My blissful world came crushing down during a routine well-baby check up when Alycia was about 6 months old. She was suspected of having Hip Dysplasia or clicky hips. If not treated, this could lead to serious problem with one’s gait and position of the legs on the hip socket. For months, I google searched for an answer and prayed fervently that Alycia’s hips would be healed without having to go through any invasive medical treatment. The only treatment was that she had to wear double diapers 24/7 to ‘push’ the legs nicely back into the socket. 3 months later, after an ultrasound scan, the consultant orthopaedic confirmed that Alycia’s hips were aligned and we need not have to see him anymore. God is indeed great!
Category Archive: Hip Dysplasia
Alycia’s Hip Dysplasia
continuation from Hip Dysplasia.
Our Orthopaedic surgeon suggested that we try a non-invasive and non-medical method of treating Alycia first before deciding on a medical treatment plan for Alycia. Since Alycia was only 5 mths old then and her bones were still soft and not fully developed yet, there was still hope and high chances of ‘intervening’ the formation of the bones. Alycia had to be put on double diapers for 4 months and she was to be carried and put to sleep in certain positions in the hope of pushing the hips back to the socket. We spent lots of money on diapers for the next 4 months. Alycia was also very uncomfortable and hot in double layer of diapers 24 hours a day for 4 months.
4 months later, a scan and x-ray revealed that Alycia’s hips were symetrical and perfectly in place. When the dr said “I can now confirm that your daughter is ok and does not need to see me again”, I almost wanted to scream. That was another happiest day of my life. Thank God, my prayer had been answered again, it was trully a miracle.
So to all parents whose babies have some kind of imperfections or another, do not give up hope. Pray and miracles do happen.
Hip Dysplasia
When Alycia was around 6 months old, my 6 months of sheer joy of having Alycia, my beautiful first daughter came to an end when we were informed by our paed during one of the well-baby checks at the paed’s clinic that Alycia has ‘clicky hips’. During a routine examination of Alycia’s legs and body, the paed told me that he heard some ‘clicking’ sounds on Alycia’s hips. He then referred us to the orthopaedic surgeon for further evaluation. I shall forever remember that day. I really wanted to cry in the hospital. This super imaginative lady here has super morbid thoughts and as usual, my mind fast-forwarded to the utmost worst case scenario.
Upon my return from the hospital, I immediately surfed the internet to find out more about hip dysplasia.
Here are some excerpts on Hip Dysplasia from
What Is Hip Dysplasia
Doctors should test every baby for hip dysplasia within moments of the baby’s birth, and also at many of the initial well baby doctor visits. These tests consist of the doctor moving both legs at the hips into various positions. The doctors are checking for symptoms such as “clicky hips”, or unexpected movement such as a loose or dislocated hip joint. If the doctor suspects hip dysplasia, she may perform an ultrasound (on a newborn) or have an x-ray taken. In our experience, the baby should be referred to a pediatric orthopedic doctor for a final diagnosis and treatment.
You, the parent, may suspect that something is not quite right with your child. Some common symptoms that you can detect include: the child may “crab walk” when cruising the furniture, her feet may be turned out so much that they begin to point backwards, or as shown in the picture, the folds of skin in her groin or on her legs are not the same (they are asymmetric).
The baby in this picture here is wearing a Pavlik Harness.
After reading the articles and information from and other websites, I was devastated. I imagined that Alycia would need to be in a Pavlik Harness, Braces, special shoes or worst, go under the knife.
to be continued…..