Category Archive: Healthy Living Products

Good Multivitamins For Optimum Health

I strongly believe that we should all take supplements and eat healthily to stay healthy. That’s because most of us don’t eat the recommended number of veggie and fruits servings that we should everyday. So we need supplements to give us the vitamins and minerals our body needs. If you can afford it, do get the best best multivitamins. But ensure that they are manufactured by a renowned pharmaceutical company. Last but not least, don’t forget to exercise to stay in top form!

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Detox Your Yourself Today

Everyone needs a detox treatment regularly to rid the toxins from our body. We are what we eat and many of us eat too much meat, processed food, fast food and junk food. If you feel sluggish all the time, feel bloated, have constipation, have acne and dull complexion and feel tired all the time, among others, it’s time you find a good detox plan and rejuvenate your body!

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Abbott Calcium Milk Chew

My 2 older girls have reduced their milk intake from 3 glasses a day to only 1 glass a day about a year ago. Worried that they would not be getting enough of calcium, I got them these calcium milk chew from Abbott. It tastes very much like chocolate and my 3 girls are crazy over them. They think it’s chocolate sweets and would pester me for it a few times a day. Fortunately the cap is child-proof and Baby doesn’t know how to open it yet. She would bug me to remove the cap for her the whole day.  Last night, Alycia took out one calcium chewy and left it on my computer desk.  Baby who is super observant quickly snatched the chewy away just when I wasn’t looking, removed the wrapper and popped the chewy into her mouth!!   Alycia and Sherilyn had discovered the trick of opening the cap and now have been helping themselves to these calcium milk chewies everyday. I must hide this bottle of calcium chewies before they pop them all up in a day!  It’s frigging expensive at RM48 for a bottle of 40 soft chewies.

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4Life Transfer Factor

Last week, one of my blog readers read about my post in my kids’ blog that there’s bacteria in Baby’s urine again. She has been one of my loyal silent readers and my customer too. She was so concerned for Baby that she offered to send me a health supplement so that I can try it on Baby, in the hope that it would strengthen her immune system, thus preventing further urinary tract infections.

Here’s the supplement that she had given Baby as a gift of love:

It’s a 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula supplement consisting of cow’s colostrum and egg yolk.

I have been feeding Baby 1 capsule (in powder form) 2-3x a day. Ever since she took this supplement, her urine has been clear. It may be coincidental that the supplement is working in clearing her urine as I have also been feeding Baby with lots of Chinese herbal water meant for clearing the urinary tract system as well as Echinacea (a herb that has potent infection fighting properties).

I am now better prepared if ever Baby gets another foul-smelling pee.   After this latest suspected UTI attack with foul-smelling and cloudy pee, I now know that continuously feeding her with LOTS of fluids (coconut water, chinese urinary tract clearing herbs, barley water, plain water, Refresh) and Echinacea will have a high chance of flushing out all the pesky bacteria out from her urinary tract system.  I also double up the dosage of Waterfall D-Mannose and feed her 1/2 a teaspoon every 3 hourly.

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Drinking Yomeishu To Recharge My Batteries!

After feeling sluggish, lethargic and listless for the past few days, I started drinking Yomeishu again.  During my 3rd confinement, I had received 2 bottles of Yomeishu from friends.  I only drank half a bottle and have 1.5 bottles left.  I am one who hates drinking alcohol and would get nauseous, turn red like a lobster all over and have a heavy head if I imbibe too much.

I must say that the Yomeishu has indeed helped me overcome the fatigue and I feel more energetic today. Today, I ran for almost 40 minutes and didn’t feel tired at all. I even skipped my 15-minute cat nap today and still feel on top! So to those of you who feel sluggish and tired, try drinking Yomeishu. I wish the Yomeishu managements reads this and rewards me with a few bottles of Yomeishu 😀

Yomeishu improves the following symptoms:

1) Physical fatigue
For people with the trouble of physical fatigue such as feeling tiredness, continuation of fatigue, etc. Yomeishu, as a health tonic, relieves fatigue while strengthening physical power.

2) Chilliness of tip of fingers, hands, hips and legs
For people with severe chilliness of hands, feet and hips caused by air conditioners. Active medicinal ingredients contained in Yomeishu widely circulate throughout the body with blood circulation to regulate the functions of metabolism, and as a result, chilliness is improved.

3) Continuation of gastrointestinal trouble after meal
For people with weak digestive organs, gastrointestinal disorders or susceptible to weakened stomach and intestines. Drinking Yomeishu before meals will regulate gastrointestinal activities and strengthen them.

4) Recovery of physical strength during and after illness
For people requiring physical strength during and after illness, and people with delayed recovery of physical conditions after illness. Active ingredients of Yomeishu will regulate principal activities of the body and lead to an original healthy condition.

5) Poor appetite
For people with poor appetite, or incapable of eating despite of appetite. Drinking Yomeishu before meals activates gastrointestinal workings due to the active ingredients and one is capable of recovering to normal appetite.

6) Susceptible to be tired or a weak body constitution
For people with a weak body or feeling a lack of strength. Yomeishu, as a health tonic with a moderate action, strengthens the body and steadily enhances physical power while alleviating physical fatigue.

7) Always look sick
For people with who are of little color due to the chilliness of the tips of the fingers caused by the accumulation of fatigue. The active ingredients of Yomeishu circulate throughout the body with the blood circulation, activate the whole body metabolism and improve the trouble of little color.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

I have been drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of psyllium husk every morning for more than a year now. Not everyone can gulp down this awful tasting concoction first thing in the morning. It can be quite nauseating at times. But for the sake of good health, anything is possible for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is an effective natural bacteria-fighting agent that contains many vital minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon and fluorine that are vital for a healthy body.

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar is made by crushing fresh, organically grown apples and allowing them to mature in wooden barrels. This boosts the natural fermentation qualities of the crushed apples, which differs from the refined and distilled vinegars found in supermarkets. When the vinegar is mature, it contains a dark, cloudy, web-like bacterial foam called mother, which becomes visible when the rich brownish liquid is held to the light. The mother can be used to add to other vinegar to hasten maturity for making more Apple Cider Vinegar. Natural vinegars that contain the mother have enzymes and minerals that other vinegars in grocery stores may not have due to over-processing, over-heating, and filtration. For this reason, it is recommended that you purchase only Natural Apple Cider Vinegar, with an ideal acidity (pH) level of 5 to 7.

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful natural cure for a number of ailments which usually require antibiotics and other medications that have a number of side effects. In particular, Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to:

* Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
* Balance high cholesterol
* Cure skin conditions such as acne
* Protect against food poisoning
* Fight allergies in both humans and animals
* Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
* Strengthen the immune system
* Increase stamina
* Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
* Improve digestion and cure constipation
* Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
* Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections

Other Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar
Weight Loss
While it is not known why, many people claim that Apple Cider Vinegar promotes weight loss. Some theories suggest that ACV helps to speed up the metabolism, while others suggest that it burns calories. A number of nutritionists also believe that combining Vitamin B6 and Lecithin with Apple Cider Vinegar is highly effective for weight loss. A suggested remedy is to mix 2 teaspoons of ACV mixed with a glass of water and drink this before every meal or sip it slowly throughout the day

Bad Breath
Due to its acidic properties, Apple Cider Vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath or halitosis.

Skin Problems and Infections
Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural cure for acne. Please refer to our Acne Home Remedy page for more information on how to treat acne with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Age Spots
Apple Cider Vinegar contains sulfur that fights the effects of aging. As a result, it is often used as a Home Remedy for Age Spots.

Many women have found that Apple Cider Vinegar can help reduce the appearance of Cellulite.

Stomach Problems
Apple Cider Vinegar is frequently used as a natural cure for constipation. Please visit our Constipation Home Remedy for more information on how drinking Apple Cider Vinegar can help cure this common digestive problem.

There are various causes for diarrhea, and although it should not be left untreated, it is often a natural way for the body to rid itself of harmful compounds and ingested materials. Apple Cider Vinegar is a fantastic natural remedy for diarrhea since the high pectin concentration acts as a protective coating which soothes the irritated lining of the colon.

Major Illnesses
Apple Cider Vinegar may help to control high blood sugar levels. Therefore it is often used as a natural treatment for Diabetes.

With so many amazing healing properties, wouldn’t you like to drink a tablespoon of ACV every morning too?

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D-Mannose To Prevent And Treat UTI

About 2 months ago, I stumbled by chance on a nutritional food supplement that many people swear by its effectiveness in preventing and treating UTI.  This nutritional food supplement called D-Mannose is a simple sugar structurally related to glucose, that is found in many fruits, including peaches, apples, oranges, cranberries, and blueberries. It is also produced in your body. D-Mannose is considered a safe and natural nutritional food supplement. Since it isn’t metabolized, it doesn’t interfere with blood sugar regulation, and is therefore safe for diabetics.

I immediately did a Google search on D-Mannose and from my research, it really did sound convincing to me. As there was still bacteria detected in Baby’s urine then (3 months ago) despite the Ureteral Reimplantation surgery, I was really devastated and was really determined to find a way to help keep my Baby free from UTI. I immediately emailed the owner and manufacturer of the product to inquire if it was safe for a toddler to consume D-Mannose. The owner replied me promptly and told me that even infants can consume D-Mannose. I was quite convinced that D-Mannose would work on Baby too and emailed the owner/manufacturer of the product in the U.K. to order a tub to try. The owner responded and wrote something that I had least expected to read. She said she did not want to make a fortune out of my baby’s misfortunes and would send me the D-Mannose for free but I would have to bear the shipping charges. No problem, I immediately paid the shipping charges by credit card and within a week, I received not one but THREE tubs of D-Mannose from the manufacturer/owner. The owner requested that I keep this to myself and not publicize to the whole world that she sent the D-Mannose to me at no cost as she cannot afford to do this to every Tom, Dick and Harry, though she would really love to. I am really grateful and thankful to the owner for her act of kindness.

According to researchers at the Washington University (WU) School of Medicine in St. Louis, most UTIs start when Escherichia coli (E. coli)—a microorganism that lives in the digestive tract and is found in the anal area—invade the bladder and penetrate a protective coating of the superficial cells that line the bladder. In most cases, urine flow washes out bacteria from the bladder. But the cell wall of E. coli bacteria has tiny finger-like projections that contain complex molecules called lectins on their surface. These lectins are cellular glue that binds the bacteria to the bladder wall so they cannot be easily rinsed out by urination.

The chemical structure of D-Mannose causes it to stick to E. coli bacteria, maybe even more tenaciously than E.coli adheres to human cells. Although the mechanism of how it works is complicated, theoretically, if enough D-mannose is present in the urine, it binds to the bacteria and prevents them from attaching to the urinary tract lining

E. coli cells coated by D-mannose in the urine become unglued and get flushed right out of the body. And the beauty about D-mannose is that you can take it year-round without any side effects. You don’t have to wait until symptoms appear. From what I have read, D-Mannose only works on E-Coli and Klebsiella bacteria, the 2 most common bacteria that cause UTIs. So if you have other types of bacteria in your urinary tract system, the bacteria would not be ‘attracted’ to D-Mannose and cannot be flushed out from your body.

Baby has been taking D-Mannose for almost 2 months now and with God’s blessings, she has not gotten any UTI attacks for 3 months.  The Ureteral Reimplantation surgery has been a success too and I was told by our surgeon that the ‘dirty’ urine that I’ve been seeing on and off for the past 3 months could be the ‘debris’ from the urinary tract system as Baby has had bacteria in her urine from day 1.  Our surgeon knows that Baby is taking D-Mannose and he has no objection to it since D-Mannose is just a type of sugar that is found in many fruits, including cranberries – the most popular fruit known to help prevent UTI.

Disclaimer : This is not intended to be a medical advise. If you have urinary tract infection, please consult your doctor.

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Cranberry Capsules

Thanks to one of my blog readers who informed me that I can buy cranberry capsules from GNC, I managed to buy a bottle yesterday.  Each capsule consists of 500mg cranberry juice concentrate powder, which is crimson in color.  It taste a tad tarty and slightly bitter.  Last night, I sprinkled 1/4 of the capsule into Baby C’s porridge and thank God, she did not discover the tarty taste.  Well, I don’t know how effective this is in preventing another UTI in Baby C, but I’d try anything that’s considered safe for her. 

Each bottle of 90 vegetarian capsules costs RM101.90 but since hubby is a member of GNC, he was entitled to a 20% rebate.

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Mangosteen Juice

In recent years, there has been so much hype about the goodness of mangosteen juice. When I was shopping for groceries the other day, I saw Marigold’s Peel Fresh new product – the sugar free mangosteen juice and I bought a bottle to try .  It is a mixture of mangosteen juice, apple juice and grape juice.  

So how did it taste? Nothing like the pure mangosteen juice. It tastes a lot like kids’ meds syrup. I feel the taste of the grape juice and apple juice have overshadowed the taste of the mangosteen juice. I don’t think there will be a second time purchase of this brand of mangosteen juice for me. The next time, I’ll get the real thing, the pure mangosteen juice from those direct selling companies.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with the nutritional information on mangosteen juice for your reading:

Mangosteen Juice is a popular juice found in different nutrition supplements these days. For hundreds of years, Asian people have used Mangosteen in treatments ranging a full spectrum of health concerns such as inflammation, diarrhea, parasites, wounds, skin infections, burns, pain and more.. Research in western countries shows that the mangosteen fruit has many health benefits also.

Mangosteen as an Antioxidant

Antioxidants are known to help prevent oxidation of our bodies’ cells.
Free radicals cause this oxidation, and the free radicals get into the body as a result of over-exercise, being exposed to dirty air and other environmental pollutants, and stress.

How Antioxidants work

You can see how an antioxidant works by cutting an apple in half and squeezing lemon juice on one half, and leave the other half as it is. After half an hour, the half with the lemon juice on it looks like it was just cut open. The other half is a yukky brown color – the browness was caused by the free radicals in the air.

So, the vitamin C in the lemon juice acted as an antioxidant and prevented the free radicals in the air from damaging the apple. The way the lemon juice works on the apple is the way antioxidants work on the cells in our bodies.

Research has found that the mangosteen’s antioxidants are many times stronger than regular fruit and vegetables. If you drink mangosteen whole fruit juice which includes extract from the pericarp, you will achieve high levels of antioxidant protection.

The mangosteen contains some of the highest amounts of xanthones (a natural chemical substance) found in nature. These xanthones possess very potent antioxidants. When studying 6 of the Xanthones found in Mangosteen, following is a partial list of properties found:

* Increased Energy, Lower Blood Pressure, Anti-depressant,

* Healthier digestion,

* Help relieve migraine, Anti-asthma,

* Natural Pain Relief, Stabilises Thyroid, Heart protective,

* Relieves Urinary Pain, Relieves PMS, Anti-eczema,

* Anti-inflammatory, Anti-diabetic, Anti-tumour,

* Anti-oxidant, Immune and modulating, Anti-arthritic,

* Cholesterol-lowering, Anti-viral/fungal,

* Anti-eczema/psoriasis, Anti-bacterial,

* Anti-Diarrhea, Improved skin quality

Article extraxted from

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Prolactor Probiotics

Hubby was informed by his pharmacist friend that one of the best brands of probiotics in the market is Prolactor.  Prolactor has 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) of good bacteria.  Most other brands of probiotics only have 5 billion CFU of good bacteria.  The packaging for Prolactor is pretty impressive.  It is packed in an aluminium resealable bag and comes with a Thermafreeze (something like dried ice). I had read from a health magazine that probiotics that requires refrigeration works better than those that can be kept at room temperature. Hubby bought it from a hospital and the price?  Darn expensive at over RM90 for a bottle of 30 capsules or over RM3 each capsule.  Hubby doesn’t mind as long as his precious baby gets the best treatment.  Hopefully the probiotics will be able to help Baby C’s body fight off the bad bacteria and win the battle, thus prevent another UTI.  

Hubby has to spend close to RM500 per month just on Baby C’s health supplements, exluding Baby C’s consultation with our doctors and urine tests which cost another RM300-RM500  per month.  That makes it almost RM1,000 a month just on Baby C’s health supplements and medical consultation fees and medication.  What about diapers?  I dare not even calculate how much she spents on diapers per month as our doctor has advised us to change her diaper after just one pee.  I think she uses more than 10 diapers a day.   Sigh… that’s the reason why hubby and I have to slog like a dog to earn more moolah 🙁

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