Monthly Archives: November 2014

Going Green And Raw

I have been going green and raw for the past few days.  Firstly, I am not feeling 100% up to the mark, no thanks to the flu bugs  loitering in our home. No matter how hard I try to eat clean, I somewhat succumbed to the virulent bugs.  But the good thing is – the infection is a very mild one and definitely does not warrant medication.    Secondly, I am trying to steer clear of oily and heaty food to up my immune system.  We have an overseas trip coming up in just 2 weeks.   The girls ain’t following exactly what I eat but are sticking to non-oily, non-spicy and non-fried food.

Today’s lunch is salad with eggs (organic) again! 🙂

Besides stuffing myself full with greens, I have also been working out hard at the gym the past few days, sweating it  out really well and I am so happy that I am finally picking up the momentum again since months ago.  I have not hit the gym for almost 2 months as during school-going days, I would be too early for the gym. The gym is only accessible at 7am and I am always done with my run at the condo’s jogging trek by 6:50am.  Besides sweating buckets, I have also been getting a good dose of morning sun the past few days.   The morning sun shines right at me as the position of the air walker that I normally work out on faces the morning sun directly.

This Hakka Lui Cha was my lunch yesterday.  As you can see, the composition of this healthy dish is mainly veggies, chick peas and peanuts  in blended mint broth.  While I gobbled down this bowl of green stuff,  my girls ate soupy noodles with eggs and minced pork.


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Pork Bolognese With Fennel and Bay Leaves

I made a big pot of pork bolognese sauce the other day.  I used part of the sauce to whip up a penne pasta dish for the girls’ dinner and kept a portion in the freezer.   I used the thawed portion for making cheat pizza (from wraps) last Sunday.  How handy was the frozen pork bolognese on a day where we could not do any cooking!   We were having some renovation works done to our wet kitchen, thus have not been able to cook for the past 5 days.  My girls commented that my cheat pizza with pork bolognese tasted way better than the ones sold at restaurants!  Getting compliments like this spurs me to keep cooking and gradually, I have developed the  love to cook, albeit only simple menus.  I have never really liked cooking out of  sheer laziness and lack of time but it is out of love for my girls that I cook no matter how busy I may be 🙂

My pork bolognese sauce tasted incredibly flavorful this time as I had thrown in a handful of dried basil leaves and a packet of fresh fennel herbs to cook with the sauce.



Fresh fennel…




Fresh fennel emits a very aromatic flavor to your food. Its green, feathery fronds look a lot like dill but the fennel herb has a much stronger aniseed flavour. It can be used to spice up your sauces, meat and salads. If only I have a garden, I would fill my garden with pots of fennel, basil, peppermint and an array of herbs 🙂


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Health Freak Mommy’s Breakfast – 4 November 2014

This is what I had for breakfast this morning…

Roasted pumpkin wedges, carrots, aubergine and garlic with olive oil and salt. And I ate them cold.  Straight from the fridge and I like it this way 🙂  In fact, I like food eaten (certain food, not all) straight from the fridge.  I wonder if anyone has this quirk like I do!

I do not normally eat this sort of stuff for breakfast but today, I am feeling crabby.  My aunt flow is giving me superdy duperdy painful stomach cramps like miscarriage kind of pain, with heavy pressure at the lower abdomen area since yesterday.  Darn the fibroid in my uterus.  It is causing me heavy aunt flow with blood clots too.  This month is really bad.  So bloody, so much blood clots and the pain is really crap!

Anyway, whether I am feeling great or in pain, life has to go on.  While I ate breakfast, I read the newspapers and went through the clock with Cass.  She is sitting for her final exam today and tomorrow.

What did you have for breakfast today?


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