Category Archive: Interesting Information

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Is Instant Coffee Good or Bad?

I am quite a coffee lover but due to time constraint, only consume instant coffee. Drinking regular coffee is linked to many health benefits (123) The question is –  do these benefits apply to instant coffee as well?

For those of you who need your quick fix of cup of joe every morning, have you ever wondered how instant coffee is made?

Instant coffee is in fact made from real coffee. Whole beans are roasted, ground and brewed before they start their journey to becoming instant. What makes coffee instant is when all the water is removed from the brewed product, leaving behind dehydrated crystals of coffee. To make it coffee again, simply add water.

There are two ways to make instant coffee: spray drying and freeze drying.  Spray drying is achieved by spraying liquid coffee concentrate as a fine mist into very hot, dry air (we’re talking about 480 degrees F). When the coffee hits the ground, the water has been evaporated and it has dried into small, round crystals.

Freeze drying coffee involves a few steps. First, the coffee is cooked down into an extract. The coffee extract is chilled at about 20 degrees F into a coffee slushie. The coffee slushie is then further chilled on a belt, drum or tray to -40 degrees F until it forms slabs of coffee ice. The coffee ice is broken into granules. They’re then sent to a drying vacuum, where the ice vaporizes and leaves behind instant coffee granules.

So, is instant coffee healthy? Or does only freshly ground coffee contain all the health benefits?

Instant Coffee Contains Antioxidants and Nutrients

Coffee is the single biggest source of antioxidants in the modern diet (4567).

This high antioxidant content is believed to be responsible for many of the health benefits linked to drinking coffee. Like regular coffee, instant coffee contains many powerful antioxidants (8, 9).

According to one study, instant coffee may contain even more of certain antioxidants than other types, due to the way it is processed (10).

One standard cup of instant coffee contains only 4 calories, and provides small amounts of potassium, magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3).  Moreover, instant coffee generally contains slightly less caffeine than regular coffee. For those who are trying to cut back on caffeine but can’t live without their daily cup of joe, instant coffee may be a better choice.

Instant Coffee Contains More Acrylamide
Acrylamide is a potentially harmful chemical that forms when coffee beans are roasted. This chemical is also commonly found in a wide range of foods, smoke, household items and personal care products. Instant coffee may contain up to twice as much acrylamide as fresh, roasted coffee.  Overexposure to acrylamide may damage the nervous system and increase the risk of cancer.

However, the amount of acrylamide you’re exposed to through diet and coffee is much lower than the doses that have been shown to be harmful. Therefore, drinking instant coffee should not cause concern regarding acrylamide exposure.  Always exercise moderation in your coffee consumption, as with other foods.

Instant Coffee and Cholesterol
Instant coffee has less cafestol than coffee made in a French press or Turkish coffee, according to Dr. Rob van Dam, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. Cafestol is a substance that can elevate cholesterol. Both instant coffee and filtered coffee prepared in an automatic coffeemaker contain very small amounts of cafestol. If you already have high cholesterol or a family history of heart disease, instant coffee is a better choice than French-press or Turkish coffee.

Instant Coffee May Have Several Health Benefits

Given that instant coffee contains the same antioxidants and nutrients as regular coffee, it should have most of the same health effects.

Drinking instant coffee may:

1  Enhance brain function: The caffeine can improve brain function.

2  Boost metabolism: The caffeine may increase metabolism and help you burn more fat.

3  Reduce disease risk: Coffee may reduce the risk of neuro degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

4  Decrease diabetes risk: Coffee may help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (11)

5  Improve liver health: Coffee and caffeine may reduce the risk of liver diseases like cirrhosis and liver cancer (12 13 14)

6  Improve mental health: Coffee may help lower the risk of depression and suicide.

7  Promote longevity: Drinking coffee may help you live longer.

Coffee contains a complex array of bioactive compounds. The chemical processes used to create instant coffee alter or remove some of its nutrients.  Common sense dictates that this processing should lower the nutrient value of coffee. However, research has not confirmed this. In fact, as mentioned earlier, instant coffees may be richer in some nutrients.

Instant coffee is quick, easy and doesn’t require a coffee maker. It also has a very long shelf life and is cheaper than regular coffee.

Overall, instant coffee is a healthy, low-calorie beverage that is linked to the same health benefits as other types of coffee. But do exercise moderation in your instant coffee consumption.

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Human Ears And Nose Continue To Grow Throughout The Entire Lifetime

Do you think you stopped growing at age 16 or 18?  Yes we may have stopped growing vertically at the end of puberty but did you know that some parts of your body continue to grow after the rest of your body is fully grown?

My youngest daughter keeps commenting that my ears seem to grow longer and longer each time she observes them intently.  I didn’t believe her and did a search on whether ears grow with age and bingo, they do! It’s confirmed by the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health in this article.  And I learned something new because of my 11-year old daughter’s curiosity 🙂

Bones, stop growing after puberty and muscle and fat cells also stop dividing. But cartilage – that’s the plastic-like stuff in ears and noses – cartilage continues to grow until the day you die. Not only does cartilage grow, but the earlobes elongate from gravity. And that makes ears look even larger.

Like the nose, the ears are composed of cartilage and will continue to get bigger through your lifetime. In a study published in the December 1995 British Medical Journal, the width of participants’ ears did not increase over time, but the length did — by as much as 0.22 millimeters (0.0087 inches) a year [source: Juan].

So it’s really true. Older people do have larger noses and ears!

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Mushrooms May Reduce The Risk of Mild Brain Decline

Good news to lovers of mushrooms!

A team from the Department of Psychological Medicine and Department of Biochemistry at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore (NUS) has found that seniors who consume more than two standard portions of mushrooms weekly may have 50 per cent reduced odds of having mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

A portion was defined as three quarters of a cup of cooked mushrooms with an average weight of around 150 grams. Two portions would be equivalent to approximately half a plate. While the portion sizes act as a guideline, it was shown that even one small portion of mushrooms a week may still be beneficial to reduce chances of MCI.

The six-year study, which was conducted from 2011 to 2017, collected data from more than 600 Chinese seniors over the age of 60 living in Singapore. The research was carried out with support from the Life Sciences Institute and the Mind Science Centre at NUS, as well as the Singapore Ministry of Health’s National Medical Research Council. The results were published online in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease on 12 March 2019.

Six commonly consumed mushrooms in Singapore were referenced in the study. They were golden, oyster, shiitake and white button mushrooms, as well as dried and canned mushrooms. However, it is likely that other mushrooms not referenced would also have beneficial effects.

The researchers believe the reason for the reduced prevalence of MCI in mushroom eaters may be down to a specific compound found in almost all varieties called Ergothioneine (ET). 

ET is a unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which humans are unable to synthesise on their own. But it can be obtained from dietary sources, one of the main ones being mushrooms.  A deficiency in ET may be a risk factor for neurodegeneration, and increasing ET intake through mushroom consumption might possibly promote cognitive health.

Other compounds contained within mushrooms may also be advantageous for decreasing the risk of cognitive decline. Certain hericenones, erinacines, scabronines and dictyophorines may promote the synthesis of nerve growth factors. Bioactive compounds in mushrooms may also protect the brain from neurodegeneration by inhibiting production of beta amyloid and phosphorylated tau, and acetylcholinesterase.


Materials provided by National University of Singapore


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Unsweetened Cocoa Effective For Cholesterol Improvements

Good news to cocoa lovers! Consuming cocoa in dark chocolate or cocoa powder is a powerful and delightful way to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and prediabetes.  And this is backed by scientific researches.

Chocolate’s polyphenols, particularly its flavanols, act in numerous ways to influence the health of the heart and blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes and other cardiovascular diseases, lowering blood pressure, and improving cholesterol levels.

cocoa benefits

Cocoa powder is produced by crushing cocoa beans and removing the fat or cocoa butter.  Today, cocoa is mostly used in the production of chocolate.  Modern research has revealed that it does indeed contain important compounds that can benefit your health.

Cocoa is one of the richest sources of polyphenols. It’s especially abundant in flavanols, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Polyphenols are naturally occurring antioxidants found in foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, chocolate and wine. They have been linked to numerous health benefits, including reduced inflammation, better blood flow, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

However, processing and heating cocoa can cause it to lose its beneficial properties. It’s also often treated with alkaline to reduce bitterness, which results in a 60% decrease in flavanol content.  So while cocoa is a great source of polyphenols, not all products containing cocoa will provide the same benefits.

In a study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, it was reported that regular consumption of cocoa powder with milk increases HDL cholesterol and reduces oxidized LDL levels in subjects at high-risk of cardiovascular disease.

Groundbreaking results, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, confirmed what many studies had previously concluded—that chocolate and cocoa have statistically significant effects on the following risk factors for cardiovascular disease:

    • improve the functioning of blood vessels (endothelial function)
    • reduce insulin resistance
    • reduce blood pressure
    • reduce triglycerides
    • reduce LDL cholesterol
    • increase HDL cholesterol

What Type of Chocolate Offers Cocoa Benefits?

Generally, the darker the chocolate, the greater the health benefits; dark chocolate contains higher levels of flavonoids, which are a class of antioxidants that can protect our cells from damage and reduce inflammation.

The type of chocolate/cocoa used in the studies included cocoa drinks, dark chocolate, and cocoa supplements. The total amount of chocolate and cocoa per day varied considerably between studies. Some of the chocolate and cocoa in the studies were “enriched” with extra flavanols, some was not. Generally, the higher the flavanol levels, the better the outcomes. But at least some studies show that plain dark chocolate is just as effective in terms of blood vessel health as the special chocolate/cocoa enhanced with extra flavanols.

dark chocolate and cocoa beans on a table


So what kinds of or how much dark chocolate or cocoa do you need to consume in order to reap substantial cocoa benefits? At this point, no one knows exactly. But many researchers and clinicians agree that you do not need to buy the special flavanol-enriched chocolate or cocoa. Regular dark chocolate of at least 70 percent cocoa or cocoa powder, preferably organic and fair trade, will likely do just fine. As for how much to eat, around 40 to 50 grams (about 1.5 to 2 ounces) of dark chocolate (70 to 85 percent cocoa) roughly coincides with the amounts associated with therapeutic effects in studies.  However, even just a small square of dark chocolate 2 to 3 times a week is beneficial for heart health. Besides dark chocolate, you can also increase your intake of other flavanol-rich foods like tea and berries for additional benefits.

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Why Do We Have Impaired Taste When We Have A Bad Throat Or Cold?

During my bout throat infection recently, everything that I ate tasted bland. The coffee and green tea that I drank daily tasted extra bitter. The milk tasted funny and I thought that it had gone bad. Foods that are sour tasted even more sour to me. When we had lunch at a restaurant that serves healthy food, I commented that most of the dishes were tasteless but I was the only one who found the food bland. My nasal wasn’t congested but I had massive amounts of mucous in my throat, causing me to lose my voice and eventually developed a bad cough. I wondered if the change in my palate or tongue had anything to do with my bad throat.  Well, it does!

What causes impaired taste?
Having a cold, sinus infection, strep throat, or upper respiratory infection can result in a decrease in taste sensation. Water might even taste off to you when you’re feeling under the weather. Post-nasal drip is what happens when mucus drips from the back of your nose to your throat, and it’s a common cold and flu symptom. The mucus can mix with your saliva, which can affect your sense of taste and makes everything taste weird for you. Once your cold goes away, you’ll likely feel better.

Yet another reason that your sense of taste may be messed up is because your sense of smell is affected when you’re not feeling well. Your senses of smell and taste work hand-in-hand, so if you aren’t able to smell anything, your taste buds will be affected as well.

When you chew food, aromas are released that activate your sense of smell by way of a special channel that connects the roof of the throat to the nose. If this channel is blocked, such as when your nose is stuffed up by a cold or flu or you have an inflamed throat, odors can’t reach sensory cells in the nose that are stimulated by smells. As a result, you lose much of our enjoyment of flavor. Without smell, foods tend to taste bland and have little or no flavor.

Illnesses and infections
When you have a cold, sinus infection, or other illness, your body naturally releases a regulatory protein called Tumor Necrosis Factor or TNF, which is released by the immune system to help fight off inflammation due to an illness or disease. The protein is also responsible for increasing sensitivity to taste, making food extra bitter and far less appetizing, according to researchers. This protein is highly produced when people are sick and is involved in creating greater sensitivity to food taste. What makes the food taste bitter are certain chemicals in the food.

Even if water tastes gross to you when you’re sick, you should still drink as much water as you can until you’re better, and even when you’re better, you should continue to drink 8-10 glasses of 8 ounces water everyday.

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Do Green Tea And Decaf Coffee Have Caffeine?

When I consulted an acupunturist and herbalist in the hope of reducing the size of a fibroid in my uterus months ago, she asked me to list down the foods and supplements that I consumed. When she heard that I drink green tea on a daily basis, she advised me to stop drinking green tea and all types of tea for that matter. In TCM, tea is considered a ‘cooling’ food, which could worsen fibroids. Cooling drinks and foods also cause havoc to the female reproductive system. In the Western medical term, green tea contains caffeine; caffeine affects estrogen and increased estrogen level in the body can cause fibroids to increase in size.

Caffeine In Green Tea
Although it’s a common myth that green tea is naturally caffeine free, green tea does contain caffeine.

A cup of pure green tea usually contains around 25 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce serving.
This is considered to be a low amount of caffeine. It’s roughly 1/4 the amount of caffeine you’d find in a typical cup of coffee and roughly 1/2 the amount of caffeine you’d find in a typical cup of black tea.

green tea

Green tea comes from the very same plant used to make black tea, known as Camellia Sinensis. There’s a slight difference between the two though –  the fermentation or oxidation process varies depending on whether black tea or green tea is being made. It’s much gentler when making green tea, and there is also an amino acid present in green tea that offsets the ‘hyper’ effect of caffeine.

Whilst green tea gives you a small caffeine boost, it creates a gentler and steady source of stimulation which apparently can aid concentration. This combination can also create a calming effect on your brain – ideal for when you want to relax and unwind. Although there is caffeine in green tea, it contains less caffeine than black tea, and in turn black tea has a lot less caffeine than coffee.

Caffeine In Decaf Coffee
You may have heard there’s actually some caffeine in decaf coffee, and there is some truth to it. The decaffeination process usually removes 94 to 98 percent of caffeine from a coffee bean.  FDA regulations specify that for coffee to bear a decaffeinated label, 97 percent of the original caffeine must be removed from the beans. So, yes, there’s caffeine in decaf coffee.

Sticking to decaf isn’t going to eliminate caffeine from your coffee. That’s according to a new study that shows even decaffeinated coffee comes with at least a small dose of caffeine. If someone drinks five to 10 cups of decaffeinated coffee, the dose of caffeine could easily reach the level present in a cup or two of caffeinated coffee.


Researchers say even though the caffeine content of decaffeinated coffees is low, people could develop a dependence on them.


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At What Age Do Girls Stop Growing In Height?

Lately, my 14-year old daughter has been obsessed with gaining a few inches in height.  At 13.5 years old, she stands at about 155 cm in height while I stand at 158 cm.  My height is sufficient to get me into Malaysia Airlines for a flight stewardess job when I was 22 years old but I gave up the ambition of my dreams.

In my daughter’s class, most of her classmates are at least 158 – 165 cm in height.  That’s tall for 14-year old Asian girls.  To be fair to my daughter, she is one of the youngest in her class and she is only 13 years old. She’s a December child.  We still have hope that she will still grow taller!

In her quest to gain that few inches extra in height, she skips the rope everyday, about 1,000 – 3,000 skips each time. She plays tennis, takes part in all the jogathon and half marathon organized by her high school, runs and goes to the gym occasionally.  Her grandma would cook peanut root soup occasionally, known among the Chinese old folks to boost growth in height.

After about a year now skipping regularly and drinking peanut root soup and seeing not much significant spurt in her height, my daughter is now a tad discouraged. She does not jump as much as she used to and tells me dejectedly that jumping does not help her to grow taller.

Young woman skipping rope during sunny morning on stadium track

Girls grow at a quick pace throughout infancy and childhood. When they reach puberty, growth increases dramatically again. Girls stop growing and reach adult height usually between the ages of 14 or 15 years, or a couple of years after menstruation begins.  As my daughter is still 13 years old, she still has a glimmer of hope to grow taller! Keeping our fingers crossed!

Genetic Factors

A big factor that determines your height is genetics. If your parents are both short, that does not mean that you will also have the same fate! Height is influenced by ranges of genes and if there are members in your family tree who are actually tall, you also have a chance to acquire that gene! Hormones such as testosterone in men also affect height.

My husband and I are not very tall. We are of normal height for Asians.  From my husband’s side, his late father was very tall while his mother is of normal height. Of his 4 sisters, 3 of them are very tall and only one sister is of normal height. My husband is the shortest of the 5 of them.

How does puberty affect growth?

Girls typically have a growth spurt in the 1 to 2 years before menstruation starts. For most girls, the growth spurt starts between the ages of 10 and 13. They then grow just 1 to 2 inches more in the year or 2 after getting their first period. It’s during this time that they reach their adult height.

Most girls reach their adult height by age 14 or 15. This age could be younger depending on when a girl first gets her period.

What’s the average height for girls?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the median height for adult women over 20 years old is 63.8 inches, or just under 5 foot 4 inches. The average height at the earliest start of puberty is around 50 inches, so that’s a lot of growth during a short period of time.

The following information comes from the CDC:

Age 50th percentile height for girls
8 127.5 cm (50 in.)
9 133 cm (52 in.)
10 138 cm (54 in.)
11 144 cm (56.5 in.)
12 151 cm (59.5 in.)
13 157 cm (62 in.)
14 160.5 cm (63 in.)
15 162 cm (64 in.)
16 162.5 cm (64 in.)
17 163 cm (64 in.)
18 163 cm (64 in.)

The above chart is for American girls. Asian girls are genetically shorter and smaller built than their Western counterpart.

Can I grow taller after puberty?
There is very little evidence to suggest that people can grow taller after puberty. Humans usually grow faster as infants and toddlers. They also grow significantly as growth spurts hit during puberty.

What are growth spurts?

Growth spurts is a term used for a rapid increase in height and weight which typically occurs during puberty. In their teens, kids put on an amazing growth to reach their final adult height. This phenomenal growth starts at the outside of the body and works in. Hands and feet are the first to expand. Needing new shoes is the first sign of experiencing growth spurts. Next, arms and legs grow longer. Finally the spine grows. The very last expansion is a broadening of the chest and shoulders in boys, and a widening of the hips and pelvis in girls.

What kind of a diet can help increase my height?
A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereals, meat and plenty of water will aid the natural process for enhancing height.

Does sleep help human growth?
Getting proper sleep is vital for the growth hormones to perform its function effectively. Not getting enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormones your body produces.

My daughter is a night owl. She only gets 5-6 hours of sleep on school-going days (despite my constant nagging at her to sleep early), which is way insufficient for the recommended 9-10 hours for them to function optimally.  Studies show that most teenagers need exactly 9 ¼ hours of sleep.

Can stretching exercises help me gain height?
Some stretching exercises can help increase the height enhancing process during puberty. After puberty the stretching exercises can still help correct a person’s posture. You’ll be surprised by how much of Height is hidden behind your slouched back. You can, at any age, add an inch or two of height by simply improving your posture.

Girls may gain a foot or more in height from childhood through puberty. Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly are all things that can help them grow in a healthy way.

Thankfully, my daughter has not faced heightism in school. What she and I dislike are relatives comparing her height with her taller cousins of the same age as her *roll eyes*

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Aubergines Are The Next Big Superfood

Aubergines are one of our favorite vegetables in the nightshade family.  Aubergine is a fruit used as a vegetable when cooked.  Eggplant (Solanum melongena) or aubergine is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit. Eggplant is the common name in North American and Australian English but British English uses aubergine.  It is known in South Asia, Southeast Asia and South Africa as brinjal.  I love aubergines cooked in any way, in particular roasted, stuffed with fish meat and other meat, stewed, braised and even steamed and seasoned with soy sauce and fried garlic.

I read a very interesting article from The Telegraph UK today on aubergines.   It says that the superfood avocado has now been replaced by the unsung hero: the humble aubergine.

Indeed, aubergines are so in vogue right now, vegans are using them to make (pardon the ghastly portmanteau) “fakon”, or fake bacon.  See various health freaks on Instagram for artfully-filtered photographic evidence.  Some popular cafes that I go to use tastefully grilled aubergines as meat replacement for their gourmet vegan burgers.


Grilled Eggplant Recipe

But how healthy are they? Purple fruit and veg in general are beneficial- think beetroot, blueberries, plums, red cabbage – because the anthocyanin which provides their colour is a powerful antioxidant. Aubergine skin is also high in phytonutrients and chlorogenic acid. As neuroscientist Dr James Joseph famously said: “If I could eat only one colour per day, it would be purple.”

Aubergines also form part of a Mediterranean diet, which recent research suggests could be better for the heart than taking statins. Redolent of sultry summer holidays, they can be stirred in ratatouille, mashed in baba ghanoush, layered in moussaka or baked in Tony Soprano’s favourite: parmigiana di melanzane, aka “parmi”.


Nutritional highlights

Aubergines are an excellent source of dietary fibre. They are also a good source of vitamins B1 and B6 and potassium. In addition it is high in the minerals copper, magnesium and manganese.


Aubergine growing


Aubergines are rich in antioxidants, specifically nasunin found in aubergine skin – which gives it its purple colour. A potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger, nasunin has been found to protect the lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Cell membranes are almost entirely composed of lipids and are responsible for protecting the cell and helping it to function. The lipid layer is crucial for letting nutrients in, wastes out and receiving instructions from messenger molecules that tell the cell what to do.

Aubergines are high in fibre and low in fat and therefore recommended for those managing type 2 diabetes or managing weight concerns. Initial studies indicate that phenolic-enriched extracts of eggplant may help in controlling glucose absorption, beneficial for managing type 2 diabetes and reducing associated high blood pressure (hypertension).

Aubergines may also help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. These positive effects are likely to be down to nasunin and other phytochemicals in aubergines.


Aubergines are a member of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which includes bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. Research suggests a link between aggravated arthritic symptoms and the consumption of these types of foods. Although no case-controlled studies confirm these findings, some individuals consuming nightshade-family vegetables experience an aggravation of arthritic symptoms and may benefit from limiting or avoiding these foods.

Aubergines contain significant amounts of oxalate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid overconsuming them.


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Holistic Dentistry Tips for a Healthier Mouth and Body

The word “holistic” covers so many health elements nowadays that it’s hard to know what to trust. Too many health “gurus” use the term to encourage general fear mongering, conspiracy theories, misused or abused applications, or simply pad their own wallets by draining yours. There are, however, some truly beneficial holistic practices. You may have even had experience with some through chiropractors, osteopaths, and acupuncturists. Holistic dentistry also fits into the latter grouping as a total body health treatment through dental care. Like any successful medical treatment, holistic dentistry begins with the patient. So how can you help ensure a healthier mind and body in and out of the dentist’s chair?


Avoid Fluoride

Traditional dentistry branches encourage fluoride usage in America for its cleaning and enamel strengthening abilities. However, holistic research has proven a link between fluoride ingestion and cellular diseases such as cancer. Some holistic dentists approve the use of topical fluoride, however, it’s essential not to offer the drops or oral rinses to children. Also, be sure to choose a toothpaste free of fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate (yes, the same stuff that creates lather in shampoo and body wash). A simple phone call to your Fort Lauderdale holistic dentist can answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding that topic.


Become More Alkaline

Countless medical maladies are driven by an excess of acid in the body. Fortunately, there are easy ways to balance our pH levels. It’s important to note, however, that over alkalizing the body can lead to problems as well. So focus on alkaline rich foods such as beans, greens, and fruit to limit the dietary acid. Also try to limit soda, coffee, sugar, and processed foods. Not only are they notoriously unhealthy, the acid also immediately breaks down enamel and feeds oral bacteria before starting on the rest of the body.


Become a Selective Shopper

Flossing is important, but those commercial brands are loaded with dangerous chemicals. Irrigators are more expensive up front, but the jet of water is just as effective without providing the negative factors of the waxy floss. You don’t have to settle for the alcohol or chemical-laden mouthwashes anymore. Simply rinse with a mixture of Himalayan or sea salt water and a couple drops of mint or clove oil. The results last longer tongue and the salt water mix reduces inflammation in the mouth. Invest in a good tongue cleaner. The U-shaped wire easily scrapes plaque-like residue off of the tongue for a deeper clean. A white coating on the tongue signals a build up of internal yeast, which can be easily controlled with natural probiotics.


Prepare for Your Appointments

Sleep and exercise to fight off body inflammation. Prepare a list of questions or concerns early for your dentist. Select music and a trustworthy companion for appointments that involve Fort Lauderdale sedation dentistry – such as removal of mercury fillings. And always arrive on time for your bi-annual appointments. In need of a positive lifestyle change? Switching to a holistic dentist is a piece of cake and just might add life to your years. Contact Dr. Yolanda Cintron at Fort Lauderdale’s International Center for Dental Excellence to schedule your evaluation today.



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8 Great Apps That Can Help People Beat Addiction

If you or a loved one is battling addiction or substance abuse, you know how difficult the recovery process can be. Attempting to detoxify without professional help can lead to unwanted side effects, and trying to recover without a support system can sometimes seem impossible. If you’re serious about seeking help, consider enrolling in a detox center. Check out for more information.

While detox centers can be a crucial step towards sobriety, technology is also a great way to get started on the recovery process. Technology & addiction are increasingly linked, and there are a number of apps on the market aimed at helping people with addiction turn their lives around. Here are a few great choices.

Sober Grid
Sober Grid gives people struggling with addiction a community of support. People can use the app to reach out to the sober community, and the app gives users the safe environment they need to continue on their journey towards sobriety. No matter the time of the day or the location, people who are struggling can connect with other users instantly.

The app has two key features: Geosocial Networking and Sober Newsfeed. The Geosocial Networking feature lets users connect with sober people nearby, allowing them to make connections wherever they go. The Sober Newsfeed is a place where users can express the daily challenges of living a sober life, and receive the peer support they need to stay on the wagon.

For people in need of peer-recovery coaching, Ascent can be an extremely useful app. When users sign up for the app, they are given a customized sobriety plan and access to an experienced peer-recovery coach. This helps users stay on the path of recovery, and gives them access to the tools they need to avoid a relapse.

The app also has a number of other great features, including a community messaging system, a recovery tracker, and an assortment of recovery videos. People can also use the app to find nearby meetings.

If you or a loved one is worried about relapsing, SoberTool offers excellent relapse prevention tools. There are specific thoughts and feelings that lead to a relapse. This app helps users identify potential relapse triggers, and gives them the support they need to break out of these detrimental mental habits. This is known as “sober thinking.”

SoberTool also helps users track the length of their sobriety, provides them with daily inspiration tailored to their current emotional state, and assesses the money they’ve saved by resisting their addiction.

12 Steps AA Companion
People who have found the teaching of Alcoholics Anonymous helpful will want to try this app. It acts as a compendium of many of the key AA teachings, including a Big Book reader and Big Book promises. It also gives users access to a meeting directory, a sobriety calculator, and a contacts list. In keeping with the philosophy of AA, all users can remain anonymous if they choose to.

If you’re looking to find a support group or meeting, this app has a large database of current meetings. With over 150,000 available meetings, users from all over are sure to find one that meets their individual needs. The app also gives users the ability to track their progress. It gives each user a Sobriety Score, which is based on the number of recovery activities they participate in.

AA Speakers to Go
For some people, soothing and inspirational audio tracks are an effective way to stave off relapses. This handy app compiles over 500 hours of AA tapings, featuring a number of famous speeches. This app can provide people struggling with addiction a must needed jolt of encouragement during dark times.

Friend of Bill
For the most specific sobriety calculator on the market, try Friend of Bill. It keeps track of sobriety to the minute. It also features a number of inspirational slogans and messages. Knowing how far you’ve come can be a great way to stay on the right path. Friend of Bill gives users a daily push in the right direction.

One Day At A Time
This app gives users access to the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The book is searchable, which can come in handy during AA meetings. The app also has Daily Meditations and contact information.

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