Category Archive: Interesting Information

Fix Your Knee Pain With Food!

If you are constantly getting the nagging pain on your knee each time you run, walk or sit in certain positions, you may want to try adding these food to your diet: soy products, citrus fruits and fish!

In a study of 293 Australian adults, eating plenty of fruit reduced the risk of developing bone marrow lesions-a marker for worsening knee osteoarthritis and pain. The knee-friendliest fruits appear to be Vitamin C packed ones, like kiwi, orange, mango, grapefruit, and papaya. The researchers suspect it’s the Vitamin C in fruit that protects the knee joint and supporting structures.

People with knee pain reported less discomort and used fewer pain meds after eating soy protein everyday for three months, according to Oklahoma State University research. Soy is rich in isoflavones, plant hormones with anti-inflammatory properties. Study participants consumed a powdered soy drink mix that contained 40 grams of protein, but, says study author Bahram H. Arjmandi, Ph.D, you can get the same benefit from sources like flavored soy milk, edamame (baby soybeans), and soy burgers.

Many studies have found that fish and fish oil ease the joint pain and stiffness of rheumatiod arthritis. Now a study shows that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may block not only the chemicals that cause inflammation in osteoarthritis but also the roteins known to wear down knee cartilage. Eat two servings of oily fish (such as mackeral or salmon) weekly or take one gram of omega-3s in capsule form everyday, says nutrition researcher Artemis P. Simopoulos, MD.

The above article was extracted from Reader’s Digest.

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Coffee’s New Perk

I have always thought that coffee is bad for your health. I am a coffee lover and though I am still breastfeeding, I still down a cup of thick decaff coffee with milk every morning.

Enjoy your morning brew – it may provide a hedge against cancer. A new study of 60,000 women conducted over 17 years shows that those who drank four or more cups of coffee a day cut their risk for endometrial cancer by 25%, compared with those who had a cup or less (Risk fell by 46% for obese women, who are most prone to developing the disease).

Men may benefit too. Other recent research suggests a 60% drop in the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer among those who drink six or more cups of coffee daily, compared with men who don’t have any.

Article extracted from Reader’s Digest.

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Cut Out The Sour Candy

Did you know that sour candies like Sour Skittles, Super Lemon and some flavored Altoids are high in acids that strip away your teeth’s protective surface? Even lemon juice will corrode your teeth enamel. I can vouch on that. After almost every drink of freshly squeezed lemon juice or grapefruit, I have this sensitive, uncomfortable feeling on my teeth. Even some candies or sweet snacks will cause this effect on my sensitive teeth.

Dentist Robert J. Marolt offers this advice:

> Rinse right away. Swishing water in your mouth after a candy helps wash away the acid.

> Wait for half an hour before brushing your teeth. The acid of a sour candy softens the fragile surface of the teeth. Brushing immediately after eating one could cause damage.

> Skip fruit flavours. Lemon, grape, and cherry destroy more enamel than do mint and cinnamon, which are lower in acid.

> Switch to sugar-free gum. It can satisfy your oral urge while stimulating saliva flow, which protects enamel.

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Cabbage Health Benefits

One of my favorite vegetables is cabbage. I like it eaten raw in salad, coleslaw, stir-fried with dried shrimps, boiled with soup and stir-fried with noodles.  Many years ago when I had my first Mastitis (blocked milk duct) when Alycia was a newborn baby, I used frozen cabbage to apply on my boops to relieve the pain.  I don’t know if it really worked or just coincidental, but the blocked milk duct was unblocked after the frozen cabbage application.   After 1 long day, the milk shot out like water shooting out from a burst water pipe!  Did you know that cabbage is a very nutritious veggie?

The health benefits of cabbage include treatment of constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess weight, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Did you know that the cheap, humble looking and so widely used cabbage could work miracles? Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family, round or oval in shape, consisting of soft light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world, eaten cooked or raw as salad and is a very popular vegetable.

Deficiency Symptoms:
Deficiency of Vitamin C: Scurvy, which is recognized by spongy and bleeding gums, cracked lip corners etc., very weak immune system, frequent infections and cold, ageing, depression etc.
Remedy: Cabbage is abundant is Vitamin C. You will be surprised to know that it is richer in vitamin C than the famous oranges. Vitamin C, being one of the best anti oxidant, reduces free radicals in your body which are the basic causes of ageing. It also helps repairing the wear and tears in the body. Thus it is very helpful in treating ulcers, certain cancers, depressions, for strengthening immune system and fighting against cough and cold, healing of wounds and damaged tissues, proper functioning of nervous system and thereby help curing Alzheimer’s disease etc.

Deficiency of Roughage: This is a very serious deficiency but most neglected. Lack of roughage in the food results in constipation, the root cause to innumerable other ailments and health hazards such as stomach ulcers, headache, intestinal cancer, indigestion and resultant loss of appetite, skin diseases, eczema, ageing and hundreds related problems.
Remedies: Cabbage is very rich in fiber. This helps retain water and forms the bulk of the food and the bowels. Thus it is a good cure for constipation and related problems.

Deficiency of Sulphur: Sulphur is a very useful nutrient as it fights infections. Its deficiency results in microbial infections and late healing of wounds.
Remedy: Again, cabbage is rich is sulphur. So, it helps fight infections in wounds and ulcers.

Detoxification by cabbage: Cabbage is a good detoxifier too, i.e. it purifies blood and removes toxins (primarily free radicals and uric acid which is major cause for rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, eczema, hardening and de-colorization of skin etc.). This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to the presence of vitamin C and sulphur.

Other benefits of Cabbage: Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system, apart from keeping the endocrinal glands in proper condition. Thus, it is good for brain and treatment of neurotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The various other nutrients present in cabbage such as vitamin-E which keeps the skin, eye and hair healthy, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., are very useful for overall health. The cabbage can also be used for treatment of varicose veins, leg ulcers, peptic and duodenal ulcers etc.

So, now you know that the inevitable part of your Chinese dish could do you miracles. Add more and more cabbage in your daily diet, be it your soup or be it your salad, this is going to help you live a healthy and longer life.

This article was contributed by Aparup Mukherjee.

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The Connection Between Honey And Weight Loss

Many people ask: Isn’t honey a type of sugar? Will consuming honey cause weight gain? Won’t the calories in honey negate your weight loss efforts? Well, here’s a very interesting article for weight watchers who are also honey lovers.

Honey and weight loss are often associated. Why is honey a smarter choice than table sugar if you are watching your weight and what you eat?

Refined dietary sugars lack minerals and vitamins and are often called empty calories. They draw upon the body’s nutrients to be metabolized into the system, and when these nutrients are depleted, metabolizing of cholesterol and fatty acid is impeded, contributing to higher cholesterol and promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid on the organs and tissues. The good news is that honey, a natural sweetener, on the other hand, contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity.

It is believed that drinking lemon juice with a little honey the first thing in the morning is an effective anti cellulite treatment as it helps to increase body metabolism. If you are determined to shed weight and speed up your sluggish metabolism, try this honey and lemon diet tip.

If you like, another very popular recipe associated with honey and weight loss is a drink that uses honey and cinnamon as ingredients. Many people have found this home remedy very effective in losing pounds. The steps are easy: Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon) in a cup of boiling water. Stir the mixture and cover for half an hour. Filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. Take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast.

For people who tend to overeat or feel discomfort in the stomach after meals, honey can be taken for better digestion. Honey is a simple carbohydrate that one safely take during fasting because it contains easily digested sugars. Foods that are rich in sugars or complexes of sugars are carbohydrates. How the sugars are arranged will determine whether we call a food a source of simple or complex carbohydrates. When sugars are bound into rows, as they are in starches such as whole grains and legumes, they are called complex carbohydrates. It takes the body much longer to digest the sugar from a complex carbohydrate.

Source of above article –

Honey and warm water: Normally fat remains as an un-used resource in your body adding bulk and weight. It is believed that honey mobilizes this stored fat. When this fat is burnt to provide energy for your daily activities, you see a gradual decrease in your weight and obesity levels. It is suggested that you drink this honey (about one tablespoon daily), with equal amount of warm water.

Source of above article extracted from

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Drink Lime Juice To Beat Constipation

The ample of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts, just like some acids are used to clean floor and toilets. Then the roughage in it is also helpful in easing constipation. But it is mainly due to high acids. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby giving relief in constipation.

So the next time you suffer from constipation, try juicing several limes into a glass of warm water. It may help move the sludge out from your body.

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Seeds Of Citrus Fruits Can Be Fatal

Have you ever swallowed seeds of lime and apples? If you have, please be extra cautious the next time you eat apples or make lime juice so that you don’t ingest the seeds again. The seeds of all citrus fruits (and also apples) are poisonous and if ingested in large quantity (even a small handful) can be fatal. So, avoid chewing or swallowing the seeds when you use limes.

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Drink Green Tea To Look Young!

The health benefits from green tea are primarily due to its anti oxidizing properties which come from its caffeine, Catechin Polyphenols and Theonine. Everyone has free radicals in our body. The free radicals created in body are responsible for corroding the body, i.e. for ageing and the related symptoms.

The main job of anti oxidants is to neutralize the oxidants or free radicals present in the body and green tea is very rich in anti oxidants. The Catechin Polyphenols present in green tea are mainly responsible for the anti oxidizing effects. Thus, regular consumption of green tea can effectively delay symptoms of ageing. So ditch your expensive anti-wrinkle cream and botox jabs. Go stock up your kitchen cabinets with green tea!

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Eating Turmeric To Lose Weight

My all-time favorite dish is chicken cooked with turmeric. I like the chicken cooked with lots and lots of minced turmeric and shallots. My dad cooks one of the tastiest turmeric chicken and I can eat the entire plate of dish all by myself and yet not get fed up and still eat it the next day. I ate a lot of turmeric chicken during my 3 confinements.

Turmeric is a yellow, powdered spice that gives curry its distinctive color and flavor. Scientists believe that turmeric, which is used in most Indian meals, has an active ingredient that can help fight obesity.  A meal that includes turmeric will lead to less weight gain than one without the yellow root.

Turmeric contains a plant-based chemical called curcumin, which suppresses the growth of fat tissue in mice and human cell cultures, according to a study by Tufts University in Boston, published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Curcumin is also easily absorbed by the body, the researchers said, after experiments on mice.

“Weight gain is the result of the growth and expansion of fat tissue, which cannot happen unless new blood vessels form, a process known as angiogenesis,” said senior study author Mohsen Meydani of the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts.

“Based on our data, curcumin appears to suppress angiogenic activity in the fat tissue of mice fed high fat diets,” he said in a statement.

Turmeric is effective when added to a high-fat meal, suggesting it could help fight obesity.

Researchers gave one set of mice high-fat diets and another set the same food with 500mg of curcumin added to each meal.

After 12 weeks, the mice which were fed curcumin weighed less than those which did not eat it.

Widely acknowledged to be a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is currently under investigation in several studies to determine its use for cancer prevention and treatment.

So if you are lost for ideas on what to cook, go whip up a turmeric chicken dish.  There are several ways of cooking chicken with turmeric.  Chicken cooked with turmeric is delicious, wholesome, helps you to lose weight and may help prevent cancer too.

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Treating Acne With Toothpaste

During my 3 pregnancies, I did have that glow on my face like some women would have. Though I was still slim except for the belly, my face had acne outbreak during the first trimester. I dared not apply OTC pimple cream like Oxy 5 on my face and only relied on toothpaste to treat the pimples. I dabbed a small dollop on the pimples and within 2 days, the pimples would dry up. The down side of using toothpaste is that it will make your skin sting and dry up your skin, making it red and ‘withered’. Nonetheless, I still used toothpaste as it’s safer than using OTC pimple creams with potent ingredients in them. I figured that if it’s safe to put into your mouth, it’s safe for your skin too.

I read that you can also use tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar (ACV) instead as they won’t dry the pimple out as much.

If you want to use toothpaste to get rid of pimples, look for a true toothpaste, not a gel, and if you can, find one with minimal additives. Natural or organic toothpastes are a good bet, since they usually have a short ingredient list. Apply a small dab to the acne spot in question, leave it on overnight, and rinse in the morning.

Avoid popping pimples, no matter how tempting it is (sometimes I can’t resist popping them too!), because you can actually make the situation worse by causing a deep infection with your fingers that may have germs.

Here’s an article on treating acne with toothpaste from :

Toothpaste is often thought of as an inexpensive spot treatment for pimples, but this is one home remedy you don’t want to try. Although some swear toothpaste dries up their pimples quickly, most people will find the toothpaste leaves their skin red and irritated.

The idea to use toothpaste as a spot treatment is probably due to the fact that many types of toothpaste contains triclosan. Triclosan is an antibacterial ingredient often added to personal care items like soap, deodorant, and body wash. Triclosan effectively kills bacteria. It is actually a common addition in acne treatment products, although as a preservative and not an active ingredient.

But toothpaste also contains ingredients that can irritate the skin, especially the delicate skin on the face. Using toothpaste on an already inflamed pimple can cause more redness and irritation. Many unfortunate souls say toothpaste burns really badly when applied to a zit, and leaves the skin feeling sore for days afterward. Bottom line: Toothpaste can make your pimple look worse instead of better.

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