Monthly Archives: June 2014

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Kid’s Non-Spicy Nasi Lemak

I bought a packet of santan (coconut milk) this morning, with the intention of eating it with my overnight oats. Since there was still some  coconut milk left, I asked the mil to use it up (santan gets rancid really quickly, though refrigerated) to cook nasi lemak (rice cooked with coconut milk and screwpine leaves).

So this is the girls’ lunch today…

Kid’s Non-Spicy nasi lemak with turmeric chicken, stir-fried spinach with garlic and hard-boiled free-range chicken egg.  The turmeric chicken was our dinner from last night.


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Lost and Possibly To Be Found

Some time back, I bought over 20 packs of sanitary pads in one day! And it was all because of the free charm bracelet and trinkets that came free with each pack. Each pack of sanitary pad came with a different trinket and bracelet. I wanted to get a bracelet each for Sherilyn and Cass with the different trinkets on each bracelet. The charm bracelet looks expensive to me, like those from and very pretty. Unfortunately, Cass lost her charm bracelet during the massive renovation of our home about a month ago. But I know that one day, just when we have both forgotten about the charm bracelet, it would give us a surprise by resurfacing from no where!

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Oats Health Benefits

Since I am very much in the mood for eating oats, I did a google search on oats health benefits today.  The information that I gathered from the internet was impressive, which makes me want to eat more oats! 🙂

Here’s what I found from some health-related websites and I have summarized the health benefits below:

Health benefits of eating oats:

Oats may boosts immune system
Oatmeal’s beta-gluten fiber does more than protect your heart. Beta-gluten can also amp up our immune systems and help fight bacterial infections by helping non-specific immune cells called neutrophils (our body’s first line of defense against pathogens) quickly locate and heal infected tissues.

Oats may help reduce cholesterol.
Among all grains, oats have the highest proportion of soluble fibre. This gel-like fibre transits your intestinal tract and may help trap substances associated with high blood cholesterol. Studies show that people with high blood cholesterol who eat just 3 g of soluble fibre per day can reduce their total cholesterol by 8% to 23% (remember that one cup of oats yields 4 g)!

Oats are diabetes-friendly.
For the same reason that the fibre in oats helps to stave off hunger, it also helps to steady the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. People with diabetes especially benefit from this awesome oat trait. Most people need about 26 g to 35 g of fibre per day, but those with diabetes need upwards of 50 g. A fibre-filled bowl of oats can provide some of the much needed nutrient. Just be sure not to tip the balance by adding too much sugar or other blood glucose-spiking toppers to your oats.

wooden sppon in a bowl of oats

Oats support healthy digestion.
The insoluble fibre in oats scrubs through the intestines, moving food along and helping to prevent constipation. Also, people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who follow a diet higher in fibre and lower in total fat may experience fewer symptoms of GERD, such as heartburn.

Oats can shield your skin.
At some point in human history, someone discovered how nice it felt to apply oats to dry, itchy, irritated skin. Moms have been stirring raw oats into hot baths for generations to soothe children’s chickenpox symptoms, and many people make DIY facial masks by blending oatmeal with yogurt and honey. The starchiness of oats creates a barrier that allows the skin to hold its moisture, while the rougher fibrous husk of the oat acts as a gentle exfoliant.

Oats may reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.
A study titled “Oats at 10 Years”, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, found that eating foods rich in whole-oat sources of soluble fiber (oats, oat bran, and oat flour) may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.


Strawberry Rhubarb Overnight Oats


Oats may help lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
Researchers in Britain and the Netherlands pooled published evidence that covered nearly 2 million people to evaluate whether a high fiber diet (mainly from whole grains and cereals like oats) is linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer.
The study found that for every additional 10g of fiber in someone’s diet there is a 10% reduction in their risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Oats may help lower blood pressure
An article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that a diet which includes plenty of whole-grains (such as oats or wholemeal bread) is just as effective as taking anti-hypertensive medication in lowering blood pressure.

Mango And Banana Overnight Oats


Oats may prevent breast cancer
Studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber can protect against breast cancer, particularly if the fiber comes from whole grains. A UK Women’s Cohort Study found that pre-menopausal women who ate fiber from whole grains had a 41 percent less risk of developing breast cancer, while fiber sourced from fruit only offer a 29 percent reduction rate.

Oats are an affordable and nutrient-dense food that can be used in many ways. Beyond the breakfast bowl, oats can be added to cookies, breads, pancakes, or stuffing; sprinkled atop fruit cobblers or crumbles; plopped into a smoothie to boost its fibre and bulk; and grounded to make flour for baking. Anywhere you need a little texture, a little extra oomph, turn to oats. And oatmeal itself comes in several varieties (i.e., slower-cooking steel-cut, old-fashioned rolled oats, or quick “instant” oats) and can be dressed with fresh berries, bananas, honey, seeds, or nuts.

Risks and precautions
Although oats don’t contain gluten, in rare cases they are grown in the same fields as wheat or barley and these crops can sometimes contaminate oats with gluten. Therefore, those who suffer from gluten intolerance may have to exercise caution when eating oats.

Despite all of oats’ virtues, not everyone should eat them. If you have celiac disease, be warned – though oats may not be completely off-limits, some oat products are contaminated with wheat. Check with your doctor before deciding to try oats or oatmeal.

Oats fill you up. For all that nutritional intensity, one cup of plain, whole grain, cooked oats will only cost you 147 calories. But it’s not the calories in oatmeal that fill you up – it’s the fibre. In addition, the grain falls on the low end of the glycemic index (GI), which is a ranking of how carbohydrates affect your blood sugar levels. When you eat oats, your body will digest and absorb them slowly, keeping you feeling full, controlling your appetite, and delaying hunger pangs.



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Mission Wraps With Roast Chicken and Egg Filling

I made roast chicken and egg wraps for the girls’ lunch some time back but have forgotten to post about it until I went through my picture albums yesterday.

Wrapping up overnight meat with bread or wholewheat wraps is a super easy DIY meal which even your kids can help you with in the preparation.

I had some leftover roast chicken meat with me and since it was all chicken breast, which is the least popular with my girls, I decided to ‘recycle’ the meat. I chopped up some raw cabbage and small onions, squeezed in some Japanese mayonaise and mix everything up with the shredded roast chicken meat.  This is my first filling.

The second filling  is mashed hard-boiled egg with mayonaise and pepper.

On my sheet of Mission wraps, I spread the two fillings on it.

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Then rolled the wraps up and toasted them for about 15 minutes.  They were really yummy and so easy to prepare since no massive cooking and oil splatter are involved. This is a no-sweat and no-brainer yet tasty complete meal.

Dessert was purple sweet potato sweet soup.

And so this was our very simple, wholesome and yummy lunch on a school-going day! The girls loved it!

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Dental Clinic Assistance

When people have a hard time with their teeth or dentures, they must visit a dental clinic in Scarborough. When coming to a dentist in Scarborough, people can have their dental needs met quickly without issue. There are many chances to garner walk-in appointments, and people can get pain relief when they are in dire need. There is no reason to not go to the dentist when the dentist is available to give patients the care they need.

Regular Checkups
The regular checkups that are needed for the patient can be done in regular intervals in the office. The patient can set up their appointments in advance, and the whole family can be seen in short order. The patient is entitled to these checkups to keep their teeth healthy, and these appointments are helpful to keep the teeth of children healthy as they grow.

Also, the fillings and other surgical procedures can be done in the office by the dentist. When the dentist tells a patient that they must have a filling or other surgery done, the dentist can handle the procedure the same day in many cases. The dentist provides health care that everyone needs, and it is accessible to everyone.



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Overnight Oats

Today I made  overnight oats  for the first time after I got inspired by my friend, Barb.  She posted a picture of her overnight oats in Facebook and I really wanted to try it as it looks wholesome and delish. I then did a google search to read more about overnight oats and was even more inspired by what I read from those websites.

Oats is a well-known healthy food. Oats can fight against cholesterol and a single bowl of oatmeal contains several vital nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, B vitamins, fiber, and minerals such as phosphorous, iron, selenium, and calcium.

The best thing about this overnight oats is that it is yummy, nutritious, filling (good for those on a diet) and no cooking is involved!

I like my oats watery (hate them thick!), so I poured in more yoghurt milk to soak the oats.


This is my recipe:

1) Pour some oats into a bowl.  Today Sherilyn made some and I gave her a glass jar with a lid to soak the oats.

2) Pour strawberry flavored yoghurt milk to the oats.  Some people use fresh milk and some use fresh milk with yoghurt.  The amount of milk / yoghurt milk to pour in is optional. If you want your oats more watery, pour more liquid.  If you want it thick, pour just enough to cover the oats.

3) I bought a fresh pineapple yesterday.  So I cut up some and added them into the oats mixture. You can add bananas, strawberries, mangoes, passion fruit and whatever fruit that you fancy.

4) Cover bowl with plastic cling wrap and keep in fridge.

5) In the morning, just before I ate the oats, I tossed in some chia seeds, macadamia nuts, pine nuts and fresh pomegranate rubies.  In my 2nd attempt (which I am going to prepare tomorrow), I am going to eat my overnight oats with a drizzle of palm coconut syrup (gula melaka).  You can also use your creativity and add in peanut butter jam, strawberry jam, Nutella and other jams of your choice.  Tossing in some crunchy muesli or corn flakes adds texture too.

Here’s a tip for those of you who are diabetic or are on a diet – You can lower the GI (glycemix index) of oatmeal by combining it with a little lean protein, such as milk, a half-scoop of protein powder, or some natural yogurt. Healthy fats are another fantastic option. Add in nuts like walnuts and almonds or a sprinkling of ground flaxseeds and chia seeds. Cinnamon or nutmeg are also good options to add flavoring, without the sweetness. Remember not to adulterate your oats with lashings of sugar, cream, dried fruits and jam 🙂

If you want more varieties of overnight oats, hop over to Kath Eats Real Food blog.  Here, you can see all her amazing and wholesome varieties of overnight oats.  Here are just some of them that I can’t resist and must share them here:















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Capsicum Plaster

After a week long hiatus in my exercise regimen, I started running again 2 days ago. I ran for about half an hour and felt very energized. However, the next day, my right lap was very achy. The affected part felt very sore and sensitive even when I gently touched it.

My mum gave me her most trusted Capsicum Plaster, which I immediately plastered 2 patches on my lap.

The next morning, the pain vanished!!

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This is not the first time the Capsicum Plaster has helped relieved my aches and pains. In the past when I had backache, the plaster worked just as effective.

My mum has been using Capsicum Plasters for decades and she always has a few packets in her first aid drawer.

If you have aches and pains on your body caused by sports injury or sprains, do give Capsicum Plaster a try.

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