An orange a day could keep doctors at bay, researchers have found.
Oranges are not only delicious but are a nutritional powerhouse that are packed with vitamins and minerals. The most noteworthy of these is vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant that prevents cell damage and strengthens your immunity.
Every cell in the body contains DNA, which is vulnerable to damage, or mutations, when exposed to free radicals. When DNA mutation occurs, it can lead to the growth of cancerous cells. Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals and can prevent this mutation.
Thus, eating fruits high in vitamin C, like oranges can prevent certain cancers according to an Australian study in 2003. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia found consuming citrus fruits could reduce the risk of mouth, larynx and stomach cancers by up to 50 percent.
According to CSIRO researcher Katrine Baghurst in a statement, citrus fruits protect the body through their antioxidant properties. By strengthening the body’s immune system, our body can inhibit tumor growth and normalize tumor cells.
The Australian study, which was based on 48 international studies on the health benefits of citrus fruits, also found “convincing evidence” that citrus could reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.
The study also revealed that eating one serving of citrus fruits a day as well as the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables could reduce the risk of stroke by 19%.
An orange has over 170 different phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong antioxidant effects.
Scientists found out that a chemical called limonin, found in all citrus fruits, can protect against a range of cancers.
Initial tests revealed that limonin can reduce the spread of cancerous cells in human cells. The researchers also believe it can reduce cholesterol levels and they hope to begin large-scale human trials to monitor the effects of regularly drinking orange juice.
This is great news for orange lovers and could lead to new natural remedies, but there’s a caveat. It is all about having a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. No doubt limonin may help prevent cancer, but drinking several glasses of orange juice a day isn’t really practical and this may raise your blood sugar.
Oranges are a great source of a lot of different chemicals with health properties. We should definitely consume whole oranges and not just orange juice as part of a healthy diet.