Monthly Archives: April 2011

Post Surgery MAG3 Scan Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s the day. The day that I have been dreading for almost 2 years. Exactly 2 years ago, we were preparing for Baby’s surgery, which was held on 5 May 2009, the day that I will never forget. After an eventful stay in the hospital for 3 weeks where Baby was cut up twice, we were told that she will need to do another MAG3 scan 2 years post surgery to see the kidney function and flow of urine again. Though the 1st MAG3 scan 2 years ago showed that the dilated right kidneys on both moities were functioning well and the post operation MCUG scan showed no more kidney reflux, I am nevertheless worried, very very worried of all the ‘what ifs?’

Wish me luck. My motherly instinct tells me that Baby would behave well tomorrow during the procedure. I have promised Baby a big big rainbow ice cream and yolipop if she does not cry. Wish us luck. Cassandra needs lots of luck and prayers for a smooth sailing and yell-free session during the insertion of the brandula on her hand, a fuss-free, cry-free, yell-free and whine-free half an hour when the procedure is on-going in the procedures room of the hospital. I pray that she will lie still for the half an hour when the radioactive dye is injected and goes round the urinary tract so that a clear video can be captured. The procedure will be unsuccessful if she moves and struggles and probably will cost double if it has to be repeated. It costs over RM2K for a procedure and this is not claimable from our insurer.

I hate the thought of donning on the heavy, armor-look like long vest to protect myself against radiation while I am with my baby in the room. And I dislike being in the cancer center of a hospital. It makes me feel very down when I see cancer patients.

to be continued….

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Dark Circles Under My Eyes

My mum and friends have been telling me that my lack of sleep lately is all shown on my eyes. The dark circles under my eyes look really awful if I don’t apply powder or make up on my face. Gee, this is what almost hitting 40 feels and looks like! Should I pop some hgh supplements to assist me in looking good again? I can’t wait to get rid of those hideous dark circles under my eyes, which are making me look 10 years older than my actual age!! Hmmm, whatcha think?

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Black Dot In Vision

Recently, I have been getting a ‘black dot’ in my vision intermittently, say like 5-10 times in a day.  For the past 1 week, I have been working continuously on my PC, with very little rest and sleep.  I am also trying to shed off the 1kg I had gained as a result of binging on durians for the past 1 month!!  So today I decided to google search this problem and this is what I have found from on one of the questions submitted by the forum user:

Question from a forum user:
Hi I am 39 and have suffered with anorexia for most of my life. I recently come out of treatment but am struggling to maintain I have started to restrict again and I have noticed that I am getting alot of black dots in my vision for no apparent reason and I have also started to experiance bright flashes that look abit like loads of tiny stars. I eas just wondering if this is due to lack of nutrients in my diet and also should I be concerned or is it just an harmless side effect.

Answer from the moderator:
That is not a harmless side effect. People can get this when they have eye disease, a lack of or sudden overabundance of oxygen to the brain, or high or low blood pressure. All of these could be side effects of anorexia. When you don’t eat enough protein and/or vitamin A, this could cause eye disease. When you don’t drink enough, or drink without enough food, this could affect your blood oxygen levels. When you don’t eat enough, your blood pressure could get dangerously low.

My blood pressure has always been low. I also tend to be light headed, feel dizzy and see darkness if I get up suddenly from a squatting / sitting position on the floor. My eye sight is also not perfect as I have short sightedness, long sightedness and slight astigmatism. I have NOT been wearing my glasses for over 10 years now! Maybe I should get my eyes checked by the optometrist / optician if the black dot in vision continues.

Has anyone experienced this before?

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Muesli + Yoghurt For Breakfast

I’ll bet no one can stomach this kind of food for their breakkie – a cup of plain yoghurt with muesli and nuts.  Pretty bland but it’s healthy and wholesome stuff!  High in fiber, protein, calcium and other nutrients! I’ll bet this is not your kind of stuff for the first meal of your day right?

My mid morning breakfast, which was followed by fruits, an egg and milk with coffee.

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Health Freak Baby

Like mummy like baby… and it is all a matter of starting them from young and training the taste buds. I’ll bet no 3yo toddler would want to go near sprouted wheat bread, which has a rather ‘raw’ taste but not my baby. She can chomp down a whole slice of toasted sprouted wheat bread with homemade kaya and even asked for more!

And I’ll bet even some adults are lazy to chew the chewy sprouted wheat on the bread but my baby enjoys gnawing on them!

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Jumpstarting My Brain

I woke up at 5am today. Though I am severely sleep deprived, some how the mind and body just could not rest in peace, though in sleeping mode, knowing that there is lots of work to be completed. Sometimes I can just sit in front of my desktop PC and stare at the words on the screen for 5 minutes but nothing comes out of my brain. Like now, I am staring at the words columbus jobs but those ideas just won’t flow out and I need to rack my brain to get those ideas out. I definitely need my half hour run outside now to jumpstart my brain!

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Stairs Climbing

For the past 1 month, my girls, my mil and I have been ditching the elevator for the flight of stairs.  On days when we are not in a hurry to go to school, ballet class or tuition class, we will all use the stairs instead of the elevator.  Sometimes when I am feeling a tad lazy and about to press the button for the elevator, my girls will remind me to walk up using the stairs.  We live on the 5th floor and the level is just perfect for us to use the stairs.  On some nights after a heavy dinner at a restaurant, we will also climb up the stairs to burn off some calories.  It is also a very effective way to teach Baby numbers.  On every floor that we stop at, I point to the number on the wall.    If I add up the calories I burn from stairs climbing for a week, it is enough to burn off that ice cream treat I reward myself once or twice a week!

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Data Backup

I had forgotten how important having data backup is until my desktop PC crashed on Friday. My PC was running and someone in the house had accidentally turned off the switch. When I restarted my PC, it was ‘hang’. The order details of my customers’ orders and their delivery details were all stored in the hard disk of the PC and I was unable to retrieve them. Consequently, I have been unable to send out my customers’ order. My PC is now ‘admitted’ and the specialist is still unable to diagnose the problem. This incident has taught me a costly lesson and I have since been doing a daily backup of my files.

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Ridding Blackheads On My Nose

I used to have blackheads on my nose, which I used to pinch and prick in an attempt to remove them but the consequences had always been disastrous. All these changed when I started an exercise regimen, which helped me sweat profusely to remove the toxins from my body. I cannot tell you how beneficial having a daily exercise regimen is. The effect regular exercise has on your physical health, complexion and mental health is substantial. I don’t need to buy blackhead cream or surf the internet on how to get rid of blackheads on nose anymore. All I need is the will power and discipline to pull myself up from bed at 6am everyday to exercise.

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Durian Season = Weight Gain!

The durian season is at its peak again. After dinner last night, we made a trip to SS2 PJ to get some durians. There were several stalls by the roadside and all the stalls were packed with fans of durian. The roadside stalls were even equipped with a sink, hand wash liquid, tables and chairs and even baby chairs to make the roadside durian feast as family-friendly as possible. We spent close to RM400 on Musang King, which is the tastiest and one of the most superior durian species. This morning I had durian for breakfast. In fact, I have been feasting on durians for the past 1 week and had gained 1kg in just a week! While durians are irresistible, they can alleviate your blood sugar level and calories very easily. If you have been gorging on durians too and had piled up on the kilos, be sure to hit the gym or go out for a run to melt away the fat. I don’t trust weight loss products like Sensa and always ask does sensa work?

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