My guess was right. Baby C needed 3 doses of sedation meds to knock her out completely. The moment we arrived at the hospital, my maid and I fed her with 2 types of sedation meds. One was for 3ml and the other was for 7ml! After fussing and struggling for about half an hour when we fed her the sedation meds, she knocked out and went into a deep sleep. Thank God when I placed her on the bed for our doctor to insert the brandula (IV line) on her hand, she was still asleep but she woke up and cried when she felt pain. Thank God again that she only needed to be poked once and not between 3-7 times like in the past.
When my sweetiepie was jolted up from her sleep after the insertion of the IV line, she kept fussing though she was still groggy. Since Baby C is to remain absolutely still during the entire scan, I was worried that she would wake up. If that happens, the scan would have to be cancelled and repeated all over again! So we gave her another dose of sedation meds. This time, it was a struggle to feed her the sedation meds as she was sleepy and crabby. Thank God she did not puke, though she coughed and choked a few times and almost puked. After the 3rd dose of sedation meds, she was totally konked out. She slept like sleeping beauty throughout the half an hour scan. I was with her in the Gamma Picture Room at the Radiosurgery and Cancer Center of the hospital and witnessed the entire procedure. Also saw many cancer patients at the Chemotherapy Daycare Center. My heart really goes out to all those patients who have to undergo radiation and chemotherapy.
My little sleeping beauty.
The intimidating looking machine dwarfing my little sleeping beauty from above. Baby C was wrapped up in a thick blanket and a special plastic sheet with velcro. The sight of her lying so still and motionless and wrapped with a plastic sheet on the metal bed with the ginormous machine hovering above her sent shivers down my spine.
Notice the double screen on the left? Images of the kidneys and bladder are shown on the screen.
Permission was granted to me before I snapped the pix.
Total bill came up to over RM1,600! And all the medical bills related to Baby C’s medical condition will NOT be covered by our insurance 🙁
Baby C has been feeling groggy and sleepy since she took the sedation meds this morning. As I am typing this post, she’s still sleeping. I have expected my sleeping beauty to sleep for days since she took 3 doses of sedation meds! We will see our pediatric nephrologist again tomorrow for her to explain the MAG 3 scan report to us.