Category Archive: Health Issues

Runner’s Knee

A few weeks ago, I had a sharp pain on my left knee cap each time I squatted down.   Sometimes there was a cracking sound and the knee felt cold and numb. The pain went on for about 10 days. The funny thing is that when I did my usual run in the morning, I did not feel the pain. The pain only came about each time I squatted down.   I was really upset and worried, fearing that I may be in a similar situation as the mil who has pain in her knees. I thought that my knee cartilage needed help or that I may have developed a mild osteoarthritis of the knee. I googled for an answer and found out that I had Runner’s Knee. So much for my love for running all my life, I have now succumbed to Runner’s Knee!

The hubs advised me to pop his Glucosamine tabs but I was reluctant. I eased the duration and intensity of my run each morning. Instead of running 5 rounds each morning, I brisk-walked 3 rounds and jogged 2 rounds at our condo jogging trek. I also spent some time doing knee exercises before I started running. On some mornings, I just did 4 rounds of brisk-walking and 1 round of running. After approximately 10 days, the pain was gone when I bent my knees! I was so relieved! Now that it is the school holidays, the timing is right for me to use the gym.  I now spend half an hour on the air-walker every morning.   Air-walking does not put so much pressure on the knees as running and jogging. I can also increase the duration of my exercise and sweat more when I work out on the air-walker.

What is Runner’s Knee
As the name suggests, runner’s knee is a common ailment among runners. But it can also strike any athlete who does activities that require a lot of knee bending — like walking, biking, and jumping. It usually causes aching pain around the kneecap.

Runner’s knee isn’t really a condition itself. It’s a loose term for several specific disorders with different causes. Runner’s knee can result from:

Overuse. Repeated bending of the knee can irritate the nerves of the kneecap. Overstretched tendons (tendons are the tissues that connect muscles to bones) may also cause the pain of runner’s knee.

Direct trauma to the knee, like a fall or blow.

Misalignment. If any of the bones are slightly out of their correct position — or misaligned — physical stress won’t be evenly distributed through your body. Certain parts of your body may bear too much weight. This can cause pain and damage to the joints. Sometimes, the kneecap itself is slightly out of position.

Problems with the feet. Runner’s knee can result from flat feet, also called fallen arches or overpronation. This is a condition in which the impact of a step causes the arches of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.
Weak thigh muscles.

Symptoms of runner’s knee are:
Pain behind or around the kneecap, especially where the thighbone and the kneecap meet.

Pain when you bend the knee — when walking, squatting, kneeling, running, or even sitting.

Pain that’s worse when walking downstairs or downhill.


Popping or grinding sensations in the knee.


What’s the Treatment for Runner’s Knee?
Regardless of the cause, the good news is that minor to moderate cases of runner’s knee should heal on their own given time. To speed the healing you can:

Rest the knee. As much as possible, try to avoid putting weight on your knee.

Ice your knee to reduce pain and swelling. Do it for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours for 2-3 days, or until the pain is gone.

Compress your knee. Use an elastic bandage, straps, or sleeves to give your knee extra support.

Elevate your knee on a pillow when you’re sitting or lying down.

Take anti-inflammatory painkillers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like Advil, Aleve, or Motrin, will help with pain and swelling. However, these drugs can have side effects, like an increased risk of bleeding and ulcers. They should be used only occasionally, unless your doctor specifically says otherwise.

Practice stretching and strengthening exercises if your doctor recommends them.

Get arch supports for your shoes. These orthotics — which can be custom-made or bought off the shelf — may help with flat feet.



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Cough and Cold Products for Children: Risk and No Benefit

Recently, my girls were down with a bout of cough, mild running nose and a phlegmy throat. When my eldest girl coughed, the phlegm in her throat made her cough sound pretty bad. Someone close to the girls passed a remark as to why I am reluctant to bring them to see the doctor to get medication.  This person remarked that if the cough continues, it may cause injury to the lungs.

Truth is I always believe that the flu and cough will resolve on its own, naturally. The body can heal on its own. I do not believe in cough and flu meds and I have never fed them to Cass, my youngest daughter. First, her tiny body had been exposed to too much antibiotics since she was 6 weeks old until she was about 15 months old – taken on a daily basis for the UTI attacks that she got caused by Kidney Reflux. Secondly, her body has also been exposed to too much radiation from scans and various invasive tests.  During her surgeries 5 years ago, her petite body was exposed to GA, sedatives, morphine and a host of other medications.  I do not want to burden her body any further with synthetic medication.

Cass and my 2 other girls have had been attacked by the flu and strep throat bugs umpteen times and I thank God that I managed to treat them without the use of medication. I have my own way of treating them by using Manuka honey UMF 10+, Propolis, Esberitox along with fruits and juices. Abstinence from certain type of food is very important too. My girls and I have a very ‘heaty’ body, so abstaining from fried food, spicy and oily food and overly sweet food helps to speed up recovery. My method always worked well on my girls and on myself and I thank God for it.

Today I googled on the usage of cough and cold medication for children and what I found from Science-Based Pharmacy is interesting. Here are the excerpts from the website:

In 2008, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel concluded that cough and cold products in children were ineffective and potentially hazardous. The committee recommended that they should be relabelled to indicate “do not use” in children under the age of six. Following this announcement, product manufacturers voluntarily relabelled their products to state “do not use” in children under the age of four.

Around the same time, Health Canada announced that cough and cold products will be relabelled to caution against use in children under the age of six. Products developed just for this age group will be no longer be sold. This extends an earlier decision to remove any products intended for children under the age of two.

In Australia, cough and cold products are now labelled “do not use” for those under the age of 2, and are available only with a prescription. They continue to be marketed and sold with labelling for children aged 2 – 12.

In the United Kingdom, products for children under the age of six are currently being withdrawn. Medication for children aged 6 – 12 will continue to be available, with new warnings on the label.

So depending on where you live, certain products may or may not be sold, and dosing instructions for children may vary dramatically. Given the average household has four to eight over-the-counter cold medications, efficacy and safety questions are highly relevant to most consumers. So how did four different countries arrive at different conclusions? Is any decision the right one? This review will focus on the evidence base supporting cough and cold products for children.


The Nature of Colds in Children
Colds are viral infections, caused by a variety of respiratory viruses. Children get the most colds (6­ – 8 per year), and they tend to last longer – up to two weeks each time. Adults contract 2 – 4 colds annually, and then tend to last 7 days on average. Cold symptoms experienced by children differ from adults. Runny noses are the most common sign, and fever is common in the first three days. Other common symptoms include sore throat, cough, difficulty sleeping and reduced appetite. Ear complaints are also common.


There is no cure for the common cold, and treatments are intended to reduce symptoms. The most common drugs in non-prescription cough and cold products are antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants, and expectorants. Each manufacturer puts together their own concoction, with either single-ingredient or multi-ingredient formulas. The main features that distinguish a product like Benilyn from Triaminic or Dimetapp are packaging, flavouring, and marketing – the ingredients are typically identical within each category.

Fever reducing drugs (i.e,, Tylenol or Tempra (acetaminophen); Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen)) are used to treat fever and pain from colds. Fever reduction is acceptable but not essential when treating a cold. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen effectively reduce fever and are safe when used as directed. No countries have recommended restricting their use in children.


Examining Efficacy in Children
Cough and cold products have been sold for decades, and were approved for sale long before rigorous proof of efficacy was required. Consequently, clinical studies that support these drugs are (in general) of poor quality.

When we look at studies specifically in children, the data are even more limited. Research results are complicated by different age groups, irregular dosing, lack of placebo control, and very small patient numbers. [2] It turns out that the current recommended dosage for children, typically determined during clinical trials, is based mainly on expert opinion. When these products were originally approved, it was assumed that children were just “small adults” and that research in adults could be applied to children. Dosages were estimated based on ages – not weight, which would be more relevant. [2]

But children are definitely NOT small adults. Differences exist in how children absorb drugs (amount of stomach acid) and where the drug goes in the body (body fat percentage). Their ability to metabolize drugs may differ, due to an immature liver. Consequently, drugs can behave in different and unpredictable ways, compared to adults.

Few studies have examined how cough and cold products behave in children. Consequently, their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination are poorly understood. The FDA expert advisory panel indicated that it was inappropriate to extrapolate data from adults to children.[3]

Despite the lack of direct research, cough and cold products have a long history of use in children with very rare reports of toxicity, usually due to inappropriate (excessive) dosing. In general, these drugs have a wide “therapeutic window”, meaning that large overdoses are required before serious side effects are expected.

So let’s consider the evidence to support their use. Literature searches have identified only a handful of clinical trials studying children, with few trials demonstrating efficacy.


Expert Opinion
When there is insufficient data from clinical trials, it is reasonable to consult expert opinion for guidance. The following organizations have made statements:

The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) provides advice consistent with Health Canada, recommending against treatment with cough and cold products in children under the age of six. The only acceptable exception are fever-reducing drugs (ibuprofen and acetaminophen).
The American Academy of Pediatrics has concluded that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that cough and cold products are ineffective in children under 6 years old. It has regularly criticized multi-ingredient products as well as the lack of data to support the recommended dosages.
The American College of Chest Physicians has concluded that the published data does not support the efficacy of cough and cold products in the paediatric age group.


Summary of the Evidence
There is little convincing evidence that these products are effective in children up to about age 18.
Serious side effects are rare, and usually associated with high doses, typically the consequence of administration errors.
Parents and caregivers may be unaware of the risks of excessive doses.
Excessive doses may be accidentally caused by the use of multiple products at the same time.
Evidence-based dosing guidelines are problematic due to the lack of good quality evidence.


Despite a long history of reasonably safe use, we must hold cough and cold products to the same standard that we would apply to any other unproven therapy. Despite the presence of a drug, and in some cases, demonstrated efficacy in adults, it’s not clear that cough and cold products have any effectiveness in children. While most children tolerate these products well, mild side effects are not uncommon. Fatal side effects are exceptionally rare, but possible. Risks are greater in the younger child, and particularly in infants. We know that colds are generally mild and resolve on their own, and that no product has been demonstrated to have a meaningful effect on the duration of the cold. Rest, adequate fluid intake, and acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the feverish child may be all that is required. Steam humidification and saline nasal sprays may also offer some modest relief of clogged nasal passages.


Disclaimer : This post is NOT intended to give medical advice. If you or your child is unwell, please consult the doctor. The first three paras of this post is written based on my own experience.




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What To Do If You Swallowed A Piece Of Chewing Gum

Two days ago, Alycia did something really silly — she tried to drink water when she was chewing on a piece of chewing gum and swallowed the gum together with the water! This girl of mine is not new to chewing on gums. But it is the first time that she has swallowed the chewing gum. This Miss Cool As Cucumber nonchalantly told me that she had swallowed the chewing gum and asked me what would happen to her. I scared her by concocting an exaggerated answer so that she would not repeat the same silly mistake — by telling her that if the gum did not come out together with her poop the next day, she may end up like her baby sister. When Cass was 13 months old, she had an obstruction of the guts, resulting from the first surgery. Her stomach balloned up and she threw up non-stop for a week and finally underwent another surgery to fix the guts. I told Alycia that if she could not let out wind or do her poopie business, she is in for trouble *evil mum, MUAHAHAHAHA!* Anyway, Alycia was so relieved when she pooped today and did not throw up after her meals LOL!


Almost everyone has swallowed a piece of gum, but few kids have ever needed a doctor because of it. You might have heard that swallowed gum stays in your stomach for 7 years. That’s not true.

Though your stomach can’t break down a piece of gum the same way it breaks down other food, your digestive system can move it along through normal intestinal activity. In other words, it comes out the other end when you have a bowel movement (poop).

When Is Swallowed Gum a Problem?
Swallowing a large mass of gum, or many small pieces of gum over a short period of time, can block the digestive tract in rare cases. Blockage is most likely when gum is swallowed along with foreign objects, like coins, or when swallowed with nondigestible materials like sunflower seeds.

Little kids are most likely to be affected because they might not understand that gum is chewed, not swallowed.

But apart from these strange scenarios, swallowing an occasional piece of gum is harmless.

What Exactly Happens to the Gum?
Chewing gum is made of either natural or synthetic materials (gum resin), preservatives, flavorings, and sweeteners. The body can absorb sweeteners, such as sugar, and they can add up to a lot of calories if you chew a lot of sugary gum.

But the human digestive tract can’t digest the gum resin. It’s moved through the digestive tract by the normal pushing (peristaltic) actions of the gut. The gum’s journey ends during a trip to the bathroom.

Are Some Kids Too Young for Gum?
Kids shouldn’t chew gum until they fully understand the importance of not swallowing it. By age 5, most children will understand that gum is different than candy and is not to be swallowed.

So if you have younger brothers or sisters, don’t offer them gum until they’re older and your mom or dad says it’s OK.

Should Any Kids Chew Gum?
Too much of anything can be a problem. Chewing gum is hard on dental work and most gums that are not sugar free can cause cavities. Sugar-free gum sweetened with sorbitol also can be a problem because it can cause diarrhea. Cinnamon-flavored gums of any kind may irritate the mouth lining. They can be hot and spicy in your mouth, as you probably know.

A good rule would be to stick with sugar-free gum and don’t have more than one or two pieces a day. And when you’re done with it, don’t swallow it. Spit it out instead!

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Do You Re-Cook Cold Cut Deli Meat?

This is one of our easy-way-out lunches, comprising of fried eggs, chicken ham and turkey ham.  Deli meat, as with canned meat and fast food are an occasional food for us. We eat them like several times in a year only.  As I was blanching the slices of ham, I was wondering if anyone else re-cooks cold cut meat like I do. I know many people do not. They eat right from the fridge. Hotels and restaurants won’t even bother to re-cook the cold cut deli meat for their patrons. After all, they are called cold cut meat, so why bother to warm it up, right?  But I feel safer blanching the cold cut deli meat in boiling water for a few minutes since I am feeding high-risk contamination food to my kids.

Do you cook cold cut deli meat by way of submerging them in hot water, blanching in hot water or pan frying before eating them?


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Nuts Over Coconut Water

Many people will raise their eyebrow if I tell them that I drink coconut water at least 3-4x in a week.  They would remark that coconut water is too cooling for one’s body, will cause ‘wind’ in the tummy, will cause stomachache  and will induce cough.  But I feel healthier ever since I started to have ‘coconut water therapy’ 3-4x a week for more than a year.   Drinking fresh coconut water is very therapeutic for my very heaty body. My kids drink along with me.  Coconut water cleanses the urinary tract and kidneys, so it’s perfect for Cass.  If you google search on coconut water, you will be amazed to read the long list of amazing health benefits of drinking coconut water.  I am sure you have also read that pure virgin coconut oil is a superfood with amazing health benefits too, have you?

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Do You Wash Your Minced Meat Before Cooking It?

Before cooking your beef spaghetti bolognaise or steaming eggs with meat, do you wash the minced meat?  If yes, do you  wash it with a sieve.  I have always instructed my previous maids to wash any type of meat before cooking them, including minced meat.  For meat used to boil soup, I even instructed her to blanch the meat briefly with hot water before dumping it into the pot of soup.  Now that I am maidless, I am trying to cut down on work.  I do not mind washing the minced meat using a sieve but I find washing and cleaning the sieve very troublesome as the minced meat will get wedged inside the tiny holes of the sieve.  I use a brush to wash the sieve but sometimes the meat is still stuck inside the very tiny holes.  So I am just wondering if  it is really necessary to wash minced meat before cooking it.  My mil always has doubts that the butcher washes the meat before grinding the meat and has qualms about the cleanliness of the blender used too.

Do you wash your minced meat before cooking it?

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Using Recycled Paint Pails To Store Water and Soak Vegetables!!

We use to patronize this ‘pan meen’ noodles stall at a nearby coffee shop. That particular pan meen is really very tasty and my girls love it to bits. I started to feel turned off when one time, I saw how the stall owner’s foreign worker prepared the mixed pork meat. In a very large basin that was stained with dirt and plastic peeling off, I saw him scooping big spoonfuls of white powdery stuff and pouring them onto the meat. The white stuff was most likely MSG. Well, MSG was still acceptable but NOT the dirty basin which was placed on the wet and dirty coffee shop floor.

A few weeks later when I went to the same stall to take away, what I saw was the last straw that made me make up my mind that that would be our last time patronizing that stall. I saw many pails on the dirty floor that was used to soak vegetables and water (for the soup). And those pails were previously used to store paints!! Matex paints to be exact. Oh My God! How could the stall owner recycle those pails that were used to store something that is so poisonous and toxic to store food now?! My tummy churned and I felt so turned off while waiting for the noodles. When the stall owner scooped up water from one of the Matex pails to pour into the pot to cook the pan meen that I ordered, I felt really nauseated. I then looked around at other stalls and I noticed the same type of recycled MATEX pails used by those stall owners to soak veggie and water (for the soup) TOO! Goodness! I wanted to run out and never patronize those stalls ever again. And actually thinking back, I notice that many hawkers use recycled paint pails to store water and to soak veggie too. Did you ever notice this? Imagine eating food from these stalls on a frequent basis. Imagine what we have been ingesting all these while. GOSH!! That could be one of the reasons why many people these days suffer from a wide range of terminal illnesses and disorders. We are what we eat. So if you put rubbish and poison into your body, your body succumbs to them over time.

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