Category Archive: Interesting Information

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Scans That Are Designed to Save Patient’s Lives

There have been a lot of diagnostic tools that have been created that have allowed doctors to learn more about a wide range of diseases and sicknesses. One of the most revolutionary devices that has been created in the 20th century is high-resolution ultrasound. Many have been successfully diagnosed and treated for different injuries and diseases thanks to these detailed scans.

High-resolution ultrasonic scans work by producing sound waves that cannot be heard by the human ear. A transducer is used to transmit these waves through the body. As the sound waves bounce back to the device, they are used to help medical professionals determine the size, shape, and makeup of soft organs and other tissues.

Ultrasound is extremely safe and it is completely painless. It allows medical professionals to look inside the human body and scan parts of the body that cannot be clearly seen via x-ray. The detailed images that are created by ultrasound allow doctors to study things like the heart, the thyroid, the testicles, the breasts, the uterus, the spleen, and other organs in the body.

The information gathered from a high-frequency ultrasound machine is extremely accurate. In addition to ultrasound, medical facilities, such as Medical Imaging for example, will often provide patients with MRI scans, CAT scans, digital x-rays, and 16 slice CT scans. In many cases, the information provided by the scans serve as an early warning for things like herniated disc, tumors in the brain, and certain types of cancer. For many patients, access to these medical imaging scans has literally saved their lives.




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Wood Pulp In Pre-Shredded Cheese

Sherilyn had a one-day break from school on Tuesday as it was the resitting day of the UPSR Math and Science test papers for Primary 6 students.

Since she had finished her homework, I got her around to help me to grate cheese.  Of the 3 girls, Sherilyn loves cooking the most.   For someone who has problem waking up early in the morning and completing her homework,  but the moment I shout out to her for help in the kitchen, she will dart right into the kitchen to lend a helping hand!  Cooking is also one of the ways to train her to shed off her clumsiness.  I allow her to use knifes and to fire up the stove.

For the life of me, I never ever like to grate cheese.  I prefer to use pre-shredded cheese as it is so much convenient and faster to add into your food.  Pre-shredded used to be a permanent fixture in my fridge but not until I found out about the health risks of eating pre-shredded cheese.

Sherilyn at work…




If you are just as clueless as I was, then this information may rock your world. Pre-shredded cheese is covered in a chemical that the industry calls cellulose to keep it from clumping together. Have you ever noticed that white powdery stuff on your shredded cheese? Yeah. It’s not cheese dust. Cellulose is commonly made from WOOD PULP *gulp*!!   I think sometimes it is even listed as anti-caking agent.

I am sure that by now, after reading this piece of information on pre-shredded cheese, you will be more inclined to get block cheese and spend a little of your time grating it. By getting block cheese, you:

1) avoid unnecessary food additives
2) save your money. Block cheese is cheaper than pre-grated cheese
3) It is tastier too and
4) from my experience, block cheese lasts longer than its pre-grated counterpart. Have you ever noticed that pre-grated cheese gets moldy really quickly even when kept in the fridge?

Now don’t you just get cheesed off knowing that you have been eating wood pulp in your pre-grated cheese all these while?!



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Honey – The Food That Never Expires

The other day, at a friend’s house, she showed me a bottle of honey that she had been keeping for 20 years!   Though the color of the honey has turned into dark brown, nonetheless it has not crystalized yet.  Just before she left for overseas, she gave us the bottle of honey.  One of our topics of discussion that night was honey – the food that never expires!

Just like uncooked rice, sugar, salt, vinegar, corn starch, wine and pure vanilla extract, honey is also one of the top ten foods that never expires.    Some food items just can last forever.  These vampires of the food  are good to have on hand — and to buy in bulk — because they will never spoil, hardly lose quality and will always be there when you need them.  But seriously, would you dare to cook up that bag or rice you found hidden behind your kitchen cabinet that your late grandma bought in 1980?  Or put into your coffee a teaspoon of sugar that your mum bought 30 years ago?  Errm, I don’t think I will do it.  The bottle of honey that my friend gave me is still on my kitchen shelf. I guess I will keep it for remembrance. Some day perhaps when I summon the courage to try it, I shall!

So why does honey never go bad?

Honey is a sugar. You may have heard all sorts of things about the health benefits of substituting honey for sugar, which may or may not be true. While honey isn’t the same as regular, granulated, white sugar, it’s still a sugar. And sugars are hygroscopic – they don’t contain much water in their natural state. And very few bacteria and microorganisms can live in the resulting low-moisture environment.  Honey in its natural form is very low moisture. Very few bacteria or microorganisms can survive in an environment like that, they just die. They’re smothered by it, essentially. The fact that organisms can’t survive long in honey means they don’t get the chance to spoil it.

Another thing that sets honey apart from other sugars is its acidity. Honey’s pH is between 3 and 4.5 (or, more precisely, 3.26-4.48), which also kills off anything trying to make a home in honey.

Caveat: Infants

So, yes, honey mostly doesn’t spoil. However, honey can contain spores of Clostridium botulinum. This isn’t harmful to adults and children over one year old, whose gastrointestinal tract is developed enough to deal with the spores. But children under one are at risk for infant botulism, so honey is not for your infant.

So could you eat 5,000 year old honey? Well, if it’s spent that time sealed and stored against moisture, sure. If it’s crystallized, it’s not spoiled, just heat it up and put it in your food of choice. Unless you’re under one year old. Then you’d have to wait.




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Cough and Cold Products for Children: Risk and No Benefit

Recently, my girls were down with a bout of cough, mild running nose and a phlegmy throat. When my eldest girl coughed, the phlegm in her throat made her cough sound pretty bad. Someone close to the girls passed a remark as to why I am reluctant to bring them to see the doctor to get medication.  This person remarked that if the cough continues, it may cause injury to the lungs.

Truth is I always believe that the flu and cough will resolve on its own, naturally. The body can heal on its own. I do not believe in cough and flu meds and I have never fed them to Cass, my youngest daughter. First, her tiny body had been exposed to too much antibiotics since she was 6 weeks old until she was about 15 months old – taken on a daily basis for the UTI attacks that she got caused by Kidney Reflux. Secondly, her body has also been exposed to too much radiation from scans and various invasive tests.  During her surgeries 5 years ago, her petite body was exposed to GA, sedatives, morphine and a host of other medications.  I do not want to burden her body any further with synthetic medication.

Cass and my 2 other girls have had been attacked by the flu and strep throat bugs umpteen times and I thank God that I managed to treat them without the use of medication. I have my own way of treating them by using Manuka honey UMF 10+, Propolis, Esberitox along with fruits and juices. Abstinence from certain type of food is very important too. My girls and I have a very ‘heaty’ body, so abstaining from fried food, spicy and oily food and overly sweet food helps to speed up recovery. My method always worked well on my girls and on myself and I thank God for it.

Today I googled on the usage of cough and cold medication for children and what I found from Science-Based Pharmacy is interesting. Here are the excerpts from the website:

In 2008, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel concluded that cough and cold products in children were ineffective and potentially hazardous. The committee recommended that they should be relabelled to indicate “do not use” in children under the age of six. Following this announcement, product manufacturers voluntarily relabelled their products to state “do not use” in children under the age of four.

Around the same time, Health Canada announced that cough and cold products will be relabelled to caution against use in children under the age of six. Products developed just for this age group will be no longer be sold. This extends an earlier decision to remove any products intended for children under the age of two.

In Australia, cough and cold products are now labelled “do not use” for those under the age of 2, and are available only with a prescription. They continue to be marketed and sold with labelling for children aged 2 – 12.

In the United Kingdom, products for children under the age of six are currently being withdrawn. Medication for children aged 6 – 12 will continue to be available, with new warnings on the label.

So depending on where you live, certain products may or may not be sold, and dosing instructions for children may vary dramatically. Given the average household has four to eight over-the-counter cold medications, efficacy and safety questions are highly relevant to most consumers. So how did four different countries arrive at different conclusions? Is any decision the right one? This review will focus on the evidence base supporting cough and cold products for children.


The Nature of Colds in Children
Colds are viral infections, caused by a variety of respiratory viruses. Children get the most colds (6­ – 8 per year), and they tend to last longer – up to two weeks each time. Adults contract 2 – 4 colds annually, and then tend to last 7 days on average. Cold symptoms experienced by children differ from adults. Runny noses are the most common sign, and fever is common in the first three days. Other common symptoms include sore throat, cough, difficulty sleeping and reduced appetite. Ear complaints are also common.


There is no cure for the common cold, and treatments are intended to reduce symptoms. The most common drugs in non-prescription cough and cold products are antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants, and expectorants. Each manufacturer puts together their own concoction, with either single-ingredient or multi-ingredient formulas. The main features that distinguish a product like Benilyn from Triaminic or Dimetapp are packaging, flavouring, and marketing – the ingredients are typically identical within each category.

Fever reducing drugs (i.e,, Tylenol or Tempra (acetaminophen); Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen)) are used to treat fever and pain from colds. Fever reduction is acceptable but not essential when treating a cold. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen effectively reduce fever and are safe when used as directed. No countries have recommended restricting their use in children.


Examining Efficacy in Children
Cough and cold products have been sold for decades, and were approved for sale long before rigorous proof of efficacy was required. Consequently, clinical studies that support these drugs are (in general) of poor quality.

When we look at studies specifically in children, the data are even more limited. Research results are complicated by different age groups, irregular dosing, lack of placebo control, and very small patient numbers. [2] It turns out that the current recommended dosage for children, typically determined during clinical trials, is based mainly on expert opinion. When these products were originally approved, it was assumed that children were just “small adults” and that research in adults could be applied to children. Dosages were estimated based on ages – not weight, which would be more relevant. [2]

But children are definitely NOT small adults. Differences exist in how children absorb drugs (amount of stomach acid) and where the drug goes in the body (body fat percentage). Their ability to metabolize drugs may differ, due to an immature liver. Consequently, drugs can behave in different and unpredictable ways, compared to adults.

Few studies have examined how cough and cold products behave in children. Consequently, their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination are poorly understood. The FDA expert advisory panel indicated that it was inappropriate to extrapolate data from adults to children.[3]

Despite the lack of direct research, cough and cold products have a long history of use in children with very rare reports of toxicity, usually due to inappropriate (excessive) dosing. In general, these drugs have a wide “therapeutic window”, meaning that large overdoses are required before serious side effects are expected.

So let’s consider the evidence to support their use. Literature searches have identified only a handful of clinical trials studying children, with few trials demonstrating efficacy.


Expert Opinion
When there is insufficient data from clinical trials, it is reasonable to consult expert opinion for guidance. The following organizations have made statements:

The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) provides advice consistent with Health Canada, recommending against treatment with cough and cold products in children under the age of six. The only acceptable exception are fever-reducing drugs (ibuprofen and acetaminophen).
The American Academy of Pediatrics has concluded that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that cough and cold products are ineffective in children under 6 years old. It has regularly criticized multi-ingredient products as well as the lack of data to support the recommended dosages.
The American College of Chest Physicians has concluded that the published data does not support the efficacy of cough and cold products in the paediatric age group.


Summary of the Evidence
There is little convincing evidence that these products are effective in children up to about age 18.
Serious side effects are rare, and usually associated with high doses, typically the consequence of administration errors.
Parents and caregivers may be unaware of the risks of excessive doses.
Excessive doses may be accidentally caused by the use of multiple products at the same time.
Evidence-based dosing guidelines are problematic due to the lack of good quality evidence.


Despite a long history of reasonably safe use, we must hold cough and cold products to the same standard that we would apply to any other unproven therapy. Despite the presence of a drug, and in some cases, demonstrated efficacy in adults, it’s not clear that cough and cold products have any effectiveness in children. While most children tolerate these products well, mild side effects are not uncommon. Fatal side effects are exceptionally rare, but possible. Risks are greater in the younger child, and particularly in infants. We know that colds are generally mild and resolve on their own, and that no product has been demonstrated to have a meaningful effect on the duration of the cold. Rest, adequate fluid intake, and acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the feverish child may be all that is required. Steam humidification and saline nasal sprays may also offer some modest relief of clogged nasal passages.


Disclaimer : This post is NOT intended to give medical advice. If you or your child is unwell, please consult the doctor. The first three paras of this post is written based on my own experience.




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My Daily Coffee Fix

I am quite a coffee addict. I need it to kick-start my day. But I am not persnickety though. I do not need gourmet coffee or boutique coffee. I can’t really tell the difference anyway 😉  Nescafe is enough to satiate my addiction of the day. I am el-cheapo when it comes to food.  I eat to live and not the other way round like my hubs.

I am so glad that I found my favorite Cafe Latte from Farm Fresh going on a real good deal at Sri Kota.  From the usual RM10+ a bottle, it was selling for RM7.99 a bottle!  So I grabbed a bottle and here’s my fix for today and it tastes so so good, like gourmet coffee!  Yeah, I am easily satisfied.

 photo cafelatte5jul2014_zps4132177d.jpg



Did you know that coffee is not that bad for your health after all?

Have a read on this article, extracted from

Coffee has a long history of being blamed for many ills — from stunting your growth to claims that it causes heart disease and cancer. But recent research indicates that coffee may not be so bad after all. So which is it — good or bad? The best answer may be that for most people the health benefits outweigh the risks.

Recent studies have generally found no connection between coffee and an increased risk of cancer or heart disease. In fact, most studies find an association between coffee consumption and decreased overall mortality and possibly cardiovascular mortality, although this may not be true in younger people who drink large amounts of coffee.

Why the apparent reversal in the thinking about coffee? Earlier studies didn’t always take into account that known high-risk behaviors, such as smoking and physical inactivity, tended to be more common among heavy coffee drinkers at that time.

Studies have shown that coffee may have health benefits, including protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer. It also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression.

However, the research appears to bear out some risks. High consumption of unfiltered coffee (boiled or espresso) has been associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels. And some studies found that two or more cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of heart disease in people with a specific — and fairly common — genetic mutation that slows the breakdown of caffeine in the body. So, how quickly you metabolize coffee may affect your health risk.

Although coffee may have fewer risks compared with benefits, keep in mind that other beverages, such as milk and some fruit juices, contain nutrients that coffee does not. Also, adding cream and sugar to your coffee adds more fat and calories. Some coffee drinks contain more than 500 calories.





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Purple Antioxidant-Packed Soup For The Soul

Nursing a bad strep throat, I cooked a big pot of ‘purple soup’ today.   My ‘purple soup’ consists of 1 huge beet root, half a head of organic purple cabbage, 6 carrots, a big chunk of lean pork and several chicken feet.

My kids will have ‘purple soup’ for dinner tonight together with oven-grilled fish. I ain’t going to sweat myself in the kitchen tonight. The bad strep throat is causing me a throbbing head too.

This was my lunch today and I could not be more satisfied with this bowl of goodness. Now, who  says that healthy food often tastes bland? This bowl of antioxidants-packed soup tasted so good and was full of sweetness from all the vegetables.


Food For Thought:

1. Purple pigments in some fruits and vegetables provide antioxidant effects that may protect your brain.
Purple fruits and vegetables are grouped with blue foods in the blue-purple category, and all contain varying amounts of a category of compounds called anthocyanins. These give purple foods their deep, distinctive colors and also are responsible for their reputed health benefits, including potential protective properties for your brain.

2. Purple foods kill cancer
The resveratrol found in purple grapes, cranberries, blueberries, bilberries, and, of course, red wine and grape juice can inhibit the spread of colorectal cancer in animal studies. Other promising studies also show that resveratrol can induce cancer cell death in cases of prostate, breast, skin, liver, lung and blood cancers. The curcumin in turmeric seems to boost its anti-cancer activity so have a glass of pinot noir (the type of wine highest in resveratrol) next time you have curry.

3. Purple foods are ulcer-fighters
A 2011 study found that anthocyanins from blackberries reduced stomach ulcer formation in rats. Researchers believe this is because the antioxidants in blackberries prevent oxidation and boost the activity of other important antioxidants, such as glutathione, that are naturally present in the body.

4. Purple foods are good for your liver
Black rice, which has more anthocyanins per gram than blueberries, is a delicious antioxidant grain that has been found to reduce damage to the liver incurred by excessive alcohol intake.

5. Purple foods are good for the heart
Black currants can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol by up to 13 percent while raising “good” HDL cholesterol. Black currants and bilberries have more anthocyanins than blueberries. Wild raw berries have higher antioxidant content than fresh raw berries or frozen varieties.

6. Purple foods prevent urinary tract infections
Vegetables such as purple cauliflower, purple carrots and purple cabbage contain the same plant pigment, anthocyanin, that is responsible for the UTI-fighting power of cranberries. Lab studies show that anthocyanin compounds fight H. pylori, the bacteria that promotes stomach ulcers and urinary tract infections.

The above Food For Though information was extracted from several health websites.

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Eating Fish Skin : Healthy Or Hazardous?

This is probably a controversial issue. I used to love eating deep fried super crispy salmon skin. That’s until I read that salmon, and all big fish from deep seas are probably tainted with mercury. I discourage my kids from eating fish skin but sometimes I get lambasted for doing so! Oh well, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The big C is just too scary for me to deal with.

Food For Thought:
Both the skin and fat of fish collect toxins that accumulate in the waters of rivers, streams and oceans. These contaminants can also be found in the flesh of fish but not always at levels as concentrated as they are in the skin and fat. For that reason, eating the skin of the fish is not considered healthy. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises consumers to remove the skin, fat and internal organs before cooking fish that they’ve caught in the wild. (If you buy a whole fish at a market, it generally comes scaled and gutted.) However, the EPA warns that mercury is found throughout the tissue of fish, so removing the skin and fat won’t help you avoid that problem.

Mercury and PFOS cannot be removed through cooking or cleaning — they get into the flesh of the fish. However, you can reduce the amount of other contaminants like PCBs by removing fat when you clean and cook fish.

Food Safety Tips On Eating Fish From The Minnesota Department of Health:

Remove the skin, cut away the fat along the back, trim off the belly fat, cut away the fatty area along the side of the fish.

Remember the following tips when eating fish:

1. Eat smaller fish.

2. Eat more panfish (sunfish, crappies) and fewer predator fish (walleyes, northern pike, lake trout).

3. Trim skin and fat, especially belly fat. Also, eat fewer fatty fish such as carp, catfish, and lake trout. PCBs build up in fish fat.

What about you? Do you eat fish skin?

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Women With Small Breasts Have Lower Risk Of Breast Cancer?

The other day, my friends and I were discussing about boops and how being a mother and breastfeeding our babies have changed the size and appearance of  our breasts.  I used to have pretty ‘full’ boops before marriage.  After I had Alycia, the boops were even fuller *GRIN*  Then came Sherilyn. After breastfeeding her for 6 months, the fullness in my boops seemed to have vanished, as if my baby had sucked away all the fat.  My ‘assets and reserves’ shrunk to a pathetic state after feeding Cass 3 years of my precious milk. She was addicted to my boops and they gave her so much comfort each time she went through hell during the first 1.5 years of her sickly life.

Honestly, I do feel disappointed with my shrunken boops.   But you know what?  Having small breasts do have its advantages!  After all, how happy your man is in the room is not dependent on the size of your boops. I am sure you will agree with me on this, eh? 😉

And do read what I found after Googling around…

Women with a large bust may be more likely to develop breast cancer, according to scientists.

A study of 16,000 women found genetic mutations associated with breast size were also linked to the disease.

Researchers say some of these are involved in regulating the female sex hormone oestrogen, which can trigger the growth of both breasts and tumours.

While research has linked breast density – the amount of non-fat tissue – to an increased risk of cancer, there has been little evidence of a link with breast size before.

Participants in the study, carried out by a US company, were asked to give their bra size on a 10-point scale from smaller than AAA to larger than DDD.

The genetic code of the women – all of European origin – was read by scientists who looked through millions of tiny mutations in their DNA, called single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Out of seven that were strongly linked to breast size, three were also associated with breast cancer.

Read more:

For those of you who are blessed with voluptuous boops, worry not.  I believe that by sticking to a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, cutting out on processed food and junk food along with being a little diligent with your exercise regimen, the cancer cells in us will remain dormant.  Staving off stress from eating us is also very important.

Did you know that around 3,000 to 6,000 cancer cells are created each day in healthy people? Even though these cancer cells are made, the immune cells inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent tumor masses from growing within our body. However, unless a person’s immune system is compromised, everyone has an immune system that can fight off cancer. If there is a normal immune system, it can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

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Dangers of Food Additives and Food Preservative

Cass loves to eat bread and her favorite is white bread from the 2 leading bread manufacturers in our country. She eats bread everyday. On days that we run out of the mil’s homemade bread, I will buy brand G or M bread from the supermarket. The other day, one of my friends shared in her Facebook wall that one of our country’s leading bread manufacturers use high amount of food preservative in their breads.  She said that a few days after the expiration date of the bread (kept in room temperature), the bread was still not mouldy (or moldy) yet.  For breads made without the use of preservative, it would most probably turn mouldy on the third day, if kept at room temperature.

Besides store-bought bread, my kids and I also eat store-bought biscuits, snacks and other food that have preservatives and food additives in them. Even tomato ketchup, soy sauce, oyster sauce and yoghurt drinks have food additives.   We cannot possibly avoid food sans food additives in our fast paced lives, unless we have all the time in the world to bake and cook all that we eat from scratch, made from ingredients that are 100% free from food additives. How many of us have the time to go to great lengths to do that so that we only eat 100% natural food?  I would love to eat only natural food sans food additives, if only I have the time, wouldn’t you?

One of the food additives that make me shudder is bright food coloring on cakes, cookies, jellies, candies, sweets and snacks.  The sight of bright red, blue, green, orange and yellow in the icing sugar used to decorate cakes really freak me out. I rarely allow my kids to eat the parts where artificial colorings are used. They are allowed to eat just the cake, minus the icing and decor with bright colors.

Foods that have additives and preservatives do have adverse effects on our health, if there is prolonged intake by our body and if eaten in large amounts.  Some of the known dangers of food additives and preservatives are as follows:

1) Benzoates can trigger the allergies such as skin rashes and asthma as well as believed to be causing brain damage.
2) Bromates destroy the nutrients in the foods. It can give rise to nausea and diarrhea.
3) Butylates are responsible for high blood cholesterol levels as well as impaired liver and kidney function.
4) Caffeine is a colorant and flavorant that has diuretic, stimulant properties. It can cause nervousness, heart palpitations and occasionally heart defects.
5) Saccharin causes toxic reactions and allergic response, affecting skin, gastrointestinal tract and heart. It may also cause tumors and bladder cancer.
6) Red Dye 40 is suspected to cause certain birth defects and possibly cancer.
7) Mono and di-glycerides can cause birth defects, genetic changes and cancer.
8) Caramel is a famous flavoring and coloring agent that can cause vitamin B6 deficiencies. It can cause certain genetic defects and even cancer.
9) Sodium chloride can lead to high blood pressure, kidney failure, stroke and heart attack.

10) Eating a diet high in packaged convenience food may cause you to consume so much food additives and preservatives that you begin to feel sluggish and run-down on a regular basis.  Food additives and preservatives can make you feel sleepy and lethargic and may also contribute to frequent headaches. They also suggest that long term consumption of these chemicals may also cause damage to the cells in your body, which may lead to cancer and other dangerous conditions.

11) Sodium nitrate: Sodium nitrate tops the list of dangerous food additives. It is highly toxic and stimulates the formation of nitrosamines which are highly carcinogenic (cancer causing) in nature. This deadly compound takes up a good portion of our processed meats, acting as a good preservative which prevents bacterial growth and fast decaying of meat. Skip the hot dogs and bologna and choose from organic chicken and lean meats.

12) Propyl Gallate: Propyl Gallate is a component of meat product, vegetable oils, potato sticks, chewing gum and ready-to-make soup mixes, which prevents them from spoiling, basically acting as a preservative. Studies however show that, regular consumption of these products may cause colon and stomach cancer.

13) Potassium bromate: Potassium bromate is an oxidizing agent used in the bread-making process. This compound has demonstrated carcinogenic effects and has also proven to be nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) both in man and animals. It has developed thyroid and kidney tumors among rats, when they were fed with bread using potassium bromate as the oxidizing agent.

14) Food coloring: Food colorings like blue #1 is responsible for causing cancer whereas red #40 may lead to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children. Red#3 which is widely used in baking and giving artificial color to cherries induces thyroid tumors in rats. Stay away from foods and drinks that look unnaturally colorful and bright.

15) Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) : Commonly known as Chinese salt, this compound features near the top of the list of dangerous food additives. Why? Firstly, because MSG is now a part of almost everything you consume during the entire day. This amino acid is used to flavor salads, soups and other food preparations and was typically used in Chinese food preparations. However, its use has now spread to the Eastern and Western areas, and by now, almost every restaurant or fast food joints literally coat their foods with MSG.

16) Butylated hydroxytoluene: Butylated hydroxytoluene is found in chewing gums, potato chips and other packaged foods as a preservative. In spite of being approved by the FDA, they are proven to be cancer-causing, making them among the top 12 dangerous food additives. One simple way to avoid it is to check the label. Many brands do not use this preservative, so you can switch to using those brands of packaged foods.

17) Acesulfame-K: A new sweetener which is now being used in various soft drinks and baked foods, Acesulfame-K, is actually 200 times sweeter than natural sugar, and is responsible for causing cancer among mice. Also, it affects the thyroid gland in other animals like rabbits and dogs.

18) Chloropropanols: This family of drugs is common in Asian food sauces like black bean, soy, and oyster sauce. Two specific substances within this category are known to be cancer producing and are banned in many countries.

Stay alert for these additives displayed on food labels and avoid them to stay healthy. As far as possible avoid fast foods and processed foods and go for simple, home cooked meals.

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4-Year Old Girl Who Is Addicted To iPad

There is this 4YO girl in Cass’ kindy who would cry in school every other day. She would cry when her mother or father drops her in school and refuses to let her bring the iPad into the school.  If she is refused of bringing the iPad into the school, she would wail for hours until she falls asleep!  According to the class teacher, this girl would sleep in class every other day.  The mother told the teacher that her daughter would only fall asleep at 4ish am on most days.  The teacher has voiced out to the mother to stop sending the girl to the kindy as it is a waste of her money for her daughter spends most of her time crying, pining for the iPad and when she gets too tired after a big melt down, she would then snooze off in class!

This is a classic example of a child who has gotten severely bitten and addicted to a  a new age technology driven gadget.  My kids can spend the whole day playing with my iPad and laptop but I put my foot down and forced them to shut down the gadget after a max. of 2 hours.  It is scary to see them being so hooked to the iPad and laptop to the point that they cannot even hear what I say or instruct them to do.  When they get overly absorbed in their gadgets, they are totally oblivious to what is happening around them! Most of my screaming at the kids are related to the iPad, laptop and the idiot box, aka TV.

It is not easy to help the child kick off this addiction but something must be done by the parents before this child, who is an only child and understandably spoilt, becomes spoilt rotten beyond help and grows up to be a wayward and troubled child.

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