Category Archive: Kidney Reflux

New Food For Baby C Everyday

You wouldn’t believe how underweight Baby C is.  At 7.5 months, she only weighs around 6.72kg, a drop of 200gms from last month.  Each time she has a UTI, her weight is bound to drop as she will also have purging.  Purging and UTI go hand in hand.  So whenever she has purging and her diaper area becomes red and sore, I will have panic attacks for I  know a UTI is  underway.  Anyway, I am trying to increase her weight by letting her try new food almost everyday. 

She has been eating organic brown rice for babies and organic banana rice for the past 2 weeks. 2 days ago, I bought her a tin of Nestle rice and soya cereal. I have also bought a tin of Enfalac A+ and each time I feed her cereal, I will add a teaspoon of Enfalac A+ to the cereal. She doesn’t eat a lot though.  Her appetite is just like Sherilyn’s when  Sherilyn was Baby C’s age. Both Baby C and Sher are really small eaters and not the type who are crazy over food. Unlike Baby C and Sherilyn, Alycia is a real foodie just like her daddy and she has a ravenous appetite since birth. In fact Alycia was slightly overweight when she was a baby. 

Coming back to Baby C, I have also been feeding her with soup, bread, Heinz teething rusks, baby carrots (she doesn’t eat them though, she just likes biting them with her gums), black grapes and freshly squeezed grape juice, Australian peaches and apples. 

Baby C loves the Heinz teething rusks and fruits but she ain’t really interested in cereals. I find that I am forcing her to eat her cereals coz more often than not, she would whine and stuggle when she has eaten about half the amount of cereal in the bowl…. unless she is really hungry.  She would then fuss and whine until she gets her milkie directly from mummy’s teat teats.

I am really concerned with Baby C’s weight.   If she has another UTI, I know her weight will drop further.  I have been praying really hard that her weight will increase and that she will not get another UTI attack.  Oh how I wish Baby C is all grown up now and free from Kidney Reflux. 

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Hole In Baby C’s Hand

That’s the hole caused by the IV line on my poor baby’s hand.  The IV line was to have been removed on Wednesday morning but when the nurse tried to put the antibiotics drip through the line on Monday night, she noticed that my poor baby’s hand was swollen and the hole has enlarged, thus making the antibiotics fluid drip out from the hole. 

Gotta put Baby C back to sleep now. To be continued…..

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Baby C Discharged From Hospital Today

Baby C and I were ‘discharged’ from the hospital today. We don’t have to go back for the antibiotics drips as the urine culture done on Sunday (results out today) showed that there is no more bacteria growth. I can only pray to God that there will be no more growth of bacteria ever, period. It really breaks everybody’s hearts to see what Baby C has to go through but this tough nut of mine is really resilient and strong willed.

Pictures taken yesterday. Baby C refused to be placed in the hostpital crib. The moment she’s placed on the crib, she will start wailing for she would assume that she will be poked and pricked. So hubby and I had to take turns carrying her throughout the drips.

Her IV line was removed prematurely last night. I shall blog about this when I have the time.

Baby C on daddy’s shoulders. She had cried till she fell asleep.

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Baby C On Antibiotics IV Drip

Baby C is admitted to Pantai Medical Centre for another UTI but we were allowed to take home leave. She has to be brought to the hospital for the antibiotics drips twice a day, at 10am and 10pm.

These pix were taken yesterday morning. She was fast asleep during the drips and didn’t cry…. but things weren’t that smooth sailing during the evening drips as the IV line got jammed up. The needle was hooked to her skin and the nurses spent almost half an hour trying to fix it…. with her bawling and screaming away in pain till she puked. Luckily I brought along a small basin in my bag and she didn’t puke on her clothes or on the bed.

The left bottle contains glucose and the one of the right is the antibiotics.

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Baby C Has Yet Another UTI

Baby C has another UTI.  This time there’s Proteus bacteria in the urine.   Hubby and I spent the whole afternoon at Pantai Medical Center to get her admitted, but as usual, we were allowed to take home leave.  The same torturous procedures took place where the doctor had to find her vein to set an IV line.  Thankfully it was a success this time as Baby C has lost her chubbiness and thus, it was easier for the doctor to see a vein.  This time, I wasn’t allowed to be in the Procedures Room and all I could do was to wait outside, hearing her wail and praying hard that God will remove all her pain.

She was given a bottle of antibiotics through the IV line on her hand, which lasted several minutes.  The antibiotics has to be injected twice a day – 10am and 10pm for 5 days. 

The bacteria Proteus is resistant to most antibiotics that’s considered safe, so our 2 doctors had a hard time trying to find an alternative antibiotics for Baby C.  Proteus is sensitive to 3 antibiotics but these antibiotics have adverse side effects, if given on a long term basis.  One of the side effects is that it may hinder bone growth. 

I really wonder why Baby C is so prone to getting UTIs despite being on daily antibiotics and despite me trying my level best to keep her diaper area clean and doing everything that the doctor had advised me to do.  Sigh…..

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Pee Smelly No More

Baby C’s pee has not been smelling foul anymore for the past 3 days.  After so many foul smelling pee incidences, I can now see the trend quite clearly.  The foul smelling pee goes hand in hand with diarrhea / loose bowel movement.   Each time she purges more than 3 times a day for several days, her diaper area would turn red and sore.  Next comes the foul smelling pee.  As soon as the diarrhea is under control and the diaper area not sore anymore, her pee would also not smell foul anymore.  

I think what could have caused her to have frequent loose bowel was the cranberry juice that I had been feeding her.  I’ve since stopped feeding her with cranberry juice and have only been giving her freshly grated apple juice, grape juice and pear juice.   Cranberry juice is well known for preventing UTI but looks like it could be the culprit to Baby C having frequent UTIs coz her little tummy just can’t stomach the sour cranberry juice, thus causing her the diarrhea (I am just assuming). Sigh…. case of the devil and the deep blue sea…..  just praying hard that no more bacteria, WBC and RBC will be detected in her pee ever again, period.

Anyway, will be bringing Baby C’s pee to the hospital for another culture test tomorrow.

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Is It My Imagination Or A Fact?

Baby C was purging for the past 2 days and yesterday, my heart sank when I smelled her soiled diaper at around noon.  It smelled foul a little.  So for the rest of yesterday, I kept feeding her with plain water, barley water and my milkie in the hope that she would pee more coz our doctors told us that the bad bacteria could be flushed out through pee.  I also washed her bum each time I changed her diaper.  I was like a cuckoo mummy with OCD wiping all her toys, her 2 cribs and playpen with diluted Dettol (suggested by Mott) a few times in a day.   I was just obsessed with washing her bum, changing her diaper and smelling her soiled diaper.  I told my mil and hubby about the foul smelling pee and my mil asked me if I was just imagining the foul smell but I told her I wasn’t.  I trust my senses and my instinct.   Today the pee doesn’t smell foul anymore.  I will just have to continue smelling the soiled diapers.  Hopefully Baby C’s body will be strong enough to fight off the bad bacteria this time and win the battle.

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Prolactor Probiotics

Hubby was informed by his pharmacist friend that one of the best brands of probiotics in the market is Prolactor.  Prolactor has 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) of good bacteria.  Most other brands of probiotics only have 5 billion CFU of good bacteria.  The packaging for Prolactor is pretty impressive.  It is packed in an aluminium resealable bag and comes with a Thermafreeze (something like dried ice). I had read from a health magazine that probiotics that requires refrigeration works better than those that can be kept at room temperature. Hubby bought it from a hospital and the price?  Darn expensive at over RM90 for a bottle of 30 capsules or over RM3 each capsule.  Hubby doesn’t mind as long as his precious baby gets the best treatment.  Hopefully the probiotics will be able to help Baby C’s body fight off the bad bacteria and win the battle, thus prevent another UTI.  

Hubby has to spend close to RM500 per month just on Baby C’s health supplements, exluding Baby C’s consultation with our doctors and urine tests which cost another RM300-RM500  per month.  That makes it almost RM1,000 a month just on Baby C’s health supplements and medical consultation fees and medication.  What about diapers?  I dare not even calculate how much she spents on diapers per month as our doctor has advised us to change her diaper after just one pee.  I think she uses more than 10 diapers a day.   Sigh… that’s the reason why hubby and I have to slog like a dog to earn more moolah 🙁

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Update On Baby C’s Urine Culture Test

continuation from here

I called our pediatric nephrologist this morning.  The urine culture test shows that there is very scanty growth of bacteria in the urine.  Our dr. said that the amount is so insignificant that it is not considered a UTI.   That’s why the initial urine FEME test done on Monday showed that there was no bacteria and no WBC (white blood cells) in the urine.  Only 2 RBC (red blood cells) were detected.

Today will be the last day I need to feed her antibiotics twice a day.  Tomorrow onwards she only needs to be fed antibiotics once a day, 2.5ml a day.   So am I glad or sad?  I am glad that it is not a full blown UTI but sad that there is still some bacteria lingering in her urinary tract.  Looks like I will have to continue being trapped in my nightmare, continue to smell her soiled diapers everyday, continue to check her urine several times a week and make endless trips to the hospital until only God knows when they will all come to an end.  Sigh….. really sien and I am really, really mentally and physically frazzled 🙁

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Update On Baby C’s Urine Test

I called our nephrologist today.  The initial urine FEME test shows that there are no WBC (white blood cells) and no bacteria in the urine.  There are however 2 RBC (red blood cells) in the urine…. which means that there could be an infection in the urinary tract or kidney.  Our doctor said to wait for the urine culture results to see what is actually going on in her urinary tract, which will only be out on Thursday or Friday.  Sigh… 2-3 more days of worrying myself sick. Meanwhile, her antibiotics has been changed from Cephalexin to Bactrim and increased from 1.5ml once a day to 2.5ml twice a day.

Today Baby C’s pee does not smell foul anymore and she appears as active as usual.  She is however still purging.  I’ve stopped feeding her with cranberry juice and barley water.  Yesterday she was really traumatized when the dr. inserted the catheter into her ureter and subsequently gave her a very painful intra-muscular antibiotics jab.  Her long-term memory has already formed and the moment she was put on the bed in the procedures room, she already yelled her lungs out. She could remember the procedures that she had gone through recently and my poor baby was scared.    She was really whiny and craby after the trip to the hospital and she was practically latched on to my teats the whole night!

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