Sherilyn had a one-day break from school on Tuesday as it was the resitting day of the UPSR Math and Science test papers for Primary 6 students.
Since she had finished her homework, I got her around to help me to grate cheese. Of the 3 girls, Sherilyn loves cooking the most. For someone who has problem waking up early in the morning and completing her homework, but the moment I shout out to her for help in the kitchen, she will dart right into the kitchen to lend a helping hand! Cooking is also one of the ways to train her to shed off her clumsiness. I allow her to use knifes and to fire up the stove.
For the life of me, I never ever like to grate cheese. I prefer to use pre-shredded cheese as it is so much convenient and faster to add into your food. Pre-shredded used to be a permanent fixture in my fridge but not until I found out about the health risks of eating pre-shredded cheese.
Sherilyn at work…
If you are just as clueless as I was, then this information may rock your world. Pre-shredded cheese is covered in a chemical that the industry calls cellulose to keep it from clumping together. Have you ever noticed that white powdery stuff on your shredded cheese? Yeah. It’s not cheese dust. Cellulose is commonly made from WOOD PULP *gulp*!! I think sometimes it is even listed as anti-caking agent.
I am sure that by now, after reading this piece of information on pre-shredded cheese, you will be more inclined to get block cheese and spend a little of your time grating it. By getting block cheese, you:
1) avoid unnecessary food additives
2) save your money. Block cheese is cheaper than pre-grated cheese
3) It is tastier too and
4) from my experience, block cheese lasts longer than its pre-grated counterpart. Have you ever noticed that pre-grated cheese gets moldy really quickly even when kept in the fridge?
Now don’t you just get cheesed off knowing that you have been eating wood pulp in your pre-grated cheese all these while?!