Category Archive: Interesting Information

Sesame Seeds Health Benefits

I have always been worried that Baby C is not getting enough calcium as she does not drink enough formula milk. She is still very much addicted to my boops and I am worried that my breast milk is not enough to provide her with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that her body needs. Baby C is 21 months now and my milk supply has dwindled ever since Baby C was hospitalized for 3 weeks after her 2 surgeries last year. During that period of time, she could not eat or drink and I had to express my milk and pour the milk away.

Baby C does not eat much either and she’s a very small eater, with a pretty small tummy.To ensure that Baby C gets sufficient calcium, I try to include as much calcium-rich food as possible in her diet. One of it is sesame seeds.  I always toss in a spoonful of sesame seeds into her green tea or buckwheat noodles, homemade breads and homemade pancakes.  I also spread sesame seed paste (Tahini) on her bread.  I also add about 1/2 a teaspoon of sesame seed oil into the chawan mushi (Japanese steamed egg) that I prepare for her about 3-4 times a week.

Food For Thought
Did you know that half a cup of sesame seeds contains three times more calcium than half a cup of whole milk? In addition to being an excellent dietary source of calcium, sesame seeds are also a good source of manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1 (thiamin), zinc, vitamin E, healthy protein, and fiber.Sesame seeds also contain sesamin and sesamolin, two substances that are thought to prevent high blood pressure and protect the liver against oxidative damage. Sesame seeds are also a good source of both dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats.

Sesame oil rubbed on the skin may soothe a minor burn or sunburn as well as help in the healing process.

Sesame seed oil is said to remove wrinkles when applied to the skin in a facial massage.

Eat some sesame seeds to relieve constipation and to remove worms from the intestinal tract. They’re an aid to digestion, stimulate blood circulation, and benefit the nervous system.

Sesame oil makes ideal massage oil because of its excellent emollient properties. Applied topically, sesame oil is thought to aid in healing chronic diseases of the skin. With its vitamin E content, it’s also a benefit to the heart and nervous system.

Nutrients from the sesame seed are best absorbed in the form of sesame oil, tahini or sesame butter.The whole seeds do not break down readily and release all their nutrients.

There is a little bit of controversy about sesame seeds and calcium, because there is a substantial difference between the calcium content of hulled versus unhulled sesame seeds. When the hulls remain on the seeds, one tablespoon of sesame seeds will contains about 88 milligrams of calcium. When the hulls are removed, this same tablespoon will contain about 37 milligrams (about 60% less). Tahini-a spreadable paste made from ground sesame seeds-is usually made from hulled seeds (seeds with the hulls removed, called kernels), and so it will usually contain this lower amount of calcium.

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Dangers Of Not Getting Sufficient Sleep And Not Sleeping At Night

Before my kids came along, I used to have between 6-8 hours of continuous beauty sleep everyday. Ever since my kids arrived, getting 6-7 hours of continuous sleep a day is hardly achieved. Ever since Baby was born, the number of hours of sleep I get each night has not been more than 6 hours a day. Waking up in the morning to be greeted by a brightly lit sky is a thing of the past for me. I wake up at 5ish every morning, sometimes even earlier before my maid wakes up. I can feel the consequences the lack of sleep has caused to my body. My immune system is low and I fall sick very easily. In the past, I hardly ever fall sick.

I found out recently that having insufficient sleep not only disrupts your brain function and every physiologic function in the body, it also increases the risk for a variety of major illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity, recent studies indicate. Most people apparently need between about seven and nine hours, with studies indicating that an increased risk for disease starts to kick in when people get less than six or seven, experts say.

Here’s an interesting article, excerpts of which I have extracted from

Physiologic studies suggest that a sleep deficit may put the body into a state of high alert, increasing the production of stress hormones and driving up blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

Moreover, people who are sleep-deprived have elevated levels of substances in the blood that indicate a heightened state of inflammation in the body, which has also recently emerged as a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. If you lose sleep that your body needs, then you produce these inflammatory markers that on a chronic basis can create low-grade inflammation and predispose you to cardiovascular events and a shorter life span

After several studies found that people who work at night appear unusually prone to breast and colon cancer, researchers investigating the possible explanation for this association found exposure to light at night reduces levels of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is believed to protect against cancer by affecting levels of other hormones, such as estrogen. “Melatonin can prevent tumor cells from growing — it’s cancer-protective,” said Eva S. Schernhammer of Harvard Medical School, who has conducted a series of studies on volunteers in sleep laboratories. The theory is, if you are exposed to light at night, on average you will produce less melatonin, increasing your cancer risk.

Other researchers are exploring a possible link to other malignancies, including prostate cancer.There’s absolutely no reason it should be limited to breast cancer, and it wouldn’t necessarily be restricted to people who work night shifts. People with disrupted sleep or people who are up late at night or get up frequently in the night could potentially have the same sort of effect,” said Scott Davis of the University of Washington.

The newest study on obesity, from Columbia University, is just the latest to find that adults who sleep the least appear to be the most likely to gain weight and to become obese. Other researchers have found that even mild sleep deprivation quickly disrupts normal levels of the recently discovered hormones ghrelin and leptin, which regulate appetite.

In addition, studies show sleep-deprived people tend to develop problems regulating their blood sugar, which may put them at increased risk for diabetes.”The research in this area is really just in its infancy,” Van Cauter said. “This is really just the tip of the iceberg that has just begun to emerge.”

So much have been said about getting sufficient sleep. One of my New Year’s Resolution is to get a minimum of 6 hours sleep a night. If I get 7 hours, it’s a bonus!

How much sleep do you get a day?

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Cell Phones, Cancers and Brain Tumors. What is the REAL story?

So much has been talked about that the radiation from cell phones are hazardous to our health. But how true and accurate are the findings that the radiation can cause ill effects to our health? Because cell phones are held near the head when in use, the main concern has been over whether they might cause or contribute to tumors in the brain and salivary glands.

How do cell phones work?Cell phones communicate with nearby cell towers through radio frequency (RF) waves, a form of energy located on the electromagnetic spectrum between FM radio waves and microwaves. The RF waves from cell phones, like FM radio waves, microwaves, and visible light, are a form of radiation. But these types of radiation are non-ionizing. They don’t have enough energy to directly damage DNA.They are different from types of ionizing radiation such as x-rays and gamma rays, which are known to damage DNA and can cause cancer.At very high levels, RF waves can heat up body tissues. (This is the basis for how microwave ovens work.) But the levels of energy given off by cell phones are much lower, and studies suggest they aren’t able to heat up body tissues.

Here’s an excerpt from
As noted above, the RF waves given off by cell phones don’t have enough energy to damage DNA directly. Because of this, many scientists believe that cell phones aren’t able to cause cancer. Most studies done in the lab have supported this theory, finding that RF waves do not cause DNA damage.A number of scientists have reported that the RF waves from cell phones may have different effects on cells in the lab, some of which could possibly help tumors grow. However, these claims have not been verified by other scientists. Given the widespread use of cell phones, it is important that these claims be carefully tested by other scientists with expertise in this area.

Here’s some interesting information on the effects of cell phone radiation, extracted from this website:

Cell Phones Do Not Cause Cancer

  • Tokyo Women’s Medical University compared phone use in 322 brain cancer patients with 683 healthy people and found that regularly using a mobile did not significantly affect the likelihood of getting brain cancer. “Using our newly developed and more accurate techniques, we found no association between mobile phone use and cancer, providing more evidence to suggest they don’t cause brain cancer,” Naohito Yamaguchi, who led the research, said. His team’s findings were published in the British Journal of Cancer.
  • American Cancer Society – “Considerable research has also found no clear association between any other electronic consumer products and cancer. Cell phones, microwave ovens and related appliances emit low-frequency radiation—the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio waves and radar. Ionizing radiation such as gamma rays and X-rays can increase cancer risk by causing changes to DNA in cells of the body. Low frequency, non-ionizing radiation does not cause these DNA changes”
  • Medical College of Wisconsin – A very detailed page, with a considerable amount of information, including both FAQs and citations to references; it can be technically overwhelming for non scientists.
  • National Institute of Health / National Cancer Institute – April 2000. “There was no evidence of higher brain tumor risk among people who use hand-held cellular phones compared to those who do not use them.”
  • The Independent Expert Group chaired by Sir William Stewart published its report on the health implications of mobile phones in 2000. Two later reports by the independent Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) and the most recent “Mobile Phones and Health 2004” by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), have endorsed Stewart’s findings. All three reports can be found
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Is Cow’s Milk Healthy Or Endangering Your Health?

I have always believed that milk – cow’s milk in particular, is a very nutritious and wholesome food for people of all ages. That’s until I read about the hazards of consuming milk, that milk is one of the causes of cancer, that cow’s milk is laced with the harmful antibiotics and drugs injected on the cow and all that jazz that milk is no longer a superior food. I used to feed my 2 older girls milk 3x a day but it has now been reduced to only once a day. As for Baby C, I am still breastfeeding her and supplementing her with non-dairy milk (Pediasure).

Today, many of the problems parents have with their babies are linked to new parenting and feeding techniques that have been implemented during the recent century. Colic, for instance, is far more common in the U.S. than in many other places around the world. Two chief causes for its rise are the stress suffered by babies being regularly separated from their mothers, and the common difficulties babies have tolerating the large cow’s milk proteins in infant formulas and breastfeeding mothers’ diets.

Cow’s milk is a foreign substance that has pervaded every corner of our diets—starting with artificial infant feeds, but finding its way into mother’s breastmilk through the foods she eats as well. As it turns out, health problems such as childhood diabetes, obesity, bowel disease, osteoporosis, heart disease, cataracts, colic, ear infections, hyperactivity, and cancer, on the rise in both children and adults, are strongly linked to infant feeding choices. While there are literally thousands of research studies, each revealing at least one of milk’s hazards, the dairy industry goes to great lengths to stifle any damaging rumors. Blanket statements, such as, “There is simply no scientific research to back up these claims,” are easily made. With a long and successful history of dairy promotion, these are readily accepted by the public.

More people need to go to the real research and learn the truth for themselves. They should be very suspicious of these foreign foods being pushed on their children. They should question motives as well as possible outcomes. Although some of the dangers of cow’s milk consumption relate more to adults than to children, parents’ actions form the basis for lifelong dairy-consuming habits in their children.The harmful components of cow’s milk include all the major parts of it, as well as some more minor elements.

Lactose is a sugar meant for babies, but it’s generally harmful to adults. The proteins in cow’s milk are different from human milk proteins and cause problems of digestion, intolerance, impaired absorption of other nutrients, and autoimmune reactions. Few of the proteins meant for baby cows are found naturally in human mother’s milk, and none are found in any natural adult human food. Even the high protein content in cow’s milk creates problems. Human babies need the saturated fats and cholesterol in mother’s milk. Bovine milk fat is not appropriately composed for human babies and is only deleterious to the health of children and adults.

Cow hormones are not meant for humans, and older children and adults are not meant to consume hormones. And, cows have been selectively bred over time to create high levels of these hormones—those being the cows that grow the fastest and produce the greatest amount of milk. Cows also concentrate pesticides and pollutants into their milk fat, from their high dietary food and water requirements. The high amount of drugs now given to cows adds to this chemical soup. But we need milk to build strong bones, don’t we? Actually, heavy milk consumption leads to increased osteoporosis.

The highly promoted idea that milk builds strong bones refers to the prevention of osteoporosis—this is the reason for strengthening bones. Decades of effort to demonstrate that high calcium diets chiefly derived from dairy products build strong bones have failed to prove any such correlation. In fact, the opposite seems to be true. It appears that high calcium intake before puberty, and especially in young childhood, may have some slight positive effect on bones, but this diet is not the answer. A balanced intake of all the bone minerals, along with adequate vitamin A, C, and D, is what is truly needed. A balanced intake of minerals cannot occur when the diet emphasizes dairy. Dairy’s high calcium causes relative deficiencies in magnesium and other bone-building minerals, and its high phosphorus and animal protein reduces calcium availability.

Physical activity has the greatest benefit—the body efficiently uses what is available to build strong bones when it senses the need. Human milk and vegetable sources are superior to dairy for calcium and other nutrients in many ways. There are fewer nutritional or other health advantages to giving cow’s milk to children than is generally believed, while there are certainly many risks. Almost every day another health research finding is made about whole grains, soy, a serving of vegetables, two fruits per day, cashews, legumes, fish, or some other food, other than milk that is, and their connection to a reduced risk of heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, diabetes, or other disease. This is because cow’s milk and its derivatives today make up one-third of the adult diet, and half to two-thirds of caloric intake in children, thus replacing so much other important, nutritious food needed in the diet. This leads to insufficient intake of important vitamins, several minerals, and healthy fiber and vegetable oils.

Cancer-preventing antioxidants in foods are missing in this milk diet as well. While one form of antioxidant vitamin A is added to milk (but not all dairy products), it is likely counteracted by the pesticide and drug residues. The full complement of vitamin A and associated enzymes, found in vegetables and other foods, are required for cancer prevention. Many, many more kinds of antioxidants are found in vegetables, legumes, fruits, and grains. No other animal in the animal kingdom drinks milk beyond childhood. No other animal suffers from osteoporosis, except the occasional pet raised on human meals. If there remains a desire to provide milk to a child who has no diarrhea, rashes, or other intolerance reactions, organic (organic—not raw) non-fat milk would be the best choice.

In raw (unpasteurized) milk there can be many potentially dangerous microorganisms, in addition to the leukemia virus. In organic milk there are fewer antibiotic residues, no added hormones, and cows are given better feeds. Non-fat means less chemical residue and no artery-damaging saturated fat. Children can obtain fat in the form of non-hydrogenated (especially monosaturated) vegetable oils, be it in potato chips or cashews. Goat’s milk is considered by many to be superior in many ways, and today low-fat versions are available. Much less documented information is available about goat’s milk, but it appears that the proteins are less problematic for digestion, although allergic intolerance to these can also occur.

Lactose and hormones would remain an issue although, to date, goats apparently are not injected with extra growth hormone. Although it was apparent from day one that formula was a health risk for infants, back when it was first promoted, cow’s milk for older children appeared to be a nutritional manna. And with one or two glasses a day from a healthy, range-fed animal, it likely nearly was. Since this time, however, the quality of dairy has drastically reduced while its consumption has exploded… with a little advertising help. The evidence suggesting that the early faith in milk was misplaced has been building up for decades. The dairy industry has had to take increasingly extreme efforts to keep this information out of public awareness.

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Potatoes – Healthy or Unhealthy?

I have always wondered if potatoes are healthy. I’ve read so much about how unhealthy and fattening potatoes are in diet websites and books. But some people extol the health benefits of potatoes and eat them in adoration. So who do you believe in?

I got this interesting article on potatoes from

Potatoes are good for you as long as you prepare them in a healthy manner. Boiled and baked potatoes are good for you, French fries and potato chips are not. Potatoes got a bad reputation due to the popularity of low-carb diets because they are high in starchy carbohydrates and low in protein. That doesn’t mean that potatoes are bad for you, though. Eat the skin, skip the toppings!

Potatoes are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, especially if you eat the skin. One medium plain potato has about 150 calories so you have to keep that in mind if you are watching your weight! . Potatoes are often served with high-calorie and high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream or gravy that may add a lot more calories and unhealthy fats.

French Fries Are Not Healthy – For Several Reasons
Besides having extra fat added to them, potatoes that are fried as chips or French fries may contain acrylamide. This is a toxic substance that forms in starchy foods when they are processed or cooked at high temperatures. Acrylamide has been shown to cause cancer in lab animals, but we don’t know exactly what levels of acrylamide exposures are dangerous for humans. Frying and baking at high temperatures for a long time result in the highest levels of acrylamide, however, those levels may be reduced when potatoes are boiled first or treated with antioxidant solutions.

What About Potatoes with a Green Tint?
Potatoes may also contain another chemical called solanine. When potatoes have a green tint to their skin, they may actually have a sun-burn. Potato tubers grow underground and if they are exposed to light, they develop a green tint due to chlorophyll production which normally happens in the stems and the leaves, but not in the tubers. The chlorophyll is harmless, but the light exposure also causes the potatoes to develop a higher level of an irritating chemical call solanine. This causes the potatoes to taste bitter and some who people claim to be sensitive to solanine believe they may feel increased arthritis type pain.  While the association between arthritis pain and solanine from dietary sources remains unproven, research does show that solanine may adversely affect the cells that make up the lining of the intestines and could possibly irritate inflammatory bowel disorders. To avoid solanine, don’t buy potatoes that have green skin and store them in a dark place in your pantry or kitchen.

To keep your potatoes low in calories and healthy, try these ideas:
1.  Serve boiled potatoes with salsa or some broccoli and sprinkle about one ounce of shredded cheese on top.
2.  Make mashed potatoes with low-fat sour cream, skim milk and chives.
3.  Potatoes cooked in the microwave do not contain acrylamides.
4.  Add potato slices (with skins) to soups and stews.

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Discoloration Of Skin

The skin on both my palms and soles of my feet have a slight tinge of yellowish, orangy color.  It is most obvious when I stretch my palms and feet. I think this is most likely caused by the beta carotene from the oranges and papaya that I eat. I eat an orange a day, sometimes two.  On some days, I eat papayas. I am a fruit lover and there’s not a single day that I don’t eat fruits.   On top of oranges and papayas, I also pop a Vitamin ACE tab everyday.  

Several years ago, I used to make carrot juice once a week with my juicer.  I would mix them with oranges, beet roots and apples.   After several months of consuming carrot + orange + beet root + green apple juice, there was a tinge of yellow color on my face.  I freaked out when my friend commented that I looked awful with the tinge of yellow color on my face.  I went cold turkey and stopped eating carrots.  Up until today, I still try to avoid eating carrots, though I love them, especially raw ones.  I also love pumpkins, but still try to go easy on them. Now, the yellowish tinge is no longer seen on my face.

Here’s an interesting article by Dr Andrew Weil, M.D.:

Without a doubt your habitual carrot consumption is the cause of your yellowing skin. The same fat-soluble pigments (carotenoids) that account for the deep orange color of carrots are responsible. In general, carotenoids are beneficial to health and can protect the skin from sun damage. For example, lycopene, a carotenoid which is responsible for the red color of tomatoes, and the green pigments in spinach, broccoli, and other green vegetables will all make your skin slightly less sensitive to the sun. (In April 2008, British researchers reported that consuming lycopene-rich tomato paste reduced sun damage by 33 percent).

The yellow or orange color you notice on your palms (called carotenemia) is often seen in infants when they start to eat solid foods and get too many that contain beta carotene – usually from carrots, pumpkin and other yellow and orange vegetables. The color change is harmless but has to be distinguished from jaundice, which also causes yellow or orange skin. Eating too much beta carotene doesn’t cause the whites of the eyes to yellow, while jaundice does, but if skin color changes in an infant, it’s best to see a pediatrician to make sure that the problem is just too many carrots or too much pumpkin.

Your color change is not at all dangerous and will fade quickly when you reduce your consumption of carrots. I suggest that you do just that – not because the carotene has turned your skin yellow, but because it’s important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The greater the variety of natural colors in your diet, the better off you’ll be nutritionally. Carrots all the time sounds a bit monotonous, enjoy a rainbow of produce!

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What Salt Do You Eat?

We used to eat iodised table salt but have been eating sea salt ever since a surgeon friend of ours advised us to substitute table salt with sea salt. We soak our veggie using the cheapest possible fine salt though (those 50sen a packet ones). We also boil eggs using cheap fine salt. Boiling eggs with salt will enable the shell to be removed easily from the egg.

Sea salt refers to the unrefined salt that is obtained by evaporating sea water collected in man-made pools near a protected shoreline. The major difference between table salt and sea salt is in their mineral composition. Table salt, that is refined by industrial processes, is stripped of most of the minerals that are present in it when it is extracted from natural sources. Due to this reason, table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride as compared to sea salt, which contains only 98% of the compound. The remaining 2% is made of around 80 important minerals like iron, sulfur, and magnesium. It is due to this reason that sea salt tastes a little different from table salt and also has a higher number of benefits as compared to its more refined counterpart.

Sea Salt Benefits

* Sea salt benefits the circulatory system by regulating irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure. If taken in moderate amounts, sea salt has been found to be effective in reducing the incidence of heart diseases and heart attacks.

* One of the various health benefits of sea salt is clearing of sinus cavities. Sea salt is a strong natural antihistamine. After drinking a glass or two of water put a little bit of sea salt on the tongue. This provides relief from asthma. It is also useful in clearing lungs of mucus plugs and phlegm.

* Sea salt helps in extracting acidity from the cells of the body, specially from those in the brain. It also helps the kidneys to remove excess acidity from the body and excrete it through urine.

* Sea salt helps in maintaining proper balance of electrolytes in the body. This strengthens the immune system and increases energy levels in the body. This is specially helpful for athletes.

* Sea salt improves transmission of information between nerve cells. It is important for proper functioning of the nerves and helps them in processing information received by brain.

* As it is a powerful antihistamine, unrefined sea salt prevents muscle cramps. It also helps in improving muscle tone and strength.

* One of the many advantages of sea salt is that it regulates blood sugar level in the body. Hence it is specially useful for diabetics.

* Sea salt helps in regulating sleep. It is a natural hypnotic that acts as a soporific. Drinking a pinch of salt added to warm water before going off to sleep can induce deep sleep.

* Sea salt health benefits include better absorption of food in the body by the intestinal tracts.

* The minerals in sea salt are known to be good for skin. Sea salt baths are a popular treatment to cure infections like psoriasis. Dead sea salt has been found to be specially useful for this infection. Of the many advantages of Dead Sea bath salt is that it cures the symptoms of tendonitis and osteoarthritis.

* Sea salt is also used in the cosmetic industry, mainly a natural exfoliant or scrub. Its high mineral content also finds it a place in the manufacture of skin care products and foundations. Sea salt crystals may also be used to make antiperspirants and deodorants.

* The various minerals present in sea salt gives it a certain flavor that is valued by many chefs. Sea salt is often used in French and Thai cuisine. Chefs use sea salt as a crust for baked potatoes.

It is true that sea salt benefits are numerous. This often leads people to sprinkle sea salt generously in their food causing excess sodium load on the body. This may harm the body instead of benefiting it. In case sea salt is included in the diet, it should not substitute more than half the table salt intake. In all, the total sodium consumption should be kept below 2,400 milligrams per day.

What type of salt do you eat?

Article extracted from

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