Category Archive: Healthy Living Products

Symptoms Of A Body Detox

About a week after I started taking Izumio hydrogen water and Super Lutein, I started to have rashes on my right arm. The rashes first erupted with an itch, followed by a layer of bumpy rash on the surface of the skin. I knew that the rashes are one of the symptoms of a body detox, where the body will eliminate toxins from within.

Initially, I could not understand why the rashes appeared only on my right arm – not left arm and not anywhere else. Then it suddenly dawned on me that only my right arm was problematic! I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) on my right hand when Alycia was only 2 months old. The CTS went away  a few months later (coincidentally) when I was taking antibiotics for severe bronchitis. But the CTS has now appeared in another form – hand numbness with pins and needles. Every single morning. It is so bad that on some mornings, I could not even lift my arm up.  See how intelligent the products work. They will heal the part of the body that requires repairing.  Though I still have pins and needles on my right arm now, they are not as intense as it used to be. I am curious to know how long I need to consume the products before my hand is totally healed.

Cass displayed more extreme detox symptoms. A week after taking Izumio hydrogen water (3 packs a day), she experienced leg pain, headache, mild body aches, watery stools and sore throat.  The symptoms lasted for about 3 days. Then I began to see positive reactions in her urine leakage problem. Within a week of taking Izumio, she could be diaper-free at home – all the time during her waking hours!   Previously, she was on diapers / sanitary pads all the time.   However, she still needs to wear diapers when she is in school and when we are out. I will gradually move to the 2nd Hurdle and 3rd Hurdle set out in our Target Chart where we will have to work on getting her to hold her pee when she exerts energy to do strenuous activities and simple things like coughing and sneezing.  Cass told me just now that she wanted to try to wear just a panty when we next go out for lunch / dinner.  That’s my girl – ambitious and determined!

My right arm with bumpy patches of rashes.  They broke out yesterday.  The rashes are drying up now.


Symptoms Of A Whole Body Detox
When you begin to detoxify, the cells in your body start to eliminate toxic substances. However, before they make their final exit, the toxins are released into the bloodstream then carried through the circulatory system and this may result in other physical symptoms.  Some of these symptoms include body aches and pains, cravings or withdrawal, nausea or vomiting, clogged sinuses, constipation or diarrhea, coughing, fever, flu or cold-type symptoms, bad breath, gas, headaches and stomach aches. Toxins are often eliminated through the skin as well and this can result in acne, rashes, or other skin issues. All of these symptoms do not occur for everyone, but it is at least good to know what to expect ahead of time or what others sometimes experience during a whole body detox.

Irritability and Moodiness
A whole body detox can cause excessive irritability and moodiness. It is actually the toxins in the body that cause this problem in the first place. Detox symptoms are simply manifestations of the body’s self-cleansing and self-healing process to get rid of toxins. When you begin the detox, all the toxins get pulled out of your system so the irritability and moodiness can become much worse before they get better, though it will only be for a short period of time.

View it like cleaning a house. In the process of cleaning, everything becomes more messy and cluttered than before you started cleaning. But in order to enjoy a clean house you have to deal with the messiness in the cleaning process. Likewise, in order to help with irritability and moodiness, you have to get past the beginning phase of the whole body detox.

Fatigue is another common symptom of a whole body detox. This includes having a lack or even loss of energy. The severity of this symptom depends on what your lifestyle is like before the detox and how quickly you make the change into the detox.  If you more gradually start a detox and prepare your body ahead of time, you will not be as negatively affected by symptoms.

Other Physical Symptoms
When you begin to detoxify, the cells in your body start to eliminate toxic substances. However, before they make their final exit, the toxins are released into the bloodstream then carried through the circulatory system and this may result in other physical symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:
body aches and pains,
cravings or withdrawal
nausea or vomiting,
clogged sinuses,
constipation or diarrhea,
flu or cold-type symptoms,
bad breath,
stomach aches.
Toxins are often eliminated through the skin as well and this can result in acne, rashes, or other skin issues.

All of these symptoms do not occur for everyone, but it is at least good to know what to expect ahead of time or what others sometimes experience during a whole body detox.

For more reading on Izumio and Super Lutein, please click on the following link:

Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Izumio and Incontinence

Super Lutein

Day 18 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence




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Magnetic Therapy Bracelet For Hand Numbness?

I still get the hand numbness and tingling sensation on my hands, especially on my right hand every morning when I wake up. I notice that the more I use the hand to carry heavy things, the more severe the hand numbness and tingling sensation will get the next morning.

I try not to carry heavy things but sometimes I cannot help it. Carrying heaving things as well as sleeping on my side will aggravate the hand numbness that I experience every morning. The numbness could be a spin off from the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that attacked me two months after I gave birth to Alycia.

I have tried several products that are supposedly good for the hand numbness but none of them worked. Perhaps I should try magnetic therapy bracelet as recommended by my friend.

Pretty and therapeutic.  I wonder if this magnetic therapy bracelet can treat my hand numbness. Should I give it a try?




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Miracle Ear Twitter

Hearing aids can give a much-needed boost to the quality of life of individuals who suffer from hearing loss. No matter why any person is losing the ability to hear well, it affects the way that person functions. It is just like losing the ability to see or smell. The world becomes different. Long ago, that is the way the world would have stayed. Now, just looking at things like the Miracle Ear twitter account is enough to see how much the world of hearing loss has changed. Many people have been able to restore their hearing with the help of a hearing device.

Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can happen suddenly or over time. A common reason for a slow decline in hearing is age. According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly half of individuals over 75 have hearing difficulties. However, hearing loss that happens with age may be caused not by age but by repeated exposure to loud sounds, genetics and even personal hygiene. Hearing loss can also appear at birth for a number of reasons. Causes for hearing loss during the rest of life include damage to the eardrum, infection and growths inside of the ear.

How Hearing Aids Help
Most causes of long-term hearing loss are irreversible. Damage to hearing structures, age, etc., are all things that people have yet to solve. So how does a person regain hearing? People who are not fully deaf (and some that are in the case of more advanced technology) can be helped by devices that amplify noise and transfer the sound to the existing structures within the ear and make the sound clearer to the listener.

Types of Hearing Aids
It is important to know that not all types of hearing aid will work for particular types of hearing loss. Furthermore, some types have more functionality, discretion and clarity than others do. Speaking to a professional is a good idea before choosing which hearing aid is best for a wearer’s needs.

Clip-on hearing aids fit over the back of the ear. Most of these devices are quite large and visible, but are an option for most individuals with hearing loss. Open fit hearing aids clip on the back of the ear, but are smaller than other clip-on hearing devices. They do not require filling the ear canal, so there is less obstruction in the ear. However, the device loses some of its potential with this design. It may not have controls, such as volume control, because it is so small. It is also best when low-frequency hearing is still at normal range.

Hearing aids that fit in the canal and in the ear are more discreet than clip on hearing aids. Some are almost imperceptible. Depending on the fit and design, these will often feature capabilities such as volume control, though some will have flaws such as interference from wind. Nonetheless, there are many options that fit in the ear and they will suit any level of hearing loss that is treatable with a hearing aid.



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Agave Nectar

In our household, white sugar is not used.  White sugar has gained such bad reputation in recent years that more people are aware of its negativeness now. Recent studies and articles have suggested that white sugar feeds cancer cells and too much white sugar causes cancer.  In our household, we only use organic raw brown sugar (very scarcely used in cooking and always reduced in baking) and lately, I am starting to use Agave Nectar.

Being a PCOS sufferer since 2001, I have since cut down on white sugar and white flour products. PCOS sufferers have a disorder with insulin, a hormone that controls the change of sugar, starches and other food into energy for the body to use or store. Many women with PCOS have too much insulin in their bodies because they have problems using it. Excess insulin appears to increase production of androgen. High androgen levels can lead to acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain and infertility. I suffered from all these symptoms (except for excessive hair growth) at the height of my battle with PCOS 12 years ago.

I use Agave Nectar in many of my meat dishes. I also use it as a bread spread. Agave Nectar’s combination with butter on toast is delightfully yummy!  I find that the taste of Agave is somewhat similar to maple syrup and maltose.


One of the most health-promoting properties of agave nectar is its favorable glycemic profile. Its sweetness comes primarily from a complex form of fructose called inulin. Fructose is the sugar that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. The carbohydrate in agave nectar has a low glycemic index, which provides sweetness without the unpleasant “sugar rush” and unhealthful blood sugar spike caused by many other sugars. Agave nectar is a delicious natural sweetener that can be used moderately – by dieters, some diabetics, and health conscious cooks – to replace high-glycemic and refined sugars.

Modern medical study has confirmed agave’s remedial properties. Agave nectar applied to the skin has been found effective against pyogenic (pus producing) bacteria such as Staph aureus. The tradition of adding salt to the nectar has been found to further boost its anti-microbial property. Agave nectar has also been proven effective against enteric (intestinal) bacteria.

Blue Agave (Agave tequilana)

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Health Supplement Coupons

Health supplements are a great way to keep your body working the way you want it to. The internet has made it much easier to get access to health supplements, which are generally only sold at specialized stores. However, the reasons to shop online are only increasing with time.

The first reason to shop online is availability. Health shops aren’t found in smaller cities, and oftentimes there will only be one health shop to an area. This means that if you can’t find what you want at your local health shop, you’re out of luck.

The second reason is pricing. Prices tend to be higher in brick-and-mortar health shops for the same reason that availability is slim: because there are so few health stores, there is no competition to keep prices low among them.

Lastly, you can find a great many deals online that won’t be found in-person. You can find supplement coupons at, for instance. Coupons online tend to let you save a flat percentage off any purchase, and unlike in-store coupons off the web, they tend to apply to anything you might order. This makes ordering large quantities of supplements at a time an attractive and cost-effective option.

These are just a few of the most notable advantages to shopping online. Building a customer history with a given online retailer can also have benefits, and this is all to say nothing of the convenience of having things delivered to your door. Health supplements are a boon to any health-conscious individual, and the advent of online shopping is only making it easier to bring them home.

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Melagel For My Dry Lips

Whenever I travel, I always bring along my lip balm as travelling in an air-cond car and sleeping in an air-cond room dry up my lips and sides of my mouth and cause them to crack, peel and this hurt me terribly. This time, I had forgotten to put my Burt’s Bees lip balm and my lips started to crack. My left toe had cracked skin too. But thankfully, I remembered to pack 2 disks of Melagel Topical Balm in my make-up bag!! So I decided to apply Melagel onto my lips, sides of my mouth and toe. The next morning, the cracks on my lips have almost closed. So were the cracks at the side of my mouth and toe (I have extremely dry skin and air cond aggravates the problem). Really amazing! Next time, no need to bring lip balm or antiseptic creams when I travel. Melagel is my all-purpose wound healer! You really gotta try it to believe it!

MelaGel contains 23% T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil along with the best, most natural cocoa butter, beeswax, and wheat germ oil. Also includes vitamins A, D3, and E, each complementing each other and invigorating your dry skin.

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Removing Wax From Fruits With Harvest Pure Fruit and Vegetable Wash

The other night, I bought a punnet of baby plums (Angelino Sultanas) imported from Turkey from the night market. In the darkness of the night, I could not see that the plums were coated in a layer of white stuff. The next day, I got a shock when I opened up the punnet of plums. Each and every plum had a thick layer of white coating on the skin. The whitish coating could be wax and pesticides.  I washed the plums with water but the coating of white stuff remained stubbornly on the skin.  Then I remembered I have a bottle of Harvest Pure fruit and veggie wash!  With just half a small cap of the solution mixed with water ( I switched to Acidic Water mode on my Panasonic water filter), I could see the skin of the plums turn from white to dark purple almost instantly. After a 5-minute soak in the fruit and veggie wash solution, the skin of the baby plums were sparkling clean! Before serving them to the girls, I briefly soaked the plums with acidic water again and then rinsed the plums with running tap water for a final wash.  All in, the plums were soaked and washed for 15-20 minutes. Yep, I admit I am a clean hypochondriac freak!

My girls enjoying their baby plums, with skin intact too. Each of them gobbled up 2-3 plums in one sitting and they all had a very easy time on the throne that day!

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Harvest Pure Fruit and Vegetable Wash

I usually soak my veggie and fruits in salt water to remove any pesticide and dirt. Recently, I started to use Harvest Pure fruit and vegetable wash from Melaleuca as a friend gave this to us as a gift.   She is a member of Melaleuca and I have also recently joined as a member. Melaleuca cleaning products use the best of science and nature to combine for the safest yet most effective cleaning. The products have no harsh chemicals, safe for households with kids and are super concentrated.

Harvest Pure fruit and vegetable wash consists of natural lime oil, Melaleuca oil (Tea Tree Oil), alcohol and water.  It safely and naturally removes waxes, debris and pesticides from the surface of fruits and veggies.

Do you use any kind of fruit and veggie wash, salt or vinegar to wash your fruits and veggies?

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Warding Off Throat Infection

For someone with a very ‘heaty’ body, I used to get throat infection very frequently when I was younger. Till today, my body and throat will surely act up after a meal of KFC or deep fried fritters. My hands are also perpetually very warm. The Husband is not much better. He too has tonsils and is very prone to getting throat infections and mouth ulcers (which was so horrible that he was hospitalized for a week for a mouth infested with ulcers one time). So naturally, ‘by default’, our 3 girls have our DNA and have a pretty ‘heaty’ body and they used to get throat infections and fevers very frequently too when they were younger (Alycia and Sherilyn). But a change in what we eat can put a stop to the monthly trips to the paed’s clinic. We avoid deep fried food and fast food as much as we can. A drink of fresh coconut water is a must at least 4-5 times in a week, on top of downing lots of plain water, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. I find Manuka honey pretty effective in warding off a throat infection too. And not forgetting the nightly gargle of sea salt water just before bedtime. With this daily regimen, my kids and I are fine.  There has been no more frequent trips to the doctor’s clinic *thank GOD!*

2 weeks ago, after having a feast of durians by the roadside on a hot and hazy afternoon, I felt feverish and could feel an impending sore throat and cough.   At the advice of the MIL, I made myself several cups of American Wild Ginseng tea on top of  downing coconut water.  Thankfully the next day I was fine again.    Last week we had pizza and chicken nuggets delivered home for dinner.  To ‘counter’ the heatiness of pizza and deep fried chicken nuggets, I downed several cups of American Wild Ginseng tea.  For my kids, I gave them Manuka honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice, not forgetting the nightly gargling of sea salt water.  Thank God we are fine too 😀

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OTO e-Lux and OTO e-Cuddle, iLove Them To Bits!!

These have got to be the second and third best gifts that the hubs has ever given me, after the previous 2 digital cameras. He bought me an OTO e-Lux for X’mas as I have been complaining to him about having stiff shoulders, stiff neck and lower backache. He too always suffers from stiff shoulders and often goes for physio therapy. So it was a ‘kill 2 birds with 1 stone’ sort of gift – a gift that benefits the both of us 😀

The OTO e-Lux is a portable mini-massage chair that can be attached to just about any chair at just about any place from your dining chairs to your office chairs, your car seat (but I think this is highly hazardous as one will surely doze off during the massage session!) and I think you can even put it on your bed to enjoy a good upper, middle and lower back massage.

The Shiatsu massaga on my back unblocks energy blockages and reintroduces the optimal flow of energy or qi. The Rolling massage mode helps reduce stress and improves blood circulation. The healing properties of heat therapy provides added pain relief and relaxation. I always have 2 rounds of Shiatsu and 2 rounds of Rolling massage, for at least half an hour.

Ever since I used OTO e-Lux on my chair when I work and even when I am having my meals, I don’t suffer from stiff shoulders or backache anymore! The results after each session is very noticeable. I can feel all my tensed up muscles all loosened up and I feel really refreshed and good after each session. And yes, I often doze off and have a 15-20 minute power nap during the massage session.

But the OTO e-Lux does not reach the head. So my dear hubs bought an OTO e-Cuddle (this massages the head) 2 weeks later! Now I can enjoy a body and head massage everyday. OOoh, I so love my e-Lux and e-Cuddle. If only I have a chair that can be reclined, I will enjoy each massage session even more.  Oh by the way yesterday while we at Mid Valley, we saw a gadget that massages the feet when we passed by the OTO shop. If the hubs buys this too, our set of body massage tools will almost be complete!

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