Category Archive: Cough and cold in kids

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King To Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa To Treat My Kids’ Cough and Phlegm

When Cass had a bad bout of productive cough recently, it never crossed my mind to feed her with King To Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa – the most trusted brand of cough syrup used by many for decades. King To Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is so popular that it is even listed in Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.

It was when Cass kept producing a very ‘phlegmy’ sound when she coughed that my mil and hubs urged me to bring her to the paed’s clinice to get some cough syrup. But I was determined not to feed her with cough mixture after reading about deaths in toddlers resulting from cough mixture consumption in the newspapers recently. When I opened the kitchen cabinet to get my vitamins, I saw the bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa seated on the shelf. I took it out, read the instructions and then gave Cass 1/3 teaspoon. Thank God Cass tolerated the taste and texture of the Pei Pa Koa and did not throw up like Alycia and Sherilyn used to. After 3 days on Pei Pa Koa (2-3x a day), the ‘phlegmy’ sound was totally gone. Cass was healed from her cough and phlegm. Since Alycia and Sherilyn also got the cough bugs from mil and Cass, I fed them with Pei Pa Koa too. They too stopped coughing after a few doses.

While Pei Pa Koa was effective in treating my girls from cough and phlegm, it may not work on your child. Every child is different. If you are doubtful of feeding your child with Pei Pa Koa, it is best to bring him/her to the doctor.

Extracted from Wikipedia :
Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa or simply Pei Pa Koa is a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy used for the relief of sore throat, coughs, hoarseness, and loss of voice. It is a throat demulcent and expectorant. Today, it is manufactured and sold by Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Limited, a Hong Kong corporation. It is available worldwide. In the name of the company, “King-to” means “capital”, referring to Peking, and “Nin Jiom” means “in memory of my mother”. “Pei Pa Koa” means “Loquat syrup

Pei Pa Koa is made up of a blend of herbal ingredients[3] including the fritillary bulb (Fritillariae cirrhosae, Chinese: ???), loquat leaf (Eriobotrya japonica, Chinese: ???), ladybell root (Adenophora stricta, Chinese: ???), Indian bread (Wolfiporia extensa, Chinese: ??), pomelo peel (Citrus maxima, Chinese: ???), chinese bellflower root (Platycodon grandiflorum, Chinese: ??), pinellia rhizome (Pinellia ternata, Chinese: ??), Schisandra seed (Schisandra chinensis, Chinese: ???), Trichosanthes seed (Trichosanthes cucumerina, Chinese: ???), coltsfoot flower (Tussilago farfara, Chinese: ???), thinleaf milkwort root (Polygala tenuifolia, Chinese: ??), bitter apricot kernel (Prunus armeniaca, Chinese: ???), fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale, Chinese: ??), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Chinese: ??),[4] and menthol in a syrup and honey base; giving the cough syrup a favorable taste.

The above is NOT a medical advice. It is only based on my own experience and observation on my own children.

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Almost Everyone Is Down But Not Out

Almost everyone in the house is down with a very bad productive cough and runny nose. My mil and Cassandra are the hardest hit with Alycia and Sherilyn recovering slowly but steadily. Cassandra has been having a productive cough and runny nose for almost 2 weeks now. She had almost recovered from the flu but caught the bug again early this week. But thank God she does not have any fever. It must be the Esberitox working and preventing something more serious from flaring up. Though she has been having flu for 2 weeks already, I am not bringing her to the paed’s clinic just yet. I try to avoid feeding my kids with cold meds and antibiotics as best as I can. I try to treat them naturally with Esberitox, Manuka honey, lots of fresh fruits and veggie and daily gargling of sea salt water. I had expected Cassandra to catch all sorts of bugs when she first started attending kindergarten at the start of April this year. Alycia and Sherilyn were not sparred when they first attended kindy. Alycia was the hardest hit. She was sick every month on end till I pulled her out from school and had a 1/2 year hiatus. When she resumed attending kindy, she got bitten by those pesky flu bugs again, very easily. It took her body about 3 years to ‘recognize’ all the common viruses and bugs that attack kids before the body eventually became stronger and more resilient.

When I asked Cassandra if all her classmates were having cold and cough, she said yes. She said “Sasha coughed at me and I coughed back at her. Everyone coughed at each other!” I wasn’t horrified as I had seen those kids from Alycia’s class with long and stringy goo goo dribbling out from their noses and those kids wiped them off with their hands and then touched everything surrounding them.  This is an inevitable part of growing up. Only time will strengthen their body’s immune system. Yesterday my throat felt very itchy and I could feel that a cough was about to erupt. I was sneezing too. After popping some Esberitox and going to be at 10pm, I think my body has managed to fend off those pesky bugs. I hope my body’s defense system is strong enough to continue fending off those bugs as I keep getting coughed at and sneezed at by Cassandra and not to mention getting lots of wet kisses from her too!

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