Last week, one of my blog readers read about my post in my kids’ blog that there’s bacteria in Baby’s urine again. She has been one of my loyal silent readers and my customer too. She was so concerned for Baby that she offered to send me a health supplement so that I can try it on Baby, in the hope that it would strengthen her immune system, thus preventing further urinary tract infections.
Here’s the supplement that she had given Baby as a gift of love:
It’s a 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula supplement consisting of cow’s colostrum and egg yolk.
I have been feeding Baby 1 capsule (in powder form) 2-3x a day. Ever since she took this supplement, her urine has been clear. It may be coincidental that the supplement is working in clearing her urine as I have also been feeding Baby with lots of Chinese herbal water meant for clearing the urinary tract system as well as Echinacea (a herb that has potent infection fighting properties).
I am now better prepared if ever Baby gets another foul-smelling pee. After this latest suspected UTI attack with foul-smelling and cloudy pee, I now know that continuously feeding her with LOTS of fluids (coconut water, chinese urinary tract clearing herbs, barley water, plain water, Refresh) and Echinacea will have a high chance of flushing out all the pesky bacteria out from her urinary tract system. I also double up the dosage of Waterfall D-Mannose and feed her 1/2 a teaspoon every 3 hourly.