I have been going green and raw for the past few days. Firstly, I am not feeling 100% up to the mark, no thanks to the flu bugs loitering in our home. No matter how hard I try to eat clean, I somewhat succumbed to the virulent bugs. But the good thing is – the infection is a very mild one and definitely does not warrant medication. Secondly, I am trying to steer clear of oily and heaty food to up my immune system. We have an overseas trip coming up in just 2 weeks. The girls ain’t following exactly what I eat but are sticking to non-oily, non-spicy and non-fried food.
Today’s lunch is salad with eggs (organic) again! 🙂
Besides stuffing myself full with greens, I have also been working out hard at the gym the past few days, sweating it out really well and I am so happy that I am finally picking up the momentum again since months ago. I have not hit the gym for almost 2 months as during school-going days, I would be too early for the gym. The gym is only accessible at 7am and I am always done with my run at the condo’s jogging trek by 6:50am. Besides sweating buckets, I have also been getting a good dose of morning sun the past few days. The morning sun shines right at me as the position of the air walker that I normally work out on faces the morning sun directly.
This Hakka Lui Cha was my lunch yesterday. As you can see, the composition of this healthy dish is mainly veggies, chick peas and peanuts in blended mint broth. While I gobbled down this bowl of green stuff, my girls ate soupy noodles with eggs and minced pork.