasn’t sufficient to eliminate all the lurking bacteria. I just have a feeling that our doctor will give her another antibiotics jab tomorrow.  Poor poor baby….

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My Uterus Was ‘Pushed Up’ Into Place…

….by the urut lady (Malay masseuse) yesterday. Yesterday, the urut lady who used to urut me after the birth of Baby C last year came to urut me. I was enjoying the good massage when suddenly, I felt some pain at my lower abdomen. She told me that my uterus had ‘jatuh ke bawah’ (fallen down) as I have been coughing very badly for the past 2 weeks. This urut lady has over 18 years of urut experience and she seemed very knowledgeable. No wonder I kept feeling pain in my tummy whenever I jogged for the past 1 week when I was coughing badly. I thought it was just gas in my tummy. Today, the pain vanished when I worked out on the tread mill at the gym! I have to call this urut lady back again and give me another good massage. RM80 for a 1-hour session is really damn worth the money spent!

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Baby C’s Surgery Date Postponed To Another Month

I anticipate that it will take another 3-4 weeks before my sweetiepie goes for a surgery. By the time the surgery date is fixed, my sweetiepie would have already celebrated her first birthday.

First we need to find a surgeon in KL who will agree to the MAG 3 scan to be performed on Baby C, then Baby C has to go for the MAG 3 scan afterwhich the MAG 3 scan films have to be couriered to London. Then the surgeons in London have to review the films and come up with a diagnosis / appropriate surgery. I am hoping and praying that from now until the surgery date, Baby C will not get another UTI attack coz if she does, the surgery will have to be postponed further. While I am glad that my baby doesn’t have to be operated on so soon, my anxiousness is more intense now and prolonged.

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Still Coughing… And My Ribs Hurt

After coughing like a TB sufferer for almost a week, my right ribs hurt as if someone had just given me a good punch on the ribcage.  It’s so painful that I have to hold my right ribcage and cringe each time I cough. Jogging has also been torturous for me as my ribcage would hurt.  I didn’t know that coughing badly would also cause my tummy to feel gassy.  My tummy would also hurt (as in pain caused by gas) when I run.  I had to run very lightly and stop at intervals and hold my ribcage when the pain was unbearable.  It even hurts when I carry Baby C.  I hope I’ll get better by tomorrow.

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Surgery To Be On Hold First

We have just received feedback / second opinion from 2 nephrologists from London on Baby C’s condition. One of the surgeons said to go ahead with the partial nephrectomy surgery. The second surgeon’s advise is to get another scan done on the right kidney before deciding to remove the upper pole of the right kidney (20% of the kidney). The scan (which uses dye and radiation again) will see the activities and the functions of the kidney. It will determine which part of the right kidney is the problematic one, i.e. the upper pole or the lower pole. Maybe Baby C doesn’t have to have a partial nephrectomy afterall if it shows that the kidney is perfectly fine. Maybe another type of surgery will be needed… and that’s just what I am hoping for. We will wait for more information from the nephrologist in London (from hubby’s uncle who is a surgeon in London) before we get this scan done on Baby C this week.

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