Category Archive: Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Lung Disease

Cardiovascular disease and lung disease are the number one killer in the world today.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that around 1.34 million premature deaths from respiratory diseases and cancers were caused due to polluted air in 2008.

Effects of Air Pollution?Reduced lung functioning?Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat?Asthma attacks?Respiratory sy...


The largest contributions to urban outdoor air pollution include motor transport, small scale manufacturers and other industries, burning biomass and coal for cooking and heating, as well as coal-fired power plants.

PM10 particles, which are particles of 10 micrometres or less, which can penetrate into the lungs and may enter the bloodstream, can cause heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, and acute lower respiratory infections.

With such bad air everywhere, are we surprised this is happening? All the more reason each and everyone of us should load up on clean water and colourful vegetables or the alternative or extra boost of Izumio and Super Lutein because the extra pure molecular hydrogen in Izumio and the potent carotenoids of 9 serves of fruit and vegetables in Super Lutein will firstly remove the unnecessary bad free radicals from your cells and secondly form a protective layer around your cells to prevent it from future free radical attack.



Get your Izumio and Super Lutein today from (Whatsapp 019 266 4290) or at least find out more. Get educated and protect the lives of your loved ones with only the best.



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Reducing Lethargy/Lack of focus/Energy Caused By Oxidative Stress

If you ever feel that you’re not as healthy as you should be or always feeling very tired, it is most likely due to oxidative stress.

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.

The process of oxidation happens as our bodies metabolize (or process) the oxygen that we breathe and our cells produce energy from it. This process also produces free radicals –molecules that interact with the molecules within our cells resulting in damage (or stress) to nearby cells, mitochondria  and DNA.

Free radicals are normal and necessary to some degree. In addition to causing some damage, they also stimulate repair. It is only when too many free radicals are produced, and they overwhelm the repair processes, that it becomes an issue. That is what we call oxidative stress.

Oxidation happens under a number of circumstances including:

  • when our cells use glucose to make energy
  • when the immune system is fighting off bacteria and creating inflammation
  • when our bodies detoxify pollutants, pesticides, and cigarette smoke

In fact, there are millions of processes taking place in our bodies at any one moment that can result in oxidation.

Oxidation also increases when we are physically and/or emotionally stressed.  I am not very good in handling emotional and physical stress, thus I kick myself to exercise five times a week, reduce meat intake, eat more fruits and vegetables and religiously take my most trusted supplements.

What are free radicals?

A free radicals is an oxygen containing molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons, making it highly reactive with other molecules.

Oxygen by-products are relatively unreactive but some of these can undergo metabolism within the biological system to give rise to these highly reactive oxidants. Not all reactive oxygen species are harmful to the body. Some of them are useful in killing invading pathogens or microbes.

However, free radicals can chemically interact with cell components such as DNA, protein or lipid and steal their electrons in order to become stabilized. This, in turn, destabilizes the cell component molecules which then seek and steal an electron from another molecule, therefore triggering a large chain of free radical reactions.

What are antioxidants?

Every cell that utilizes enzymes and oxygen to perform functions is exposed to oxygen free radical reactions that have the potential to cause serious damage to the cell. Antioxidants are molecules present in cells that prevent these reactions by donating an electron to the free radicals without becoming destabilized themselves. An imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants is the underlying basis of oxidative stress.

Damaged caused by oxidative stress

Oxidative stress leads to many pathophysiological conditions in the body. Some of these include neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, gene mutations and cancers, chronic fatigue syndrome, fragile X syndrome, heart and blood vessel disorders, atherosclerosis, heart failure, heart attack and inflammatory diseases.

Signs of oxidative stress occurring in your body

  1. Fatigue
  2. Memory loss and/or brain fog
  3. Muscle and/or joint pain
  4. Wrinkles and grey hair
  5. Decreased eye sight
  6. Headaches and sensitivity to noise
  7. Susceptibility to infections




How to reduce oxidative stress?

You need to boost your antioxidant defense system so that it can become balanced with free radical production. Here are some ways to reduce oxidative stress:

1) Decreasing Exposure to Oxidation

Oxidation increases when we are exposed to stress, toxins, and infections. It is also increased by sugar and chemicals, so the more you can minimize your exposure to these things, the better – so choosing organic foods and avoiding toxins in your environment makes a big difference. Reducing stress helps too and can be done with what I refer to as “daily stress remedies”.

2) Boost my body with IZUMIO hydrogen water.

Many claim that they take the best antioxidant formula supplements and although some are effective, none of them have the ability to act in the multiple ways that molecular hydrogen does inside your cells.


3) Avoid sugar and processed foods while balancing your blood sugar levels

When the body has to process sugar it also creates oxidation and the more sugar we eat, the more oxidation happens. Processed foods often contain sugar and/or other chemicals that also result in oxidation. Eating large and infrequent meals also creates more oxidative stress, so balancing your blood sugar by eating smaller, frequent meals, also helps.

4) Prevent infections

When the immune system is fighting off an infection, it ends up creating oxidation which is why, when you get sick, it drains your body of energy.  I know I am about to fall sick when I feel lethargic, sleepy and extremely thirsty.  That is when I will pump in antioxidants and hydrogen water into my body, while cutting down on meat, processed food and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables.

5) Allow time for daily stress remedies

It seems so simple, but it really pays off. That’s why you need to find time to take breaks in the day – to give your body a chance to recover. Be sure to honor the breaks in your schedule (or create them) and take them as a chance to enjoy the outdoors, breathe, and re-center. These are some ideas for daily stress remedies:

  • Exercise – rain or shine, I make time to exercise 5x a week in the form of swimming and jogging.
  • Meditation
  • Talking with a friend
  • Enjoying nature
  • Journaling
  • Watching a funny show
  • Taking a walk.
  • Engaging in whatever activities that give you pleasure.  Retail therapy helps me a lot in de-stressing!

The benefits of exercise



6) Avoid toxins

Choose organic foods and avoid cigarettes, candles, hair and nail salons, carpet, exhaust fumes and plastic. Check your personal care and cleaning products for toxic ingredients and replace them with non-toxic alternatives. Sulfate and paraben are some of the harsh chemicals in shampoos that you should avoid.

7) Increasing Antioxidants

No matter what you to do avoid them, you are going to be exposed to some toxins and stress, so your next step is to increase the antioxidants you have in your system either by helping your body make more, or by consuming them in food or supplements.  Antioxidants’ role is to block oxidation. They squelch it and make it non-harmful to our body.

One supplement that I am currently consuming and find that it helps to strengthen my immune system and that of my kids is Super Lutein.

SUPER LUTEIN delivers six carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, crocetin, a-carotene, B-carotene and lycopene), anthocyanin and DHA to the body.

The first seven are all phytochemicals, and the last is an omega-3 fatty acid derived from fish oil. The carotenoids and anthocyanin are antioxidants that actively play a part in neutralizing the free radicals created through oxidizing processes triggered by the ingestion of toxins and other harmful substances. This helps to prevent damage to vital organs, maintain healthy skin and vision, and help protect the body from illness and disease.

Ingredients at a Glance


If you want to know more about Izumio hydrogen water and Super Lutein, do drop me an email at or Whatsapp me at 019-266 4290 with no obligations to purchase anything.


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How Hydrogen Removes Free Radicals In Our Body

I have received many emails from my blog readers asking me how hydrogen works in detoxing the body and how it can benefit our body.  If you are curious to know how H2 (hydrogen) works in removing free radicals in our body, this post is a must-read.  After you have read this posting, you may want to try Izumio hydrogen water to clear your body of all the toxins and free radicals accumulated over the years.  When your body is clear of toxins and free radicals, it works optimally, cells do not mutate easily and you do not fall ill easily.

Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.  According to the US National Library Of Medicines, hydrogen is a powerful therapeutic antioxidant.

Over 500 peer-reviewed articles from the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation demonstrate hydrogen to have therapeutic potential in essentially every organ of the human body and in 150 different human disease models.

Once free radicals convert into hydroxyl radicals, there are no antioxidant enzymes that can neutralize them. Hydroxyl radicals will quickly react with and damage nearby molecules.

H2 is the smallest antioxidant in existence. Other antioxidants such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E are very large molecules compared to H2 and need to go through your digestive tract, absorbed in your intestines, go through your blood, and enter into your cells before they can eliminate free radicals. H2 is so small that it can penetrate through your stomach lining to begin acting inside your cells immediately. H2 is also in a gaseous state, so it can basically float through your cells and perform its function as an antioxidant.

Each molecule of H2 can neutralize two hydroxyl radicals into water, hydrating your cells in the process. H2 is selective and targets only hydroxyl radicals. This is a key benefit of H2 because H2 only eliminates the harmful free radicals but does not directly affect useful free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide or nitric oxide. Other antioxidants are not selective but rather neutralize any free radical in their vicinity. This may disrupt the balance of free radicals to antioxidants. Other antioxidants become weak free radicals themselves after neutralizing free radicals.  Very often, patients who undergo chemotherapy are advised not to take any antioxidants supplement for this reason.  But they can take Izumio, because H2 is SELECTIVELY and targets ONLY hydroxyl radicals.

Izumio has the HIGHEST Hydrogen levels in the world compared to any other Hydrogen product and the Miracle water from Lourdes, France, etc.



For those of you who missed out on my earlier posts on what Izumio and Super Lutein are and how they can help to ease a host of ailments, you can click on the following links to read:

Hydrogen (H2) as a potent antioxidant and exhibits anti-inflammatory and potentially anticancer-like activities (from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health)

Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Izumio and Incontinence

 Super Lutein

Day 18 On Izumio For Incontinence

Symptoms of A Body Detox

Day 20 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence

IZUMIO – Antioxidant Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen Water Facts

Super Lutein Goodness

Dangers of Eczema Steroid Creams

Super Lutein and Izumio Hydrogen Water For Glaucoma

Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Metabolic Syndrome (Diabetes and Obesity) – From US National Library of Medicine,






Super Lutein For Osteoarthritis – Testimonial

Treating Eczema Naturally

Treating Diabetes Naturally With Hydrogen Water, Carotenoids And Lutein

Izumio and Super Lutein – Testimonial On Weight Loss

Genetic High Cholesterol


For more information, I can be reached at


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Genetic High Cholesterol

A routine blood test done in May 2015 revealed that I have high cholesterol. Reading was 6.4.  I was totally unprepared and shocked when my doctor told me the news. As you already know, I am a health and fitness freak. I do not eat deep fried foods.  Sausages, ham, bacon and all deli meats, sweets and junk food are banned in my household, as with canned food and  soft drinks. I exercise 5 times a week. I graze on greens like a cow and I buy mostly organic greens.  I eat very little meat, YET?!  WTF? This is so unfair!

Why me?

“You have genetic high cholesterol as both your parents have high cholesterol. No matter how hard you change your diet or exercise, it will be extremely hard to bring down your cholesterol level” said my doctor to me.  I was shattered.  How unfair can life be?  Duh, I might as well be eating all those rubbish that I mentioned earlier and I would not feel as bad. I have done everything that is good for my body and hardly abuse it with junk yet I am given this ‘sentence’.   I felt and still feel shitty ever since the diagnosis.

My 39-year old fitness freak brother who has 6 packs and is as fit as a horse also has high cholesterol all in the name of genetics! 🙁

My doctor wanted to refer me to a heart doctor for him to prescribe me with Statin but I am not ready yet.  Statin has a host of negative side effects. I plan to take an even more drastic twist to my diet along with supplements.

So, can you imagine what sort of diet I have to stick to now?  I have since morphed into a  cow that grazes mostly on organic greens and nothing much else!! Well, truth is, I do still indulge in meat  once a day and  the portion is no bigger than half my fist. Yes this pathetic in size. Eggs consumption is limited to about twice or thrice a week.   Thankfully I am the ‘eat to live’ type. I hardly ever crave for food. I can turn vegan any time. The day will come soon.

These days, my diet centers around lots of grains, nuts, seeds and green veggies.   My intake of fruits is  limited to 1.5 portion  a day, which usually consists of an orange and half an apple / 1 kiwi / quarter slice pineapple a day. Too much fruits can also cause a spike in blood sugar.  My maternal grandmother had diabetes, so I am a strong diabetic candidate too 🙁

I start off my morning with a glass of low fat milk with sugar-free cocoa powder / coffee and a teaspoon of chia seeds.  After a half hour swim in the pool, I have my breakfast.  Breakfast is normally a slice of wholemeal bread drizzled with extra virgin coconut oil and palm sugar syrup or maple syrup (both syrups are low in GI), a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds, raw walnut, baked almonds and baked cashews.

Lunch is usually my favorite organic raw sprouts with kim chi or vegetable acar.  Or I would be sharing a bowl of soupy noodles or a plate of mee siam (Thai vermicelli) with Cass. Or it could be anything that the MIL cooks (if she is around).  The MIL is a health freak too, thankfully!   I also love to tuck into a satisfying bowl of Hakka lui char.  Lui char is chockablock with all my favorite veggies and nuts.  My usual lui char seller makes the best lui char in the world.  I love her basil and spearmint broth, which she will prepare extra thick for me at my request. She also gives me an extra packet of roast peanuts and extra spoonful of fried minced ginger with sesame seed oil.   I just had a big bowl of lui char for lunch and this is so fulfilling.


My dinner usually consists of soup with 3-4 tablespoons of oats and chia seeds, lots of vegetables and a piece of chicken / 1-2 tablespoons of fish meat / egg dish.


Cholesteroal Reading After Diet And Supplements

About 3 weeks ago (early February 2016), I had my blood tested for cholesterol.  The reading of total cholesterol went down from 6.4 to 5.8.  Yay! But. This. Is. Still not good enough!  The reading is still slightly high.  My doctor and I agreed that I can try to modify my diet “even further” and have another blood test done in two months.

What? How “further” can my diet go? Does this mean that I can no longer eat meat, eggs and the occasional indulgence in cakes and cookies?  I am trying hard to steer clear of these, though I still eat in the tiniest portion.  Someone commented that with this diet, I am going to get blown off by the wind in no time!  Not that I am asking to have high cholesterol nor deliberately avoiding meat.   How mean can some people be!


What is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a well-known risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol itself is a waxy, fat-like substance that is primarily made by the liver, although some comes from the diet. It is an essential component of cell membranes and is used by the body to produce hormones and vitamin D.

What are the causes of high cholesterol?
The tendency toward high cholesterol appears to be genetic although diet also influences cholesterol levels. Other factors that can influence cholesterol levels include being overweight and being physically inactive. The older you get, the more likely your cholesterol levels are to rise. Before menopause, women tend to have lower cholesterol levels than men of the same age, but after menopause, women’s LDL levels often increase.

There is considerable controversy over whether high cholesterol is in itself a cause of heart disease (the lipid hypothesis), or a symptom of an inflammatory condition that is the true cause of heart disease (the inflammation hypothesis). According to the latter theory, chronically high levels of inflammation creates small lesions on arterial walls; the body sends LDL to heal those lesions, but it ultimately accumulates and oxidizes, causing blockages. From this perspective, the best lifestyle approach to lower cardiovascular disease risk is to lower inflammation in the body rather than LDL levels.


Supplements I Take To Bring Down Cholesterol

Besides oats, chia seeds, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, I take these supplements daily:

Natural fish oil (natural source of Omega 3 ) – 1 capsule 3 times a day
Izumio hydrogen water – 2 packets a day
Super Lutein – 2 capsules a day


Ways To Control Cholesterol Naturally

Eat some nuts every day. Choose almonds, walnuts and cashews, all of which contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

Substitute whole soy protein for animal protein. Soy protein such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, whole soy beans and roasted soy nuts has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Choose organic products where possible.

Use fresh garlic regularly. Garlic has been shown to lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Use one or two raw or lightly cooked cloves a day.

Drink green tea daily. The antioxidants it contains help lower cholesterol and prevent the cholesterol in your blood from oxidizing.

Go crazy with colorful fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have scads of ingredients that lower cholesterol—including fiber, cholesterol-blocking molecules called sterols and stanols, and eye-appealing pigments. The heart-healthy list spans the color spectrum—leafy greens, yellow squashes, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, plums, blueberries. As a rule, the richer the hue, the better the food is for you.

Limit refined carbohydrates. These include cookies, cakes, crackers, fluffy breads, chips and sodas, all of which can worsen cholesterol levels by lowering HDL and also increase triglyceride levels.

Take coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This powerful antioxidant benefits heart health by protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation and by re-energizing the mitochondria in the heart cells, which is where energy metabolism occurs. CoQ10 may also help lower blood pressure.

Exercise!  If your cholesterol is creeping upward, your doctor has probably told you that diet and exercise—the traditional cornerstones of heart health, could help to bring it down.   I  brisk walk for 15 minutes, followed by a 30-minute swim in the pool 5 times a week.

Take fish oil. Fish oil contains an abundance of essential omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s) that have been shown to lower triglyceride (blood fat) levels, minimize inflammation and clotting, and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Research indicates that omega-3s may help reduce the risk and symptoms of a variety of disorders influenced by inflammation, including heart attack and stroke. You can add omega-3s to your diet by eating more cold water fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and black cod. If that’s not possible, supplement it with two grams daily of a fish oil supplement that contains both essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). When choosing a supplement, look for one derived from molecularly distilled fish oils – these are naturally high in both EPA and DHA and low in contaminants. Also choose a supplement brand that has been independently tested and guaranteed to be free of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and other environmental toxins including polychlorinated biphenyls, also known as PCBs.

Drink Izumio hydrogen water. According to a research conducted by the US National Library of Medicine,  National Institutes of Health, hydrogen (dihydrogen; H2) has beneficial lipid-lowering effects in high-fat diet-fed Syrian golden hamsters. Serum analysis showed that consumption of H2-rich water for 10 weeks resulted in decreased serum total-cholesterol (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. In conclusion, the research found out that supplementation with H2-rich water seems to decrease serum LDL-C and apoB levels, improve dyslipidemia-injured HDL functions, and reduce oxidative stress, and it may have a beneficial role in prevention of potential metabolic syndrome.

I have increased my intake of Izumio hydrogen water from 1 packet a day to 2 packets a day since the day I found out that I have genetic high cholesterol.

You can email me at to find out how you can purchase Izumio hydrogen water.


The information on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes.   Not every remedy will work on everyone. So is conventional medical treatment. It very much depends on the constituents of the person and the conditions peculiar to that person. Whatever the reasons, this article does not claim the information provided is totally accurate and reliable and will cure everyone. The purpose of this article is merely to inform visitors that there are alternative cures for all ailments.

You are therefore advised to consult your registered medical physicians as a matter of due diligence.


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Izumio and Super Lutein – Testimonial On Weight Loss

He is one of our members and in his fifties.

To help him in his weight loss journey, he drank 10 packets of Izumio hydrogen water every day.

Breakfast – ate anything

Lunch – Ate cereals.

Tea – Fruits

Dinner – No carbo. Ate mostly fish and vegetables.

After 6 months, he lost 25kg, as can be seen from the picture below.



If HE can do it, YOU can do it too.  Where there is a will, there is surely a way 🙂

Not only did he benefit from weight loss, he cleared up his cholesterol, improved his eye sight from glaucoma, has much more energy, and is preventing future heart attacks and strokes, after his last heart attack.

Izumio saved his life.

For those of you who missed out on my earlier posts on what Izumio and Super Lutein are and how they can help to ease a host of ailments, you can click on the following links to read:

Hydrogen (H2) as a potent antioxidant and exhibits anti-inflammatory and potentially anticancer-like activities (from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health)

Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Izumio and Incontinence

 Super Lutein

Day 18 On Izumio For Incontinence

Symptoms of A Body Detox

Day 20 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence

IZUMIO – Antioxidant Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen Water Facts

Super Lutein Goodness

Dangers of Eczema Steroid Creams

Super Lutein and Izumio Hydrogen Water For Glaucoma

Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Metabolic Syndrome (Diabetes and Obesity) – From US National Library of Medicine,






Super Lutein For Osteoarthritis – Testimonial

Treating Eczema Naturally

Treating Diabetes Naturally With Hydrogen Water, Carotenoids And Lutein


I can be reached at




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Treating Diabetes Naturally With Hydrogen Water, Carotenoids And Lutein

More than 20% of population diabetic by 2020?

According to the National Diabetes Registry Report Vol. 1 2009-2012 published by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, the prevalence of diabetes among adults in Malaysia is expected to rise to 21.6% by 2020. This is just over one fifth of the population who will be afflicted. Many people assume that if they are diagnosed with Diabetes, that they can just go on medication and keep it under control. However, there are issues that many are not aware of. Diabetes means that your body no longer heals itself at the same rate a normal person does. A simple wound that a normal person would brush off will heal much slower for a diabetic and is more prone to infection or worsening. This makes any minor injury an issue, and makes any form of surgery an issue for those affected. Add to this a lifetime of taking medication, and in many cases, increasing dosage over the years, and it is not something that many would welcome as a permanent part of their life. And lets not even talk about the possibility of amputation.

It is possible to protect yourself against this disease and even to fight it with Super Lutein and Izumio. A number of diabetics who consume the products have already reported good results, with some going off medication completely. But why just take my word for it, when there are independent studies that prove the beneficial effects of lutein, carotenoids and hydrogen on diabetes. The links below will show you that. And as a bonus it also helps to regulate cholesterol.

Satisfy yourself that this is real by reading the links or sending in your queries to me at  Then get in touch and let us move forward together in good health.

Have a great weekend everyone!  Your health is your true wealth 🙂

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Treating Eczema Naturally

Eczema patients are usually prescribed with steroids which will cause a host of unfavourable side effects. This is why we must resort to something more natural which will be a better solution for eczema.

The below pictures show how one consumer’s (she’s my friend) chronic eczema on her hands became better after consuming high dosage of Izumio and Super Lutein for just 1.5 months.


Read steroids side effects here:

For those of you who missed out on my earlier posts on what Izumio and Super Lutein are and how they can help to ease a host of ailments, you can click on the following links to read:

Hydrogen (H2) as a potent antioxidant and exhibits anti-inflammatory and potentially anticancer-like activities (from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health)

Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Izumio and Incontinence

 Super Lutein

Day 18 On Izumio For Incontinence

Symptoms of A Body Detox

Day 20 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence

IZUMIO – Antioxidant Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen Water Facts

Super Lutein Goodness

Dangers of Eczema Steroid Creams

Super Lutein and Izumio Hydrogen Water For Glaucoma

Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Metabolic Syndrome (Diabetes and Obesity) – From US National Library of Medicine,






Super Lutein For Osteoarthritis – Testimonial

You can email to find out more about Izumio and Super Lutein.


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Super Lutein For Osteoarthritis – Testimonial

For those of you who have been quietly enduring pain each time you squat down, walk, run or climb stairs, fret not if you are not keen to take glucosamine. You can relief your knee pain or joint pain naturally with antioxidants or carotenoids.

Super Lutein is a nutritional supplement containing 6 types of carotenoid. It is formulated with lutein, lycopene—found in tomatoes, zeaxanthin—found in maize and egg yolk, as well as ?- and ?-carotene- found in the orange-coloured pigments of carrots and pumpkins.

One of our team members’ customer took 6 capsules of Super Lutein daily (total of 2 bottles of Super Lutein) and her knee pain was totally gone! She now takes 3 capsules of Super Lutein for maintenance of good health.  Super Lutein contains a potent strength of carotenoids.




You can read a research article from the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health on Serum Carotenoids and Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis

For more reading on Izumio and Super Lutein, please click on the following links:

Hydrogen (H2) as a potent antioxidant and exhibits anti-inflammatory and potentially anticancer-like activities (from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health)

Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein

Izumio and Incontinence

 Super Lutein

Day 18 On Izumio For Incontinence

Symptoms of A Body Detox

Day 20 On Izumio Hydrogen Water For Incontinence

IZUMIO – Antioxidant Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen Water Facts

Super Lutein Goodness

Dangers of Eczema Steroid Creams

Super Lutein and Izumio Hydrogen Water For Glaucoma

Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Metabolic Syndrome (Diabetes and Obesity) – From US National Library of Medicine,








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Our Sunday – 9 August 2015

Despite a chilly morning and having a slight runny nose, Cass went swimming with her grandma this morning. On Thursday, she told me that her throat hurt a little and on Friday, she was sneezing with slimy worm-like goo oozing from her nostrils.   Many moons ago, I would have panicked when my girls had sore throat or a flu as a few days later, we would surely have to make a trip to the pediatric’s clinic for fever meds. These days, I no longer panic like a headless chicken when the girls tell me that they have sore throat or have a flu. All I need are an overdose of Izumio hydrogen water, Super Lutein and Esberitox (echinacea) for the flu. And it works like a charm. Cass’ sore throat lasted for a day and runny nose for 2 days. Today, I allowed her to go swimming in the morning and when she came back from swimming, she proudly announced “mummy, I am so happy that my goo goo is gone!”

For breakfast, I made smoothie for everyone with my favorite kitchen gadget, Blendtec blender.

Smoothie for today composed of red apples + oranges + chia seeds + coconut water + coconut flesh + mini pineapples.

The mil bought the mini pineapples from the SS2 PJ wet market and they were super sweet!  Hopefully they ain’t  GMO pineapples!!


2 huge oranges, 2 medium size red apples, 2 mini pineapples and 2 cups of coconut water yielded 5 bottles of smoothie which would have cost over RM65 if bought from smoothie and juice bars at the shopping mall.  My cost is only about RM15!  Did I tell you that one of my many business plans is to set up a juice, smoothie and salad bar one day?  Yeah, keep dreaming and it may materialize one day.  I do believe in the Law of Attraction!


Izumio hydrogen water – safe and natural even for babies. I am so thankful I discovered it!  And my other dream is for everyone to try it. It’s life saving and you can say goodbye to many of your medicines forever once you’ve included hydrogen water into your daily life. Trust me!






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Signs That You Have Too Much Toxins In Your Body

You think you are healthy, but you don’t feel energetic and not in the mood to do much. You struggle to find the energy to get through the day. You’re irritable. Your stomach isn’t acting right — it’s bloated and you belch a lot. And all those nagging headaches!

These types of ailments affect many of us in our daily lives. They are not serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor — or maybe you tried only to be told there was nothing wrong — but they still tend to drag you down, wearing away your resistance and leaving you feeling like you’re just getting old.

Well, it probably has nothing to do with you aging. Instead, your body may be surrounded by too much toxins accumulated over the years.  Your body still collects toxins when you expose yourself to free radicals  from the food you eat, cleaning products and toiletries you use or from environmental toxins.

Toxins have become an inescapable part of our everyday lives. In the previous decade there have been roughly 100,000 different chemicals used in the United States. They’re used commercially in the food we eat, the medicine we take, and general house care products that appear completely innocent.

Studies by the Environmental Working Group recently discovered that even unborn babies can’t avoid pollution in our toxin-laden society. They found traces of more than 200 commercial chemicals within the umbilical cords before birth. You might not be able to avoid the toxins but knowing where they come from and how to treat them will help reduce the impact of toxicity significantly.

Signs that You Have Too Many Toxins in Your Body.  
Listed below are a few of the most common signs of exposure to too much toxins.

Sleep disorders like insomnia and restlessness
Stubborn weight gain
Body odor and foul breath
Persisting exhaustion
Worsening inflammatory problems like arthritis and asthma
Trouble with digestion
Development of ulcers or hemorrhoids
Increase in acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions
Loss of mental clarity and motivation
Muscle and joint pain
Worsened PMS symptoms
Sensitivity to scents
Muscle aches and pains

How To Detox Toxins From Your Body – Easy Steps for Optimal Detoxification

1. Reduce Exposure – The first and most obvious step to take is modifying your routine to reduce your exposure to the chemicals. Analyze the sources listed above and try to minimize the pollution you encounter throughout the day. You can start by avoiding these most toxic food ingredients and avoiding these fake foods.

2. Stay Hydrated – Water is an essential tool for your body to flush out the chemicals you are exposed to. Purchase a filter to make sure your water is pure and make sure you drink it in regular intervals. A minimum of 8-10 cups of water per day is recommended.   Water enriched with hydrogen like Izumio is very beneficial too.  The hydrogen in the water acts to scavenge free radicals in your body.

3. Go Organic – Switch up that shopping list and ditch the processed foods. Look for organic sources of fruit and vegetables and try to avoid retailers that mass produce it. This will decrease the presence of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are used for commercial gain. Green vegetables and most fruits have effective detoxifying qualities.

4. Maintain Healthy Digestion – Get the right amount of fiber in your diet and make sure that you use the bathroom regularly. The average person should move their bowels 1-2 times each day to prevent toxin buildup. You can make you own digestive detox smoothie.

5. Exercise – Getting active will fire up your circulation and turn your body into a toxin flushing machine. Going for runs, swimming, playing sports, or simply getting out to walk around once in a while will help keep you in shape and away from body toxicity.

6. Supplements – There are health supplements out there that will help you reduce toxicity within your body. For example: spirulina and chlorella are two kinds of blue-green algae that are effective at binding and removing toxins from your body, and they work well for detoxing from heavy metal exposure.  You can also choose a supplement that’s high in carotenoids like Super Lutein.  Super Lutein are capsules which contain 6 important carotenoids.

You can email to find out more on Izumio and Super Lutein.


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