Category Archive: Feeding baby solids

Colorful Meal

I double boiled some beet root + chicken soup for Baby C the other day.  She loved the soup to bits.  Here’s her colorful dinner:

Porridge with purple sweet potato, pumpkin, organic purple cabbage, fish, pork and garlic; beet root soup and E.Excel’s Nutrifresh.

Double boiled organic beet root with chicken breast soup. The soup was really sweet, though it had a tinge of raw taste.  Nevertheless, my sweetiepie finished every drop of her bowl of soup.

Food For Thought :

Nutritional Benefits Of Beet Root

Beets are loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. The greens have a higher content of iron compared to spinach. They are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

While the sweet beet root has some of the minerals in its greens to a lesser degree, it is also a remarkable source of chlorine, folic acid, iodine, manganese, organic sodium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates in the form of natural digestible sugars.

Its iron content, though not high, is of the highest and finest quality that makes excellent food that is blood building. This renders it highly effective in treating many ailments caused by our toxic environment and surrounding.

Health Benefits

Beets have long been known for its amazing health benefits for almost every part of the body. And yet, it is something that very few people take, much less its juice.

Start adding beets to your juicing diet to enjoy all its heavenly goodness:

Acidosis: Its alkalinity is essential and effective in combating acidosis.

Anemia: The high content of iron in beets regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body. The copper content in beets help make the iron more available to the body. A great blood builder.

Atherosclerosis: This wonderful crimson juice is a powerful solvent for inorganic calcium deposits that cause the arteries to harden.

Blood pressure: All its healing and medicinal values effectively normalizes blood pressure, lowering high blood pressure or elevating low blood pressure.

Cancer: Betaine, an amino acid in beet root, has significant anti-cancer properties. Studies show that beets juice inhibits formation of cancer-causing compounds and is protective against colon or stomach cancer.

Constipation: The cellulose content helps to ease bowel movements. Drinking beets juice regularly will help relieve chronic constipation.

Dandruff: Mix a little vinegar to a small cup of beets juice. Massage it into the scalp with your fingertips and leave on for about an hour, then rinse. Do this daily till dandruff clears up. Warning: you will smell awful during this hour!

Detoxification: The chlorine from this wonderful juice detoxifies not only the liver, but also the entire system of excessive alcohol abuse, provided consumption is ceased.

Gastric ulcer: Mix honey with your beets juice and drink two or three times a week on an empty stomach (more frequently if your body is familiar with beets juice). It helps speed up the healing process.

Gall bladder and kidney ailments: Coupled with carrot juice, the superb cleansing virtues are exceptional for curing ailments relating to these two organs.

Gout: Another ailment that can be greatly helped by the cleansing that beets have to offer.

Liver or bile: The cleansing virtues in beets juice is very healing for liver toxicity or bile ailments, like jaundice, hepatitis, food poisoning, diarrhea or vomiting. A squeeze of lime with beets juice heightens the efficacy in treating these ailments.

Varicose veins: In similar ways that it helps to keep the elasticity of arteries, regular consumption of beets juice also helps prevent varicose veins.

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Baby C’s Breakfast

This is Baby C’s breakfast today:

Freshly squeezed orange juice, Millenium cactus juice with probiotics, organic blueberry yoghurt, hard-boiled egg yolk mashed with avocado, some crushed Pureen baby biscuits and a dollop of unsalted butter.

I find that the organic blueberry yoghurt by Lean Food (made in Australia) a tad sour for Baby C’s liking. I added some homemade pineapple jam (which my mum made) to the yoghurt for a tinge of sweetness…. but still my sweetie-pie didn’t quite like the yoghurt. When I mixed the yoghurt with the eggs, she ate them. My sweetie-pie has started to get fed-up with hard-boiled egg yolks. I now have to alternate it with steamed egg and fried egg.

I try to feed Baby C at least half an egg a day to boost her weight increase and to strengthen her immune system and body so that she’s one healthy baby with an average weight by the time she goes in for her surgery in a week’s time.

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Baby C Losing Interest In Porridge… But Has Interest In Adult Food!

Baby C has started to lose interest in her porridge for the past few days. It would be a struggle for me to finish off feeding her the bowl of porridge and it normally takes at least an hour for her to finish her bowl of porridge and her bowl of soup.   The easiest way out would be to put on her favorite VCDs and sit her right in front of the TV. Otherwise, she would scream and turn her head left and right to avoid the spoonful of porridge when I’m half way with her porridge. What interest her most is adult food… food on the dining table… food not meant for her… food that doesn’t taste bland…. food that she can chew, though she doesn’t have teeth.  I have let her try some of the food that we eat and she loves steamed eggs with minced pork and fried fish. She even eats raw yellow bell pepper! I am not keen to start her with adult food just yet as our food has soy sauce, dark sauce, a little salt and other sauces (with preservative and perhaps MSG hidden in the sauce). If she didn’t have issues with her kidney and an impending surgery, I would start blending up rice with dishes to feed her, just like what I did with Sherilyn when she was a year old.

When we are back from our trip in Penang, I will stop cooking porridge for a week and try feeding her with something different to whet her appetite for food. I plan to steam fish with pumpkin and sweet potato and mash up steamed brocolli with fish and butter for a start. Do you have any other interesting suggestions for a 12-mo baby?  My baby likes savoury food and she has no teeth yet :S

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Mashed Egg Yolk With Avocado

Baby C doesn’t like to eat her hard-boiled egg yolk on its own. I have to add butter, some fresh milk, some crushed biscuits, yoghurt or some bread to the egg yolk every morning. Yesterday, I added avocado to it. I thought she wouldn’t eat them but boy did she like them. I’m glad she likes avocados as avocados are an excellent first food for babies.

With its smooth and creamy consistency and delicate, nutty flavour, the avocado should be given the title of ‘Nature’s Baby Food’. Not only is the taste and texture ideal for a baby food beginner, the avocado is an unrivalled, all-round, complete food for infants – with an impressive list of health-giving properties.

Mashed egg yolk with unsalted butter, a little fresh milk and avocado. Yums and good stuff!

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Apple Porridge

I read from this mom’s blog that she used apples to cook her 2-year old toddler’s porridge. I tried it the other day and I must say, it tasted good. I like the sweetness and the fragrance of apple in the porridge.

BBC's 1st bday, purple cauliflwr, bbc eats egg 003 by you.
This is the pot of apple porridge for Baby C. Other ingredients included a fist-sized piece of mui yoke (lean pork), ma yau fish, brocolli, purple sweet potato, pumpkin, 2-3 pips of garlic (good for warding off cold virus and makes the porridge tastier too), rice and millet.  Even for someone like me who don’t like eating porridge find that the pot of porridge is simply sweet and tasty… even without salt, yums!

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Baby C’s Breakfast

This is my sweetie-pie’s breakfast:

BBC's 1st bday, purple cauliflwr, bbc eats egg 001 by you.
From top clockwise : plain water, Millenium cactus juice with probiotics powder in yellow cup, freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with her other health supplements (that’s the only way she would willingly drink her yucky tasting supplements), 3/4 egg yolk of a free-range egg with unsalted butter and Gardenia white bread with unsalted butter. 

My sweetiepie would only eat her egg with butter as the egg yolk is a tad dry.  This bread-lover also wants some bread to go with the egg, otherwise she would spit out the egg yolk.  However, if the egg is fried, she would gladly chomp it down.  I’m glad she could tolerate eggs (I started her with egg yolks at 11.5 months) and has no problem eating them as eggs are one of the most nutritious food for kids.

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Baby C Just Won’t Eat Jar Food Or Cereals

I’ve tried many brands of jar food and cereals for my sweetiepie but she just hates eating them. I know homemade food and porridge are by all means healthier and tastier but jar food and cereals are by all means so much more convenient, aren’t they?   They’re God-sent for busy mummies. Sometimes when we need to go out and don’t have time to cook porridge, jar food is such a convenient food to feed her but nope, she just won’t eat them!

The other day, during our stay at Hilton Sentral Hotel, I tried my luck with a jar of Healthy Times organic mango chicken baby food for Baby C during breakfast.  I thought she would accept it as it is a savoury food, with chicken.   I was delighted when she did not spit out her first spoonful (well, it was just a quarter of spoon) of the baby food. However, with the second and third and following spoons, she was merely forcing herself to swallow the food down her throat.   I gave up and gave the jar food to my maid who liked the taste of the baby food and used it as bread spread!

My sweetiepie preferred the sliced water apple (jambu air) and pushed the jar of baby food away!

With this, I declare that my 3 girls are all the same in one way – they hate jar baby food!  And only my #2 loved baby cereals.

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Baby C’s Colorful Porridge

Baby C loves her porridge and I’ve been making her the same porridge with the following ingredients for almost 3 months every day:

Alternate between white and brown rice
Goji berries or wolfberries or gei jee (touted as a super fruit packed with antioxidants and nutrients)
3 red dates
1 small wedge of pumpkin or sweet potato
1 small wedge of carrot
1 french bean or any other bean or a floret of brocolli
Sometimes I throw in some red beans, mung beans and soy beans
Chicken or pork

2 weeks ago, I put in some organic millet into her porridge.

That’s Baby C’s colorful porridge and it’s really sweet and tasty.

I also add in about 1 tablespoon of E.Excel’s Nutrifresh powder (mixture of fruits and veggie powder) and some cranberry powder into her porridge. That’s the only way Baby C will eat her cranberry powder (which has a sour and slightly bitter taste).  Don’t know how effective it is in preventing UTIs but worth a try. 

On top of this bowl of porridge, Baby C my soup lover also gulps down half a bowl of soup at every meal everyday.

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Feeding Baby C Fruits

Baby C loves most fruits. So far, I’ve given her papayas, red dragon fruits, oranges, apples, plums, grapes, strawberries, pears, peaches and yesterday, gave her avocado.

Peach is one of Baby C’s favorite fruits, next to strawberry. I love peaches too, they are my favorite. Love the fragrance, the texture and the sweetness of the peach.

For those who start their babies on solid foods earlier than the recommended 6 months of age, peaches are an easy to digest first food for those between 4-6 months of age. Peaches may be poached, steamed or baked. Please be aware that peaches tend to loose their nutritive value with prolonged cooking. Baking peaches or steaming them may be the best choice of cooking for optimal nutrient retention.

Food For Thought:

Peaches are high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A and they contain a great amount of fiber. Peaches are known to have a diuretic affect and also are a natural laxative. Along with Prunes, the Peach is a great fruit to give to your baby if constipation has become a problem.

Nutriotional information on peaches (one medium size) :

Vitamin A – 524 IU
Vitamin C – 19 mg
Folate – 5.5 mcg
Niacin – .97 mg

Potassium – 193 mg
Phosphorus – 12 mg
Magnesium – 6.9 mg
Calcium – 5 mg
Selenium – .4 mg
Also contains trace amounts of iron, zinc, manganese and copper.

Baby C can wallop this small bowl of peach within minutes.

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Baby C Loves Tofu

Baby C loves tofu and I am surprised that she does coz tofu is quite a bland tasting food and my 2 older gals don’t really like it.  I normally just steam the tofu plain and scoop out a small portion for her. I am glad she loves tofu coz tofu is rich in calcium and protein. She can easily eat 2-3 tablespoons of tofu in one sitting, on top of her porridge. I normally buy Anzen organic tofu, which is available from Jaya Jusco, Giant, certain organic shops and from the Central Supermarket. It costs double the price of regular square tofu.

Baby C having a mouthful of tofu.

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