Monthly Archives: May 2020

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Benefits of Soaking In The Morning Sun

Most of us have heard about the harmful effects the sun rays have on our skin when we are overly exposed to it. In the past century, most public health messages have focused on the hazards of over exposure to the sun.

Did you know that not getting enough of natural sunlight can have negative impact on our health as well?  The right balance of sun exposure can have lots of mood-lifting benefits and can promote sleep too.  Exposure to the Sun’s warm rays at a specific time and in a consistent manner can be beneficial to us. It may heal numerous skin diseases and can also help to boost your mood. Exposure to sun rays also called sunbath therapy has been in use from ancient times due to its disease-fighting properties.

The most widely known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply; most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to inadequate exposure to the sun. At least 1,000 different genes governing virtually every tissue in the body are now thought to be regulated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25[OH]D), the active form of the vitamin, including several involved in calcium metabolism and neuromuscular and immune system functioning.

Although most of the health-promoting benefits of sun exposure are thought to occur through vitamin D photosynthesis, there may be other health benefits that have gone largely overlooked in the debate over how much sun is needed for good health.

Benefits of soaking in the sun

A growing body of scientific research suggests that completely avoiding the sunlight isn’t such a bright idea. Here is why you should soak up some sunshine every day:

1.  It elevates mood. Sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in your brain.   is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called Serotonin.  Also known as ‘Happiness Hormone’,  Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm, focused and happy.

2.  Helps to improve sleep.  The brighter your daylight exposure, the more melatonin you produce at night. Melatonin is a type of hormone that’s produced by the pineal gland in the brain during darkness at night. Also known as the sleep hormone, melatonin has a range of effects on the brain, from improving sleep to synchronizing your biological clocks, and lowering stress reactivity. In addition, the amount of daylight exposure you get is crucial in maintaining a normal circadian rhythm.

3.  It promotes bone growth.  Vitamin D is a hormone that promotes calcium absorption and is essential for bone growth and formation. Since sunlight is a primary source of Vitamin D, the hormone is also dubbed as ‘the sunshine vitamin’. The Vitamin D found in our body needs activation. The sun helps to convert inactive Vitamin D levels to active levels.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), getting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face twice or thrice a week is enough to reap the vitamin D-boosting benefits of the sun.

4.  It boosts the immune system.  Researchers now confirm that our immune cells have receptors for vitamin D, which means that it is needed at optimal levels for the immune system to function well. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity and an increased susceptibility to infection. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to 18 types of cancer.

Japanese researchers reported that daily supplementation of vitamin D3 reduces the risk of getting influenza A by over 40%. Another study found that people who maintained normal or optimal levels of vitamin D levels developed fewer viral infections, including influenza, and were sick for fewer days than participants with lower levels of vitamin D.

5.  It may reduce the risk of melanoma.   Safe sun exposure may actually protect you from skin cancer!  According to a study published in the Lancet Journal, the skin’s exposure to ultraviolet radiation of short wavelength (UVB) has been associated with a decreased risk of melanoma. The research found that outdoor workers who were exposed to regular sunlight had a lower risk of developing skin cancer compared to their indoor counterparts. Other than that, an adequate amount of sunlight has also been linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers (including colon, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancer), suggests a study published in the Environmental Health Perspectives journal.

6.  It promotes weight loss.  Latest research reveals that basking in morning sunshine can reduce body fat and help you shed those extra pounds.  Fat cells deep under your skin can sense light. And when bodies do not get enough exposure to the right kinds of light, fat cells behave differently. The blue-light spectrum of sunlight, a spectrum that can penetrate the skin, can cause subdermal fat tissue to decrease in size. In other words, it can cause fat loss. Thus, the action of sunlight may help one to stay slim or become slim!  As little as 20 to 30 minutes of early morning sun exposure is sufficient for you to lower your Body Mass Index (BMI) and trim your waistline.  But of course, one also needs to exercise and follow a healthy and sensible diet to lose weight.


Save Sun Exposure and How Much Sun Exposure Is Needed

As you can see, having healthy levels of vitamin D is crucial in living your healthiest life!   However, do practise safe sun exposure protection measures.

Allow 10 to 15 minutes or so of unprotected sun exposure to your arms, legs, abdomen and back several times a week. After that, follow up with good sun protection topical application, like a 30-SPF or higher sunblock.

Choose the right time of day.  If your shadow is longer than your body height, you can’t make any vitamin D. Between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. is the usual window for significant sun exposure.

We’ve lived so much of our days under artificial light, which does not provide the full spectrum of the all-natural light we get from the sun.  For a start, kick start your morning with a little sunshine vitamin to help jump-start your day in a healthy and happy way with absolutely no cost to your bank account. 

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Caring for Birth Mothers Through Adoption

Making the choice to grow your family with adoption is a big deal and a reason to rejoice. What many families don’t realize is how much goes into the decision of how or through what organization their new son or daughter will enter their lives. There are so many aspects to consider before making a commitment to an adoption agency. Most adoptive parents spend hours researching the experiences of other adoptive families, licensures and accreditations, fees, and other similar factors. However, too few consider the importance of how well an adoption agency assists young birth mothers.

Why Caring for Birth Mothers Matters
Oftentimes, the women whose children will be adopted are very young, afraid, alone, and in need of a lot of help. Few of them had any thoughts of pregnancy prior to their current situation and some may even face abandonment and rejection by their own parents as well. By pursuing adoption, these women are trying to do what is best for their babies and themselves. It is a brave and difficult journey, and it is possible that their only support is coming from the adoption agency.

What You Can Do
Adoptive parents have the power to perpetuate an adoption culture in which birth mothers are respected and cared for. Many adoption agencies include medical care for the birth mother in their fees or require the adoptive family to incur those costs. Some agencies go no further than that and less reputable organizations may do even less for their mothers. However, there are agencies that go above and beyond to set their clients up for success after the birth of their child. For example, adoption agencies that provide housing, career training, educational assistance, or relocation programs seek to help birth mothers move forward and build a better life. By responsibly searching for this type of organization, adoptive families not only change the life of a child but also the woman who gave birth to their new family member.

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Fever After Deep Tissue Massage

A few months ago,  just before the Covid-19 pandemic took a turn for the worse, which led our country into a partial lockdown, I went for a deep-tissue massage. I was suffering from painful stiff shoulders for several weeks and needed a good masseuse to ease the pain.  The massage that I booked in is a fusion form of modern bio-electric meridian therapy and traditional deep tissue massage.  I had to strip down from head to toe and was provided with a disposable underwear and a robe.  The massage therapist was an experienced lady from China in her early 60s.  After a 2-hour session, I was given a cup of hot water to drink before I left the health center.  I didn’t drink the water as it was too hot as I was in a rush for school run. That was probably my mistake that caused my post-massage sickness!

That same night, I had headache, felt a slight chill and my body felt hot. I felt like I was about to fall ill. I checked my temperature and it was billy boiling at 38C.  I drank a packet of Izumio hydrogen water and applied Oregano essential oil on the soles of my feet at bedtime.  The next morning, I felt slightly better and by evening, I was right as rain again.

I suspected that my body went into a detoxification process after the massage.  I had a similar experience when I first drank hydrogen water – besides a flare of rashes on my hands, I had fever for just a day and was well again the following day. These are symptoms of a body detox.

What Is Deep-Tissue Massage?

Deep-Tissue Massage targets your body’s deepest layers of muscle and releases tension in over-stressed areas. When your muscles are badly knotted, this therapeutic treatment is designed to loosen up the muscles.

Deep-tissue massage is a mix of slow, short, strokes and penetrating finger pressure focused on tight, contracted areas. The therapist uses her thumbs, forearms, and even elbows to work muscle tissue and relieve tension.

A deep tissue massage basically releases your muscles that are stuck in an uncomfortable posture for a prolonged period of time, resulting in pain. In my case, I am always working in front of my computer and the improper posture on my chair may have caused persistent stiff shoulders.

Why Deep-Tissue Massage ‘Flushes’ Toxins Out?

Deep-tissue massage stimulates movement of the lymphatic system and byproducts of muscle metabolism.  One of the primary responsibilities of the lymphatic system is removal of waste from the blood.  The Lymph then brings the waste off to be filtered through the liver and kidneys, and eventually excreted.  This waste can be anything from allergens to metabolic wastes, excess fat to viruses and bacteria. If you have too much lymph in your body, it can build up in the tissues under the skin’s surface — the same tissues that are manipulated during a massage.   That is why during a deep-tissue massage, the body is suddenly flooded with toxins in the lymph, causing you to suddenly feel icky and feverish.

Steps To Prevent Post-Massage Sickness
As the human body is mostly made up of water, the normal functioning of all the body’s systems is dependent on how hydrated we are. Most massage therapists will advise you to drink water after a massage. Most massage centers provide warm  drinking water after a massage session.   It is also highly advisable that you are hydrated before the session too.

Another mistake I made was not keeping myself hydrated before the session as I didn’t want to go to the bathroom during the session!

Drinking water in the hours before your massage will encourage the lymphatic system to instantly process and discharge metabolic waste through the organs preventing the overloading of toxins. It is essential to ask for a drink of water during your massage if you feel thirsty, as this will usually prevent a headache from occurring later.

If you haven’t had a massage in a long time and you have previously experienced post-massage nausea, headaches or sickness it’s best to inform your therapist as often the application of lighter pressure can reduce the amount of waste discharged. You can then normally increase the pressure in subsequent massage sessions.

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