Monthly Archives: January 2019

Health Benefits of Soursop (Graviola / Guanabana)

A few months ago, my mil bought a soursop from the market. She hardly ever buys soursops.  So do I.  I didn’t really know how to eat soursop until recently.  And now both my eldest daughter and I are hooked on soursops!




Guanabana, also known as soursop or graviola, is native to tropical areas of Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is part of the custard apple family and is now widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide, including Africa and Southeast Asia.

Guanabana (Annona muricata) is a fruit tree and member of the custard apple family (Annonaceae). The guanabana leaf has been studied extensively for its anti-cancer properties, but traditional medicine has used all parts of the tree for pain, inflammation, malaria, diabetes, and parasites.

Soursop is most known for its creamy, tangy fruit pulp. Traditional practices have used all portions of the soursop plant to treat conditions from fever to malaria.

The taste of the soursop fruit is very unique. When ripen, the pulp which tastes sweet and sour, is very creamy.  It is a delicious combination of strawberry, mango and pineapple, with other sweet and citrus notes.

A spiy green fruit growing on a tree

Soursop has many valuable nutrients, including:


It’s High in Antioxidants

Many of the reported benefits of soursop are due to its high content of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize harmful compounds called free radicals, which can cause damage to cells.

Some research shows that antioxidants could play a role in reducing the risk of several diseases, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes (345).

One test-tube study looked at the antioxidant properties of soursop and found that it was able to effectively protect against damage caused by free radicals (6).

Another test-tube study measured the antioxidants in soursop extract and showed that it helped prevent damage to cells. It also contained several plant compounds that act as antioxidants, including luteolin, quercetin and tangeretin (7).

More research is needed to determine how beneficial the antioxidants found in soursop may be to humans.

How does it work?

Soursop contains many chemicals that may be active against cancer, as well as disease-causing agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

There is some evidence that soursop may battle some types of cancer. According to 2016 in vivo and in vitro research, graviola extract was toxic against some breast cancer cell lines. In vivo means inside a living body, the opposite of in vitro.  Soursop also increased T cells. T cells are lymphocytes in the body that kill cancer cells and other damaged cells.

2012 in vivo and in vitro study found graviola may be beneficial against some pancreatic cancer cell lines by inhibiting cellular metabolism.

Still, researchers caution soursop alone is not enough to eradicate pancreatic tumors. It should not be used as a primary treatment. Studies are ongoing to evaluate the efficacy of graviola as an adjuvant therapy for pancreatic cancer.


Uses & Effectiveness

Insufficient evidence for:

An infection caused by sand fleas (leishmaniasis).
Bacterial infections.
Causing relaxation.
Causing vomiting.
Emptying the bowels.
Inflammation of the nose and throat.
Parasitic infections.
Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of soursop for these uses.

Possible side effects and risks

Soursop may cause nerve damage and movement problems, especially with long-term use. It may also cause serious neuropathy that leads to Parkinson-like symptoms, such as tremors or stiff muscles. If someone has Parkinson’s disease, soursop may make their symptoms worse.

Soursop may be toxic to the kidneys or liver with repeated use. People should not use soursop if they have liver or kidney problems.

Those considering using soursop should also talk to their doctor before use if they:

  • have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medications
  • have diabetes
  • are pregnant
  • are breastfeeding

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JoyMix Concentrated Beetroot Juice Powder

The beautiful and bright colour of beetroots can make anyone fall in love with it, yet it is often ignored, perhaps because of its distinctive earthy taste.  Beetroot has been gaining amazing popularity as the new superfood around the world. It’s low in fat, full of powerful antioxidants, rich in Vitamin C, and helps in the absorption of iron.  Both the leaves and the roots can be eaten. While the pink root is sweet, the dark green leaves are bitter but very rich in calcium, iron and Vitamin A.

Beetroots are best enjoyed raw and uncooked as cooking may destroy most of its nutrients. You can add them in salads or easier to just juice them up.

I love eating beetroot, in all forms, whether it’s beetroot juice, salad, roast or soup.  I started to eat beetroot frequently when I was severely anemic before my fibroid removal surgery 1.5 years ago.  Beet root is rich in iron.

Preparing beetroot can be a major turnoff and hassle for some as the uneven and rough skin is a tad hard to peel off even with a fruit peeler. And the red juice splatters can be pretty messy. Busy people who are always on the go and rush may not have the time to prepare beet root for juicing, salad or soup. And this includes yours truly.  The solution to this is beet root  powder.  With beet root powder, you can include this superfood into your diet at anytime, hassle-free.

I found a good brand of concentrated beet root juice powder  from and I am so in love with it!  With such convenience, I can now drink beetroot juice whenever I feel like it and it takes just a minute to prep a refreshing beetroot beverage.

The best part is JoyMix’s red beetroot powder is odor-less, unlike red beet juice that has an earthy smell. It is easy to drink, making it ideal for children and even some adults who find the smell of beetroot distasteful.

Even Cass who does not like the taste of raw beetroot loves JoyMix beetroot powder.  She says it tastes like Ribena! I think so too.  This, you got to try it to verify it!

We like our beetroot powder mixed with Korean fruit vinegar.  I add one heap teaspoon of JoyMix beetroot juice powder and 2 tablespoons of Korean fruit vinegar into 200 ml of water and top up with lots of ice cubes to make a super refreshing and delightful drink to chillax when I feel hot after cooking in the evening.  Alycia loves to guzzle down this refreshing drink to quench thirst after working out in the gym or when she’s back from kickboxing / Muay Thai class.

I love the au naturel maroon color of the beetroot powder from JoyMix!

Excellent Mixability – The red beetroot powder from JoyMix has a very fine texture and excellent flowability to prevent caking and lump formation. It will easily dissolve in water and other liquids alike and won’t curdle. You can even mix it in flours for baking cakes and pastries.

I will surely restock my beetroot powder from JoyMix when the existing stock runs low.

JoyMix’s health food products are ISO22OOO/ HACCP certified. Muslim consumers can safely consume their products as they are HALAL CERTIFIED.

Here are some of the health benefits of beetroot:

Conditions Liver – Beetroot contains betaine that conditions liver and stimulates the production of enzymes. It detoxifies the body and makes you feel fresh and rejuvenated.

Lowers cholesterol – A 2011 study on rats found that beetroot extract lowered total cholesterol and triglycerides and increased HDL (good) cholesterol. It also reduced oxidative stress on the liver.

Lowers blood glucose – Though high in sugar, beetroot actually helps in regulating your blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that it does not lead to high glucose concentration in the blood. This simply means that the natural sugars in beetroot are released very slowly in the body and thus, prevents sudden spikes. In the form of the juice, it may actually help diabetics.

Rich in Folate – Joymix’s red beetroot powder is rich in folate that is necessary for production and differentiation of cells as well as maintenance of DNA structure. The high folate content makes it a great option for young children, teenagers, and pregnant women alike.

Reduces Blood Pressure – Betaine in beetroots reduces blood pressure by lowering homocysteine levels in the body. Joymix red beetroot powder contains high amounts of betaine that reduces the chances of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.

Great For Older Adults – Various studies have found beetroot to prevent and halt the progress of dementia in older adults. Regularly consuming beetroot juice can assist in keeping dementia at bay.

Sharpens Minds of Students – The high nutrient content of beetroot and its effect on blood flow enhances the cognitive functioning of the brain making it beneficial for students and teenagers.

Ideal For Keto and Vegetarian Diets – People who are following a keto or a vegetarian diet will find it easy to incorporate red beetroot powder to their diets as it has low calories.

Boosts Sports Performance – Beetroots have betaine which improves cardiovascular health and blood flow. It increases the rate at which oxygen reaches cells and boosts the performance of athletes and sportspersons.

May Prevent Cancer – The antioxidant betaine which is present in rich amounts in Joymix’s red beetroot powder has been found to protect the body against different types of cancer. It protects DNA structure in cells against damage, which is a primary cause of cancer.

Improves Digestive Health – Beetroot improves digestive health by stimulating the production of enzymes and HCL in the stomach. It also aids in the absorption of specific vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Excellent for Weight Management – Joymix red beetroot powder is excellent for individuals who are focused on weight management as it contains low calories while being nutritionally dense.

Sharing is caring 🙂  Read below to get a discount on your beetroot powder!

JoyMix is now having a promotion on their health products from organic soy powder to collagen, Bentong ginger powder, macha latte powder, chia seeds, diabetic foods and of course beetroot powder.  Just key in discount code: JOYLOVE during checkout to enjoy a 10% discount on their products!

The promotion is valid from 1 January 2019 ~ 31 March 2019, so hurry and get your beetroot powder or any health products before this offer expires!

For more information on JoyMix health food products, kindly visit:

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Why Do We Have Impaired Taste When We Have A Bad Throat Or Cold?

During my bout throat infection recently, everything that I ate tasted bland. The coffee and green tea that I drank daily tasted extra bitter. The milk tasted funny and I thought that it had gone bad. Foods that are sour tasted even more sour to me. When we had lunch at a restaurant that serves healthy food, I commented that most of the dishes were tasteless but I was the only one who found the food bland. My nasal wasn’t congested but I had massive amounts of mucous in my throat, causing me to lose my voice and eventually developed a bad cough. I wondered if the change in my palate or tongue had anything to do with my bad throat.  Well, it does!

What causes impaired taste?
Having a cold, sinus infection, strep throat, or upper respiratory infection can result in a decrease in taste sensation. Water might even taste off to you when you’re feeling under the weather. Post-nasal drip is what happens when mucus drips from the back of your nose to your throat, and it’s a common cold and flu symptom. The mucus can mix with your saliva, which can affect your sense of taste and makes everything taste weird for you. Once your cold goes away, you’ll likely feel better.

Yet another reason that your sense of taste may be messed up is because your sense of smell is affected when you’re not feeling well. Your senses of smell and taste work hand-in-hand, so if you aren’t able to smell anything, your taste buds will be affected as well.

When you chew food, aromas are released that activate your sense of smell by way of a special channel that connects the roof of the throat to the nose. If this channel is blocked, such as when your nose is stuffed up by a cold or flu or you have an inflamed throat, odors can’t reach sensory cells in the nose that are stimulated by smells. As a result, you lose much of our enjoyment of flavor. Without smell, foods tend to taste bland and have little or no flavor.

Illnesses and infections
When you have a cold, sinus infection, or other illness, your body naturally releases a regulatory protein called Tumor Necrosis Factor or TNF, which is released by the immune system to help fight off inflammation due to an illness or disease. The protein is also responsible for increasing sensitivity to taste, making food extra bitter and far less appetizing, according to researchers. This protein is highly produced when people are sick and is involved in creating greater sensitivity to food taste. What makes the food taste bitter are certain chemicals in the food.

Even if water tastes gross to you when you’re sick, you should still drink as much water as you can until you’re better, and even when you’re better, you should continue to drink 8-10 glasses of 8 ounces water everyday.

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