Monthly Archives: April 2021

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Ring Worm On Waist and Tiny Red Sun Spots On Skin

I discovered a very tiny dark red mole on my left upper thigh circa 23 March 2021.  It was about 2-3mm in diameter.  I didn’t give it much thought initially but several days later, it bothered me.  My first thought was whether it’s a sign of skin cancer or melanoma. I’ve been exposed to the hot morning sun between the time of 10 – 11 a.m. on most days for the past one year.  This was when our country was in a lockdown and I spent most of my mornings brisk walking and jogging within the compound of our apartment.

Around the same time, there were itchy ring-worm like and inflamed rashes on both sides of my waist. I was certain that the ring worm was caused by tight and sweaty pants.  I knew that it was caused by not removing my tight and sweaty pants immediately after a workout. Instead, I went about with my chores and only showered a couple of hours later.

Whenever I’m faced with any kind of skin issues, my first go-to product is tea tree oil from Melaleuca.  I dutifully applied tea tree oil neat on the red mole and ring-worm rash on my waist at least thrice a day.

The red mole was first discovered circa 23 March 2021 (bottom photos).
After application of tea tree oil, the red mole started to fade. The top two photos were taken on 30 March 2021 and 1 April 2021 respectively.
The mole was almost completely faded circa 1 April 2021.  It was completely gone on 5 April 2021.

Ring worm on my waist:

Itchy and inflamed ring worm rash on 21 March 2021. It got so itchy that I scratched the skin till it broke and got inflamed.

After application of tree tree oil (neat) and organic arrowroot powder three times a day, the itch from the rash mellowed down significantly (bottom photo).

About a week later, the ring worm rash wasn’t red nor cause itchiness anymore.

Method for treating ring worm at home: 

1.  Clean skin and dab it dry.

2. Apply tree tea oil (or Melaleuca oil) neat on the skin, followed by a generous layer of organic arrowroot powder,

3. Repeat 3 times a day or more until itch and inflammation subside.

It has been scientifically proven that tea tree oil and arrowroot powder can inhibit the growth of yeast-fungi and aerobic bacteria.

Tea tree essential oil is a well-researched essential oil best known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some people claim that applying tea tree oil several times a day for a period will cause the mole to disappear.  It worked on me and if you have a mole that just popped out all of a sudden, you may want to try applying tea tree oil on the mole to fade it.

Take care when using tea tree oil as it is potent and toxic if swallowed.  Always consult a doctor or skin specialist if you are worried of the sudden appearance of a mole or rash on your skin.


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