Monthly Archives: December 2020

8 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss may be a natural part of life, but it isn’t one that anyone wants to experience. Here are eight ways to prevent balding.

1. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is generally thought of as a hair restoration Westchester County NY technique, but it can also extend the life of your hair. The energy from the laser can stimulate growth and improve the overall health of your hair, helping it last longer.

2. Diet

A balanced diet and healthy weight can help prevent balding. Eating sufficient amounts of protein and amino acids will keep your follicles healthy, allowing them to continue working longer.

3. Clean Hair

Regularly washing hair keeps the scalp clean and free of debris that can clog follicles, hindering growth. The massaging motion of washing also increases blood flow to the follicles, keeping them healthy.

Hair Loss Treatment Yonkers, NY

4. Preventing Damage

Hairs that has been damaged from chemicals and styling are brittle and likely to break or fall out. Avoiding damage and repairing hair with products such as coconut oil can strengthen it and keep it from shedding.

5. Essential Oils

Lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary may stimulate growth when applied to the scalp prior to washing.

6. Yoga

Yoga has been shown to reduce hair loss for several reasons. It reduces stress and improves overall health, and some positions increase blood flow to the scalp.

7. Onion Juice

Putting onion juice on the scalp before showering can result in regrowth. This is likely due to the high amount of sulfur in onion juice.

8. Biotin

The body requires biotin for fatty acid synthesis. Not consuming enough biotin has been linked to balding.

Hair loss can be prevented if you act early to keep your hair and follicles healthy. Laser therapy, a healthy diet, regular cleaning, preventing damage, using essential oils, doing yoga, applying onion juice and taking biotin are all ways to keep your hair looking thick and healthy.

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Thinking About Visiting a Rock Climbing Gym?

There is not a season that goes by that people do not think about getting back into shape. During the winter months, going to the gym can seem like an impossible time to run or do a cardio workout. And do not forget how boring and routine the gym can become. If you are looking for a great way to get back into shape and have fun doing it, then you will want to visit your climbing gym Denver.

A climbing gym is a great way to get in shape. You will find that there are muscle groups that you never knew existed on your body. Here are some benefits to help motivate you to get back into shape today.

In fact, the more hits and blows that it takes from running or jogging only means knee issues and lower back issues down the road. Rock climbing takes your body and stretches it in ways that are considered low impact. You will find your muscles getting strong the more you engage in climbing the wall.

You will also find your flexibility will greatly improve. It only takes about two weeks for you to start to fall out of shape and to start losing flexibility. When this happens other parts of your body will start to ache because of the lack of support from the unworked areas.

Believe it or not, your lungs can also get out of shape. You can notice this when you walk up a flight of stairs and you find it hard to breathe. Or you dive into the pool and it is hard to hold your breath. You will strengthen your lungs the more you engage in rock climbing.

Rock climbing can also help with certain kinds of diseases that are directly related to exercise. You will also find that stress can be reduced, and anxiety becomes a thing of the past as you learn to relax and put yourself in a position to excel at what you love to do.

And then there is the issue of coordination. Most people have to look at things before they move their hands or feet, but with rock climbing, you will learn to trust where your hands and feet are placed.

In order to find out more about rock climbing simply visit your climbing gym today. You will experience all of the benefits listed above and so many more as you engage in this wonderful sport.

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Jackfruit Seeds Health Benefits

Jackfruit is a delicious fruit that is sweet and aromatic. It is rich in vitamin A, C and one of the few fruits that’s high in B vitamins.  Jackfruit also contains folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium. As jackfruit is high in carotenoids (vitamin A), eating jackfruit regularly may help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease and eye disorders like cataract and macular degeneration.

Chempedak, A Type Of Jackfruit on old wooden

Most of us would discard the seeds when we eat the flesh of jackfruit.  Did you know that the seeds of jackfruit contain nutrients too? The next time you eat jackfruit, keep the seeds and boil them for a delicious snack. Although jackfruit seeds are encased in hard shells, you can roast, boil or steam this part of the jackfruit and enjoy them too.

Boiled jackfruits seeds – remove the outer crust of the seed to enjoy the flesh of the seed. It has a similar taste and texture to chestnuts.

Jackfruit seeds are primarily made of starch, but also contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. Jackfruit seeds are even richer in certain nutrients compared to jackfruit flesh.  The seeds have more protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin and riboflavin compared to jackfruit flesh.

Jackfruit seeds also contain a range of beneficial bioactive compounds like lignans, isoflavones, saponins and other antioxidants. Every 100 grams of jackfruit seeds also contains small amounts (4 percent of the DV or less) of calcium and vitamin A.

Health Benefits of Jackfruit Seeds

1.  Resistant Starch 
Foods high in resistant starch like the ones found in jackfruit seeds are beneficial to your guts. This is because the good bacteria that live in your gastrointestinal tract can ferment these starches in your large intestine. When resistant starches are fermented, they produce short-chain fatty acids. These short-chain fatty acids can help stimulate blood flow in your colon and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

A healthy gut microbiome isn’t just good for your stomach, intestines and colon; your gut is directly connected to your brain via a cranial nerve known as the vagus nerve. When you consume foods with resistant starches, this can help improve the function of your immune system and prevent diseases that affect your central nervous system too.

2.  Prevents Anaemia
Jackfruit seeds are rich in iron thus eating them regularly can treat and prevent anaemia and other blood disorders. It boosts immunity, increases the production of red blood cells and thwarts off diseases.

3.  Boosts Vision
Being a powerhouse of healthful nutrients like Vitamin A, jackfruit seeds may help in improving vision. Regular consumption of boiled jackfruit seeds or seed powder prevents eye diseases like night blindness and xeropthalmia.

4.  Enhance Sexual Pleasure
Some sources state that the iron in the seeds can stimulate sexual pleasure. In fact, jackfruit seeds have been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat sexual disorders. The seeds can be roasted like chestnut and are considered an aphrodisiac by some experts!

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How Emotions Affect Period And Other Issues

The past few months have been very difficult for me.  I went through many rough patches and have been extremely stressed out over many issues. This year has been a  tough year for me. It does not help that I am a high-strung person who’s really good at worrying.   I could feel my emotions running strong and deep from time to time and as a result,  noticed changes to my health.  I had heart palpitations, painful lumpy breasts and a difficult menses this month with blood clots.

I’ve been trying very hard to control my emotions and have been taking steps to de-stress. I try to exercise in the morning sun every morning, which I find extremely therapeutic for me.  I try to do things that make me happy and though our finances have been impacted by the continuous partial lockdown imposed by the Government to curb the spread of Covid-19, I sometimes try to splurge a little on myself and on the kids, all in the name of finding a little joy. Life is short. There’s no better time to enjoy life a little than now.

Several years ago, I met a very amiable and knowledgeable acupuncturist who practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  She does acupuncture for Cass and me. I always found it therapeutic talking to her as she has an extremely calm and positive disposition.  She would always tell me that in TCM, emotional stress is the cause of many major diseases suffered by women like breast cancer, cancer of the reproduction organs and fibroids.  I had a large benign uterine fibroid that was growing rapidly and she would always advise me to control my emotions.  In TCM, uterine fibroids are caused by negative emotions.  I had the fibroid removed by a Laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery 3 years ago.

In TCM, negative emotions experienced excessively or over an extended period of time is identified as a major cause of disharmonies in menstruation, pregnancy, labor and menopause.  As emotional stress disrupts the natural cycles of energy transformation and circulation within our body, it can cause our Qi and blood to stagnate or rebel – which may manifest as PMS, irregular periods, amenorrhea (no period), delayed periods, heavy menstruation, or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Correlation of Stress With Your Breasts 
During particularly harsh periods of anxiety, pressure and stress, you can experience breast pain.

What causes it?  Research has found correlations between the impact of stress and estrogen levels, meaning that increased stress during a specific time during the menstrual cycle could cause excess discomfort.

What’s the treatment for stress related breast pain?  You simply have to remove stress from your life and get ample sleep each night! This was what my gynae told me.  However, we all know that it isn’t that simple.  Women have to find ways of managing anxiety, stress and invest in sufficient sleep each night.

Five Emotions that Affect Menstruation
There are five emotions that have a profound influence on women’s menstrual health:

  1. Sadness and grief
  2. Worry
  3. Anger / Hatred
  4. Fear
  5. Guilt

If we allow our emotions to flow through us naturally and if only we could prevent the above five emotions from holding us ransom, we will be a happier, healthier and more content person.

On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to harbor negative emotions, these emotions will stagnate, knot, sink or rebel, causing various emotional and menstrual disharmonies.

As human beings, it is not easy to stop negative emotions from controlling our minds but it can be done through practice, meditation, prayers and talking about it with a good friend or loved one.

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3 Things You Should Know About Tooth Extraction

If the last time you had a tooth pulled was when you had your wisdom teeth removed, you may feel understandably apprehensive if you need to get a tooth pulled. In reality, you shouldn’t feel fearful about the procedure, and learning a little more about the process can help to put your mind at ease. Here are three things that you should know about a tooth extraction.

1. Your Dentist or Oral Surgeon Can Adequately Anesthetize You

Thinking about having a tooth pulled can be somewhat anxiety-provoking. However, bear in mind that your dentist or oral surgeon can apply a local anesthetic that will minimize or entirely eliminate feeling in the area. Many patients report experiencing no pain at all and only feeling a sensation of pressure as a tooth is being pulled. Nonetheless, if you’re feeling particularly apprehensive, you can discuss additional anesthetic options with your dentist or oral surgeon. You may be able to take an oral sedative or have a sedative administered intravenously; these anesthetics won’t put you to sleep but they’ll help you to relax.

2. Replacing Your Tooth Will Help to Preserve Your Other Teeth

After a tooth extraction, getting an implant will help to preserve your bite and also protect your other teeth from damage. After a tooth extraction, people lose bone density in the surrounding area. Adjacent teeth may become weaker or shift out of alignment, and the tooth that is located above or below the extracted tooth may also shift. For help with dental implants Brooklyn, reach out to a provider who can help you replace a tooth with minimal discomfort.

3. Antibiotics Can Prevent Infection

After a tooth extraction, taking a course of antibiotics can help to reduce the risk of infection significantly. Your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe amoxicillin, clindamycin, or another antibiotic that can prophylactically combat bacterial infection.

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