Monthly Archives: October 2009

My Hair Is Shedding Lots!

SOS, my hair has been shedding so much for the past 2-3 months, I think I am going to go bald soon!  People say that a mother’s hair will shed more once baby is around 6 months old.  Yup, it did happen to me for a short period of time and then everything was fine, all the way until recently when it began shedding again.  I even went to the hair salon to have my precious locks trimmed a few inches shorter but this isn’t a help at all.  Each time I wash my hair, I see a gob of hair on my hand when I run my hand through my hair, eeeeks!  Everywhere that I go, I see hair on the floor – the bathroom, my room, my kids’ room, my mil’s room, the living room, inside my drawers, everywhere, double eeeeeks!! This is freaking me out!

I’ve read that everyone loses between 40-120 strands of hair a day, depending on how much hair you have, your age & your hair’s growth cycle. People with fine hair tend to have more of it and therefore will lose more of it than their thicker-haired sisters & brothers. Ah, this may also be one of the reasons coz I have baby-fine hair that is brown in color.

I wonder if I am lacking in some nutrients since I am still breastfeeding and Baby must have sucked me dry and malnourished, could that be the reason? I’ve read that a deficiency in iron can also cause hair loss.  Or is it because I wash my hair twice a day on most days?  I exercise every morning and wash my hair in morning.  By night time, I am all sweaty again from all the cooking and chasing 3 hyper-active kids around the house and need to wash my hair again.  Oh gosh, what’s wrong with me?  I hope I  don’t have to wear a wig before I turn 40 years old!

Does anyone have a tried and tested hair tonic or shampoo that can significantly reduce hair loss?  Please do let me know!

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Iron-Enriched Heinz ABCs, 123s Pasta

I bought a box of iron-enriched Heinz ABCs, 123s Pasta from Babyland @ SS2 PJ for Baby C the other day.

Here’s one of the ways I cooked it:

Boil the pasta al dente, steam a slice of seabass fish with spinach, red dates and a drizzle of sesame seed oil and served with a bowl of soup of the day.  Also added 1/4 teaspoon of Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acid for a little salty taste.

Verdict : Baby loved it!

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Sherilyn On Ventolin

Sherilyn has been having cough for the past 3 weeks. Her cough during the initial 2 weeks was unproductive. If it’s unproductive cough, it is most likely non-contagious. A week ago, the cough turned into a chesty cough with phlegm. Several days later, Alycia got bitten by the cough virus, then the maid and then the hubs. Am praying hard that Baby and I will not get bitten too.

We brought Sherilyn to the paed’s office last week and she was given some cough syrup. That however did not help to bring a stop to the stubborn cough. She coughs mostly during and after her temper tantrums when she screams and cries or when she talks too much. Since the phlegm does not seem to be abating, I gave her Baby C’s Ventolin, administered through the Aero-Chamber.  Baby had chesty cough about 1.5 months ago and had only used the Ventolin several times.

Initially, at the suggest of the Aero-Chamber and Ventolin, Sherilyn freaked out and shrieked! We had to hold her down in order for me to administer it on her. After 3 sessions, she overcame her phobia coz there was no pain and no smell, save for a slight bitter taste on the throat. On the second day, this fler has been reminding me to administer the Ventolin for her. She even knows how to fix the Ventolin spray to the Aero-Chamber and administer it herself, which freaked me out when I saw her spraying the Ventolin, with the Aero-Chamber on her face. After 3 days on Ventolin, her cough now does not sound that chesty and the phlegm has lessened.

See this rascal administering the Ventolin on herself right after her bath!

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Delicious, Healthy Tofu

Weight watchers, you’ll love this tofu dish. No cooking is required. You don’t even need to heat up the tofu, though you can if you want to if you have young kids eating. It can be eaten chilled, direct from the fridge. All you need is a pack of firm tofu (I use Anzen organic tofu), Japanese Cha Soba sauce (cold sauce for Japanese green tea noodles) and some toasted sesame seeds (toasted sesame seeds are really aromatic and healthy too).  Would be even tastier if you toss in some chopped spring onions.  Total preparation time is under 5 minutes! My 3 kids absolutely loved it, including Baby C. Something so simple can be so tasty!

This is my organic tofu with Cha Soba sauce and toasted organic sesame seeds:

I heated the tofu up because my kids were eating them. If I were to eat it myself, I’ll eat it chilled and it’s really very, very refreshing, soothing and tasty, as if I were slurping in chilled tofu far or bean curd. If this is a tad too bland for you, you can fry some shallots or dried shrimps or fry some minced meat and put it on the tofu. Sprinkle some chopped fresh spring onions and add in some soy sauce and you’ll get a real tasty and wholesome dish.

Food For Thought:

Heart Health
Proponents of tofu for heart health point to the low incidence of heart disease in populations that consume tofu regularly, such as in Asia. The soy protein and isoflavones in tofu are considered a powerful cholesterol fighters – studies show that regular tofu consumption can lead to up to a 30% drop in overall cholesterol. Tofu is believed to lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, strong indicators of heart disease. One serving of tofu also contains 15% of the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids, a heart-healthy substance normally found in fish. These fatty acids not only improve cholesterol but are also believed to aid in helping blood to clot properly.

Menopause Hormone Balance
The isoflavones in tofu act as a form of estrogen in the body, and have been shown to be beneficial to women in both peri-menopause and menopause. In peri-menopause, some believe that the plant estrogen in tofu can help the body regulate the dramatic fluctuations of the hormone during this time. When estrogen levels are low in menopause, isoflavones can help maintain hormone levels and fend off estrogen loss. The body’s supply of estrogen affects many potential health conditions, including osteoporosis, breast cancer and gynecological cancers, so regulating this hormone is of vital importance to women.

Prostate Health
The same isoflavones that protect women in menopause can be beneficial in fending off prostate cancer in men. Studies have shown that isoflavones can help slow prostate cancer growth and protect against enlargement of the prostate gland.

Strong Muscles and Energy
One 4 ounce serving of tofu packs 18% of an adult’s daily requirement for protein, and protein is crucial in building muscle. That same 4 ounce serving also contains one-third of the daily requirement of iron, as well as strong doses of antioxidants manganese, copper and selenium. These nutrients contribute to maintaining energy levels. Anti-oxidents are also believed to help prevent against a myriad of cancers by protecting DNA.

Bone Health
Tofu is a good source of dietary calcium, protecting against bone weakness, loss, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. A single serving delivers 10% of the daily value for calcium, yet has less calories than many dairy products.

Weight Loss
Because tofu packs so many nutrients into a serving of between 70-100 calories, it can be a great part of a weight loss regimen or a way to maintain a healthy weight. It delivers the protein benefits of meat while still being low in saturated fat and sodium.

With all these health benefits, tofu isn’t just for vegetarians anymore. Adding tofu to your diet, in moderation, can improve your overall well-being and help protect against serious health problems.

The extract of this health information was obtained from

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I saw some pomegranates at the fruit stall the other day and since it’s been aeons (I think more than a decade) I last ate them, I bought one. Pomegranates ain’t cheap, costing over RM4 each.  I had almost forgotten how pomegranates tasted like and when I ate it, I didn’t quite like it.  The entire fruit is made up of seeds.  The seeds are covered by a thin layer of aril or flesh.  The arils are sweet but the seeds are a tad bitter.  Some people only eat the flesh but I ate everything!  The seeds are edible and are a good source of fibre.

Pomegranates have very high content of punicalagins, a potent anti-oxidant component found to be responsible for its superior health benefits.

High in Anti-Oxidant
Researches indicate that the capacity of anti-oxidant in this fruit is two or three times higher than that of red wine and green tea. The level of anti-oxidant is even higher than those of other fruits known to have high-levels of anti-oxidant, including blueberries, cranberries and oranges. This was attributed to the very high polyphenol content in the fruit.

They are also a good source of vitamin B (riboflavin, thiamin and niacin), vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. These combination and other minerals in pomegranates cause a powerful synergy that prevents and reverses many diseases.

Good For The Heart
A new study has shown that drinking pomegranate juice frequently is extremely beneficial in fighting the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis). It reduces the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol which contributes to artery clogging and hardening.

Not only does the juice significantly reduce the blood vessel damage, it is found to actually reverse the progression of this disease.

Another study positively proved that pomegranates contain a powerful agent against cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

Here are some common ailments that are known to react positively with the use of pomegranate or its juice:

Anemia: Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon with a little honey to a cup of pomegranate juice. Especially beneficial for women after monthly loss of blood due to menstruation.

Anal Itch: Itching in the anal region is often caused by parasites in the intestines that go to the anal area to lay their eggs. Roast some pomegranate skin until it is brown and brittle. Then crush it to a fine powder form and mix with a little olive oil. Apply this concoction to the anus to kill the worms.

Asthma: The high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in this fruit is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It can greatly reduce wheezing in young children with asthma.

Bleeding Piles: Pound the (clean) skin of one fruit from the sour variety. Boil the pound pulp in about two cups of water. Sweeten with honey and drink twice a day until healed.

Dysentery: Drinking fresh pomegranate juice is an excellent remedy to soothe the pain and inflammation caused by severe diarrhea with blood and mucus in stools.

Loss of Appetite: If you can’t eat, at least you can drink! Pomegranate juice can help increase your appetite.

Morning Sickness: Mix and drink an equal amount of honey with pomegranate juice for relief.

Sore Throat: The anti-inflammatory agent in pomegranate juice significantly reduces the soreness and redness in the throat.

Info extracted from

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Supplements For A Healthy Bladder And Kidneys

These have been Baby’s supplements lately:

Nutrifresh from E.Excel (freeze dried blended combo of fruits and vegetables, soy protein and rice powder which supports the immune system), Refresh from E.Excel (enhances and cleanses the kidneys and urinary tract system), Manuka honey, barley water and Waterfall D-Mannose (prevents UTI).  I used to feed her with Millenium from E.Excel (cactus juice) but have stopped buying it as it’s freaking expensive, costing over RM500 for a box of 2 packs) which can only last Baby for about 5 weeks.

The flower mug contains about 7-8 ounces of barley water, a sachet of Nutrifresh, a sachet of Refresh, 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey and Waterfall D-Mannose.   This mug of expensive ‘urinary tract system cleanser’ will be fed to Baby in 3 feedings (about 2-3 ounces in each sitting). I thank God that Baby has not gotten anymore UTI attacks ever since her surgeries in May this year and I pray that she will never ever have another UTI attack.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Trigger Thumb

I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Trigger Thumb (or Trigger Finger) about a month after I had given birth to my first child, Alycia about 6 years ago. The pain and weakness on my right hand were so bad that I could not even hold a milk bottle or open the door. I really felt like a handicapped with my right hand partly losing function.  After several months of enduring terrible pain and weakness of the hand and fingers on my right hand, especially at night, the pain miraculously went away. However, up until today, there are still numbness and pins and needles on my right hand and fingers, especially at night when I am asleep.

The numbness and pins and needles sensation on my right hand have recently intensified. They are so bad I would be awaken up from my sleep every night.  My right hand would feel as if I had slept on it. To alleviate the discomfort and pain, I have to shake my right hand and prop the hand up on a pillow or bolster. The pins and needles sensation on my hand is worse if I sleep on my right side while I breastfeed Baby. Sometimes it feels so bad I could barely lift my hand up.

Studies suggest that surgery is a better option for severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Surgery is also more likely to be necessary for patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes. Even among patients with mild CTS, there is a high risk of relapse, like in my case. Some researchers are reporting better results when specific exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome are added to the program of treatments.

Preventing And Treating CTS

Limiting Movement. If possible, the patient should avoid activities at work or home that may aggravate the syndrome. The affected hand and wrist should be rested for 2 – 6 weeks. This allows the swollen, inflamed tissues to shrink and relieves pressure on the median nerve. If the injury is work related, the worker should ask to see if other jobs are available that will not involve the same hand or wrist actions. Few studies have been conducted on ergonomically designed furniture or equipment, or on frequent rest breaks. However, it is reasonable to ask for these if other work is not available.

Conservative Treatment Approach

The following conservative approaches have been shown to provide symptom relief:

* Wrist splints
* Corticosteroids (steroids). Injected or short-term oral corticosteroids may be tried if other methods fail.

Other Conservative Approaches

Ice and Warmth. Ice may provide benefit for acute pain. Some patients have reported that alternating warm and cold soaks have been beneficial. (If hot applications relieve pain, most likely the problem is not caused by CTS but by another condition producing similar symptoms.)

Low-Level Laser Therapy. Some investigators are working with low-level laser therapy (LLLT), which generates extremely pure light in a single wavelength. The procedure is painless. Two trials comparing laser therapy to conservative treatment or a placebo laser treatment from no real benefit for this therapy.
Alternative Therapies

Many alternative therapies are offered to sufferers of carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress disorders. Few, however, have any proven benefit. People should carefully educate themselves about how alternative therapies may interact with other medications or impact other medical conditions, and should check with their doctor before trying any of them.

Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is often used for carpal tunnel syndrome. Studies have not supported its benefits, however, either in oral or cream form. It should also be noted that excessively high doses of vitamin B6 can be toxic and cause nerve damage.

Acupuncture. A very limited amount of evidence shows that acupuncture may be useful as a supplement to standard treatment.

Chiropractic Therapies. Chiropractic techniques have been useful for some people whose condition is produced by pinched nerves. There is little evidence, however, to support its use for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Magnets. Magnets are a popular but unproven therapy for pain relief.

In the past, I’d tried using hot compress and that provided temporary relief.  I shall try that tonight and heat up my cold/hot pack in the microwave.

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Baby’s pasta with fish and brocolli

This is another of Baby’s favorite meal – organic veggie pasta with steamed fish and broccoli in beet root-carrot-sweet corn-pork ribs soup.

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Natural Food And Supplements For Pets

About 4 years ago, we had a pedigree Beagle dog that was really adorable. We named him Happy but he wasn’t too happy a dog. The hubs bought him from a pet shop on an impulse because of err, well, maybe because Happy was too cute! Happy was neglected because we simply did not have the time for him. Back then, Alycia was only 2.5 years old and Sherilyn was less than a year old. I was too tied up with 2 young toddlers and never had the time to spend with Happy. The hubs was also very busy with his catering business and seldom had the time to walk Happy or bathed him. I think Happy slipped into a depression and often had bouts of diarrhea attack. The hubs burnt a big hole in his pocket on Happy’s medical expenses as well as Happy’s pet food and supplements. After a few months, we decided that it was best to give Happy away and with a heavy heart, we found someone to adopt Happy.

My girls and I love dogs and one day, when they are a little older and know how to care for a dog, we will get another Beagle or a Golden Retriever. This time, I will ensure that our dog gets unlimited love and attention from us. I will also let the hubs know that he can get pet supplies discounts and online discount coupons on natural pet food so that he does not have to pay through his nose anymore for premium dog food. Till today, I still think about Happy a lot and I wonder if his adoptive owner is taking good care of him. I hope Happy is happy now.

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Health Freak Baby Sucks On a Wedge Of Lemon

When I first gave Baby a wedge of lemon to lick on several months ago, I was amazed that she did not push the sour lemon away or quiver her little body in response to the terribly sour lemon. Instead, she reached out her hands towards the wedge of lemon that I was holding and kept asking for more! The way she licks and sucks a wedge of lemon is just like how any toddler would lick a lollipop!  Tell me, how many toddlers would love sucking lemon juice from a wedge of lemon?

Lip-smacking lemon juice, direct from the wedge of lemon!  Like mummy like daughter… coz mummy is absolutely in love with lemons!

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