When I was a teenager, I used to hate my left upper snaggletooth. Some people call snaggletooth ‘vampire’s teeth’. In layman’s term, it is actually overlapping teeth. I hated the vampire’s tooth so much that at one point in time, I kept trying to pull the tooth off with my bare hand!
My perspective of the hideous vampire’s teeth went on a 360 degrees turn when I read from magazines that Japanese girls actually go under the knife to have a snaggletooth attached! There you go. Beauty is such a subjective thing. What you see as hideous can be wildly sexy and attractive to another! One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
In Japan, the snaggletooth procedure is called tsuke yaeba. Many think that yaeba make a woman look cute and youthful! Hmmm, this explains why I can still pass off as a teenager *wink* My hubs has two snaggleteeth. This also explains why he looks so youthful, though he is 42 this year!
Now, if you have a snaggletooth and really do think that it is making you look ugly, you can always have it removed by a good dentist, like the dentist montreal. Do not try to save by going to a dodgy dentist who charges you cheaply. When it comes to dental care, I only go to good ones, like those from the Centre Dentaire Montreal.