Monthly Archives: February 2020

Matcha Green Tea To Prevent Influenza

With the Covid-19 Coronavirus epidemic turning into a global emergency, causing fear and panic in almost everyone in countries affected by this invisible killer, people are taking precautionary measures and boosting up their immune system to fight this menace.  From face mask to hand sanitizer to vitamins and eating healthy foods, everyone surrounding me from the young to the old have suddenly turned health and hygiene conscious, which is a good thing.  Not only have I been stocking up more frequently on fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes and herbs but also on matcha green tea powder.

Boosting your immunity could be as simple as drinking matcha and green tea daily. Matcha contains a class of antioxidants called catechins. Matcha is high in a catechin called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is believed to have cancer-fighting effects on the body. Studies have linked green tea to a variety of health benefits, like prevention of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and even encouraging weight loss.

According to a meta-analysis published in Molecules (from US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health),  green tea may be an immune booster, helping fight both cold and influenza viruses. Researchers found that not only does drinking tea on a regular basis help you recover from a cold but may also make you less likely to get one in the first place and could help prevent recurring or new infections.  Gargling with green tea may also help, a practice that is common in Japan.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, which is believed to protect against a variety of diseases including cancer. Because of it’s ability to eliminate free radicals, it inhibits the flu virus from replicating. Therefore, it will not only help prevent the flu virus from entering your system, but if you do catch the flu, it could greatly lessen the duration of the flu.  Drinking green tea is also a great way of ensuring that you are taking in enough fluids.

Amongst its many health benefits, matcha:
~ is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg
~ boosts metabolism and burns calories
~ detoxifies naturally
~ is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins
~ helps increase focus and calmness. The L-Theanine in green tea is known to help stimulate alpha brain waves which in turn helps with focus, concentration and calmness.
~ provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
prevents disease
~ lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

The consumption of tea extracts including catechins and theanine has also been reported to enhance systemic immunity and prevent the occurrence of upper respiratory tract infection and influenza symptoms in healthy adults.

Matcha Spoons Obubu Kyoto Tea Farms

Do choose matcha powder (ground green tea leaves) over green tea bags or brewed green tea leaves. When you drink matcha, you ingest the entire leaf and receive 100% of the nutrients of the leaf. Matcha green tea has approximately 137 times more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea.  This type of green tea contains over 60x the antioxidants of spinach and 7x the antioxidants of high quality dark chocolate.

One cup of matcha = 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea in terms of nutritional content.

The influenza virus is a cause of serious illness and even death, so it is imperative to take preventive measures to stay healthy. These are some simple things that you can do to prevent getting the flu:

Keep it clean. To help prevent contracting or spreading the flu, be sure to wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth with tissue paper or handkerchief when you cough or sneeze, and get a flu shot.  Where possible, avoid people who have the flu or going to work if you have flu. While these measures aren’t 100% guaranteed, they go a long way toward lowering the risk of respiratory illness and flu.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Living a balanced life that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, getting sufficient sleep, and indulge in stress-reducing activities to boost your immunity.  Stay committed to these activities to improve and maintain good health.

Talk with a doctor. Visit your doctor to discuss ways to prevent the flu and whether or not a flu shot is appropriate for you.

Note: The majority of researches on green tea assume that we are drinking at least 3-5 cups per day. So, if you only have one cup of green tea a day, you may not reap all of the benefits.  But don’t let that stop you from drinking this wonderful beverage whenever you can.

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Health Benefits of Overnight Soaked Cooked Rice / Fermented Rice

What do you do with your unfinished takeout rice? Or if you have just a few tablespoons of unfinished rice from dinner and do not feel like keeping it in the fridge? Most people would just bin the unfinished rice. But wait, don’t throw the unfinished rice just yet!  You can squeeze out a lot more nutrients and health benefits from the unfinished rice by soaking it overnight and it’s scientifically proven.

Source :

For centuries, it has been a practice to consume overnight soaked rice in many South Indian families. Having known the health benefits of the soaked rice, the practice of consuming this dish for breakfast continued for generations.  However, due to globalization and increased wealth, this healthy breakfast has been replaced with modernized / processed breakfast foods like cereals, pancakes, bread, cakes, deli meat, just to name a few.

Soaked rice / fermented rice is rich in B6, B12 vitamins and is a source of beneficial gut-friendly bacteria which helps in digestion and boosts immunity. In a study, the given samples of normal cooked rice and overnight soaked cooked rice are tested for carbohydrate, crude protein, fat/oil and fibre content. The rice which was overnight soaked cooked rice was found to have more nutrient content than unsoaked cooked rice. There is an increase in energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibre content and minerals.

Soaked overnight cooked rice used to be a pauper’s food, unfit to be offered to guests, and reserved to be given off to the house maid. At a time when refrigerators were uncommon, soaked rice was an inevitable item. Every night, some water would be poured over leftover rice and would be kept aside till the next day. This would get slightly fermented overnight and nutritionally rich with gut-friendly bacteria. In this modern day and age, this practice is almost nonexistent as every house is equipped with a refrigerator.

Adding 3 cups of water, fenugreek seeds and salt to the cooked rice


Fermented rice provides immense health benefits such as:

1.  provides energy
2.  provides beneficial guts-friendly bacteria in abundance
3.  helps with allergies and skin related problems
4.  may prevent stomach ulcers and other digestive issues
5.  provides rich source of vitamin B12 for vegans
6.  prevents constipation
7.  may help alleviate blood pressure

Fermented rice can be eaten plain or added with yoghurt, buttermilk, raw onions, chopped cilantro and spring onions, tomatoes or just about any condiments as you would for rice congee. I like to pair my fermented rice with fried shallots, pepper and a dash of organic soy sauce.

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