There’s something about the Christmas season that has the unique ability to scupper your best-laid fitness and diet plans. We all have gone through it.
It is a busy time of the year for us. Many of us will be on a holiday and celebrating the festivities. During this time of the year, it seems that the only thing we do is binging from breakfast to lunch, dinner and supper with friends and loved ones. And our exercise regimen is thrown out of the window. This does, however, affect our health.
With all the mince pies, chunks of meat, boxes of chocolate, desserts and pigs-in-blankets about, Christmas isn’t always so kind on our waistlines and hips. So I have pulled together some tried and tested tips for keeping fit and trim over the festive season.
Watch out on portion size
It isn’t always what you eat, but how much of it that can keep you from staying healthy over the holidays. It really just comes down to being sensible about your portions. An easy way to reduce your portion sizes is to use a smaller plate. If there is less room on the plate, you’ll be eating less food overall.
Eat slowly
Eat slowly and enjoy the company of others while dining, which will give you something else to focus on besides food.
Avoid second helpings
Never go back for seconds no matter how sumptuous the buffet is! Chances are you’ll be stuffed to your neck if you do second helpings.
Do not stock up on unhealthy foods
In order to keep yourself from overindulging in unhealthy foods at home, avoid buying unhealthy snacks and foods that you know you can’t avoid like chips and candies.
Eat before heading out
Eat something healthy and light before heading out to visits, trips or family dinners. By doing so, you will no longer be tempted to eat a lot or overindulge yourself since you are already half full. I like to snack on some fruits, nuts or eat a bowl of oatmeal before heading out for a celebration lunch or dinner with friends.
Avoid skipping meals
Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast! Even though it can be tempting to skip on certain meals, believing that it will make up for the treats you consumed in the previous day, don’t do it because it will only lead to overeating in the next meal and counterproductive results.
Be active
Even though it’s the holidays, you should still stick to your regular fitness routine whenever possible and if you can’t do that, simply walk more, park your car some distance away from the store or just use the stairs.
Drink more water
This can satiate your appetite as well as keep you hydrated at all times. And it will also prevent a possible hangover if you overdo it with alcohol. Good choices of drinks are plain water, lemon juice, green tea and herbal teas without sugar.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet
During this season, most of the foods that we eat tend to be laden with fat, oil, carbs and calories. Do not forget to incorporate more fiber like fruits, vegetables and nuts to your diet.
We all go a little overboard this time of year, but I think a little indulgence shouldn’t be the end of your weight loss journey. Do not be too hard on yourself. No-one can fully enjoy their holidays if they have an inner voice pestering them, so take the time to relax a little and enjoy yourself. If you slip up, do not beat yourself to it. Just continue with healthy choices afterwards. Enjoy the treats and celebrate the holiday.
If you will just try following my tips, believe me, you can still stay fit and trim and not gain a pound after all the festivities and celebration.