Monthly Archives: June 2021

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Postpartum Shapewear

Motherhood is a bitter sweet journey. It changes you inside and out.  After giving birth, your body goes through massive changes from the shape of your breasts and body to your clothing size, your skin texture (you’ll notice unsightly stretch marks on your midsection, hips and butt), hip width and for some women, even their fingers expand to the extent that they can no longer wear their wedding ring.

As you adapt your new life with a baby, it may feel overwhelming with the lack of time you have for yourself, your spouse and other kids and the lack of sleep. Some women even battle with postpartum blues.  To top it all, you may have postpartum pain and backache.

To help manage pain, many new mothers wear a postpartum wrap or postpartum abdominal band waist trimmer.


Postpartum wraps have been worn by women all over the world for ages after child birth.  Benefits of wearing postpartum wraps are:

1.  As light body support after child birth. When tissues and organs start to go back into place, a belly wrap can help you feel better.

2.  Light compression from postpartum wraps can support your natural transverse abdominal muscle when you can’t contract yet.

3.  Provide support for your core and pelvic floor. While postpartum wraps compress, it’s gentle and targeted to hold your ligaments and muscles in place and speed recovery after childbirth.

4.   Some women experience back pain after childbirth. Wearing a postpartum wrap help with abdominal support and alleviate back pain.

5.   They assist with spinal alignment encouraging the organs, uterus and muscles to get back into normalcy after childbirth.

6.  They help to improve body image and posture.

A medical study from 2012 showed that wearing postpartum girdles can help women safely strengthen their core over time, especially when used in combination with physical therapy.

Postpartum wraps and other shapewear that help to enhance bodily feature can be easily sourced from online apparel stores or specialized waist trainer wholesale shops.

If you decide to try wearing a postpartum wrap, make sure it’s not too tight.  This is because extra compression puts more pressure on your pelvic floor, which is especially weak after childbirth and also holds a lot of weight during pregnancy.  If you have incontinence, leaking or vaginal prolapse, be cautious about using these belly wraps.

Remember that the best way to help your body recover after birth is to rest as much as you can, eat only wholesome and nourishing food, drink enough clear fluids and have a positive mindset.


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