Category Archive: Sherilyn

Health Benefits of Chinese Parsley (Cilantro)

Sherilyn and Baby have weird taste buds. I say weird as they love eating several pungent food that most kids will never even want to try. Of all the vegetables, they love ‘yim sai’ (Chinese parsley). They love sprinkling heaps of chopped Chinese parsley and spring onions onto their porridge. And I’m very glad that they love Chinese parsley as it is chokeful of nutrients and health benefits.

Sherilyn’s bowl of chicken porridge, heavily topped with chopped Chinese parsley and spring onions…

… enjoying her bowl of good stuff!

Monkey see monkey do… Baby also followed suit and threw in a handful of Chinese parsley into her bowl of porridge…

Food For Thought:
Article extracted from

Cilantro is also called as “Chinese parsley”, is the name of the coriander plant, but both plant and seeds are traditionally called as coriander. Many people who use cilantro are not aware of the other herb and refers the entire plant as cilantro. Cilantro is another herb and is some times mistaken for coriander leaves. Coriander plant belongs to the Apiaceae family.

Health benefits of Cilantro:
Cilantro and coriander leaves have several health benefits and everyday researchers are finding more benefits.

# This is an anti inflammatory and alleviates the arthritis symptoms.
# Prevents nausea.
# Lowers blood sugar levels.
# Protects from Salmonella bacteria. It is very effective than the antibiotic drug, gentamicin in killing Salmonella.
# Protects against infections of urinary tract (good for Cassandra!).
# Relieves from intestinal gas.
# Good source of iron.
# Aids indigestion and helps in settling stomach and prevent flatulence.
# Rich in flavonoids and phytonutrients.
# Excellent source for dietary fiber.
# It works as a natural chellation treatment. It also gives a great support to dental problems.
# Good source of magnesium.
# Lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels.
# It fights against the free radicals and inflammation.
# It also has antimicrobial properties.
# It is also a natural cleansing agent.
# It is used to remove toxic agents and other heavy metals from the body.

After finding out that Chinese Parsley is such a powerful plant, I think I’m going to include lots of it into our porridge and dishes from now onwards, just like my mil who is a big fan of it!

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A Day Of Washing Pooped Out Bottoms

Today is a day of washing pooped out bottoms for me!! Both Baby and Sherilyn are having diarrhea. They are slightly feverish too. I kid you not, I am rushing to the bathroom to washed pooped out bottoms every half an hour. Baby was feverish for 1-2 days and is better today. But she pooped 4-5x today. Consistency of the poop is like porridge. Sherilyn started having high fever (highest was at 39.3 degrees Celsius) yesterday. I knew she was not well when she napped for 2 hours in the afternoon yesterday. She hardly ever naps in the afternoon no matter how tired she may be. The fever did not subside despite a suppository. This morning hubs brought Sherilyn to the paed’s office. The paed said she has viral infection and a slight strep throat. I wonder why doctors like to lump most of the sicknesses as viral infection? Can they just be a little specific? She was prescribed with Esberitox (wonder why she was given Esberitox though she has no cold!), a Leftose syrup for the throat and Ibuprofen for the fever. Sherilyn has been running to the throne every half hourly and I have been washing her bottom as well as Baby’s non-stop the whole day! I wonder what caused the diarhhea. I am now suspecting that it’s the fresh milk they drank or the santan from the Indonesian dessert that they ate at this Indonesian restaurant we went to on Sunday. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for us.

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Sick Kitten

Rascal #2 always has problems with her digestive system and tummy. From young, she is a very constipated child. She throws up very easily too when she was an infant right up to 3 years old. At one time, she would puke at 12 midnight every other night. I thought it was really spooky and jinx! But she outgrew this problem when she was about 3.5 years old, after Baby C was born.

The other day, she complained that her tummy was painful. I thought it was just one of her excuses when it came to drinking milk or eating dinner. It was on a Sunday and we were rushing to go to church. After about 2 hours lying on the couch, she threw up. We brought her to the doctor’s when her temperature shot up to 38 degrees Celsius. She was also given the enema as she could not poo poo for 2 days.

For the rest of the day, she was very weak. She threw up each time she ate or drank anything, including plain water. She was so weak that she complained that her legs hurt and she almost fell when she came off the adult potty in the bathroom. That was the 2nd time this year that she had this problem. I suspect that there’s a lot of wind in her tummy.

My sick kitten lying listlessly on the couch. She hardly ever feels weak or tired as she is always bursting with energy.

The following day, she rested at home and skipped school. I did not feed her with the meds that the doctor prescribed and she recovered on her own.

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Bug, Bug Go Away

Today is the first day that Sherilyn and Baby are showing the first signs of a cold.  It all started about a week ago when a friend who had her first signs of cold came to our house.  She played with the girls and got very near the girls.   The 6 days incubation period is up today and the first few symptoms showed up.  This morning, Sherilyn’s voice changed a little, her nose was stuffy and she started to cough a little too.  Baby was a little cranky, her goo is yellowish and she threw up a lot of phlegm while having her lunch today.   Well, dealing with a flu is nothing new to me.  After being a mother for almost 7 years, I am now better prepared in dealing with it.  I will try to stay away from the doctor as far as possible.  Antibiotics will only weaken the body and causes it to be resistant to it.  I have already fished out my trustworthy Esberitox and Echinacea tabs and have started feeding Sherilyn and Baby with it.  For Baby, I crushed the Esberitox and Echinacea in a pill crusher and added the powder into her drinks.   Praying hard that their body will be strong enough to battle with the bugs.

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Vomiting Caused By Trapped Wind In Stomach

On Saturday, we spent almost the whole day at Times Square. We spent almost 3 hours at the Cosmo’s World indoor theme park, which is the largest indoor theme park in Malaysia. We only had lunch at about 3pm and had some light dim sum and wan tan meen at a restaurant at Times Square. Half way through eating, Sherilyn complained of tummy ache and wanted to do her poopie business. After pooping at the toilet, she still complained of tummy ache but she was still very active. After lunch, we walked around Times Square and snapped some pix of the beautiful Chinese New Year deco. Just as we were about to leave, Sherilyn puked all her lunch out.

Sherilyn continued vomiting in the car throughout our journey home. Luckily I had kept a baby plastic changing mat in the car and let her sit on it. I used up all the plastic bags I had in my bag to store her vomit. After dropping us at home, hubs brought Sherilyn to the ER. She was given an anti-vomiting suppository and a bunch of meds. Back home, she continued vomiting. When she had nothing else to vomit, she vomited yellow bile liquid.  I think she puked about 7-8 times yesterday evening.  But she had no spike in temperature and no diarrhea. I was quite certain that she had trapped wind in her tummy coz I am one who would surely have tummy ache and bad nausea if I skip a meal or feel very stressed up.

I read from that an irregular diet, whether cold or hot foods / no scheduled meal times can cause spleen dysfunction, thus causing phlegm to go upward with stomach Qi and cause vomiting. Lesson learned for me. In future if we bring the kids to any theme park before lunch, we will smuggle in some buns and biscuits for the kids to munch on.

This was how we treated Sherilyn without using any meds:

1) Let her have small sips of water at every half hourly.

2) Let her sleep and rest.

3) No food for her.  Only gave her plain cream crackers when she stopped puking and asked for food. However, she had not much appetite and only took a small bite of the cream crackers.

4) No milk for her for 1-2 days.

5) Applied some anti-wind oil on her tummy.

6) Gave her 100 Plus and oral rehydration salt (ORS). Sherilyn preferred the former and when she felt better, she drank almost half a cup of 100 Plus. I poured out the 100 Plus into a cup and stirred it to release the gas from the drink.

The bunch of meds that the MO prescribed to Sherilyn.  He even prescribed antibiotics.  But I fed none of these to Sherilyn.  Today, Sherilyn is back to normal and her appetite came back.

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Crazy Over Edible Fungus

Sherilyn my pernickety eater who does not fancy eating veggie and meat much surprised me about 2 years ago (when she was about 2.5 years old) when she showed keen interest in eating mushrooms and edible fungus. Well, I’d say not many 2.5 year olds would like the texture and taste of mushrooms and edible fungus like moke yue (wood ear fungus) and wan yue (cloud ear fungus) but my wierdo toddler was hooked on them.  Whenever there is a dish that has fresh mushrooms, wood ear fungus or cloud ear fungus cooked with it, she will surely polish off every mushy and jelly-like black stuff in the dish, so much that she’d puke them all out, during her younger days.  Now that she’s a little older, she has outgrown her puking phase.  I used to call her Spitty-Spat as she spat a lot during meal times and Miss Pukey Sherilyn as she puked super easily during meal times and at night (around 12 midnight and I thought it was jinx!)

My fussy eater helping herself to a plate piled up with wood ear fungus.   She singled out most of the fungus from the plate of stir-fried gourd dish with pork and fungus.

I’m glad that this brat loves mushrooms and fungus as they are packed with nutrients and disease-fighting properties. Here’s a little information on the black edible fungus (wood ear fungus and cloud ear fungus):

Its translucent brownish beige flesh is gelatinous but firm, crunchy and relatively tasteless. They absorb the liquid in which they are cooked and take on the taste of the other ingredients.

Also known as cloud ear, tree ear, wood fungus, mouse ear, and jelly mushroom. It grows rapidly on a variety of woods including mango and kapok. Wood ear is prized in Chinese cuisine for its crunchy texture. It is sweet in flavor, mild in nature and absorbs the seasonings it is cooked with.

Nutrition Information:
Wood ears are rich in protein. Each 100g contains 10.6 protein, 357 mg calcium, 201 mg phosphorus, 185 mg iron. It also contains carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, mannan, glucuronic acid, lecithin, and cephalin.

Health Benefits:
A very good blood tonic, contains 7 times as much iron as pig’s liver. It has a reputation in Chinese herbal medicine for increasing the fluidity of the blood and improving circulation. It is given to patients who suffer from atherosclerosis. Recent reports reveal that constant consumption of this fungus is also helpful for the prevention of tumors.

It is also low in calories and are therefore a useful food to include in weight-loss diets.

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Sherilyn On Ventolin

Sherilyn has been having cough for the past 3 weeks. Her cough during the initial 2 weeks was unproductive. If it’s unproductive cough, it is most likely non-contagious. A week ago, the cough turned into a chesty cough with phlegm. Several days later, Alycia got bitten by the cough virus, then the maid and then the hubs. Am praying hard that Baby and I will not get bitten too.

We brought Sherilyn to the paed’s office last week and she was given some cough syrup. That however did not help to bring a stop to the stubborn cough. She coughs mostly during and after her temper tantrums when she screams and cries or when she talks too much. Since the phlegm does not seem to be abating, I gave her Baby C’s Ventolin, administered through the Aero-Chamber.  Baby had chesty cough about 1.5 months ago and had only used the Ventolin several times.

Initially, at the suggest of the Aero-Chamber and Ventolin, Sherilyn freaked out and shrieked! We had to hold her down in order for me to administer it on her. After 3 sessions, she overcame her phobia coz there was no pain and no smell, save for a slight bitter taste on the throat. On the second day, this fler has been reminding me to administer the Ventolin for her. She even knows how to fix the Ventolin spray to the Aero-Chamber and administer it herself, which freaked me out when I saw her spraying the Ventolin, with the Aero-Chamber on her face. After 3 days on Ventolin, her cough now does not sound that chesty and the phlegm has lessened.

See this rascal administering the Ventolin on herself right after her bath!

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White Spots On Fingernails

The other day, I noticed a small white horizontal line on one of Sherilyn’s fingernail. I wasn’t alarmed because once in a blue moon, I have it too. I have read somewhere that this could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Coincidentally, I also have a small white horizontal line on one of my fingers now (picture above). So I did a google search and this is what I found :

Did you know you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their nails? Not just what their shade of polish is, or whether they do heavy housework or not by the nail length. We’re not just looking at cosmetics here, but rather at unpolished nails and seeing if they have anything to say about health.

(As always, it is important to note that this is provided to be purely informative, and under no circumstances should one take this information and use it for self-diagnosis. If you are concerned or suspect you may have any condition, see your doctor immediately.)

Nails are our protection for the nerves in our fingertips, while toenails protect toes from damage or injury. They are part of the skin layer and are made up of a protein called keratin.

A healthy blood supply will create a peachy-pink nail bed. If there is a deficiency or physical problem within our bodies, the fingernails can show it.

What are some of the problems that an show up on the nails, and what are the signs?

Discolored nails: Diabetes, stress, allergies and simple illness can cause your nails to appear discolored. A greenish nail color, however, can be a sign of infection, either in the nail bed or in your system.

Bluish nail beds can be a sign of lung trouble, such as emphysema or even asthma. A simple dark blue line in the nail can be a sign of skin cancer. Tiny black streaks can indicate a heart problem, while reddish-brown spots can indicate a deficiency of folic acid, protein or vitamin C.

Yellowing nails are early signals of various internal disorders, such as diabetes, respiratory or liver problems. White lines in or across the nail can signal fever, liver or heart disease, kidney disorders or, more likely, a lack of iron or zinc in your diet.

We see what the color of our nails has to say, but what about the shape, texture and overall condition?

Nail shapes: Nails that tend to curl under at the tips can signify respiratory or heart problems, while nails that are raised at the base can also signal respiratory trouble. Square, wide nails can be a result of a hormonal disorder while flat, thin nails can be from insufficient vitamin B12.

The texture of fingernails can tell as much about a persons general health as the color can. Below are some common texture abnormalities and what they can possibly indicate.

Nail textures: Vertical ridges that appear on the nail can indicate disorders as simple as iron deficiency, poor absorption of vitamins and nutrients, overall poor health or they could indicate something as serious as kidney trouble. (So, you see why consulting your physician is so important.) These vertical ridges, as well as bumpy nails, can also suggest that one is prone to developing arthritis. Ridges running horizontally across the nail can indicate physical or mental stress.

Nutrition plays an extremely important role in every function of our bodies, right down to the tips of our fingers and toes, literally. As well as signs of other possible disorders, nails can let us know how we add up when it comes to getting all of our required nutrients.

Since nails are mainly made up of protein, they can immediately alert us to a lack of it in our diet. White lined bands across the nail beds can signal a protein dificiency. You can get protein from beans, oats, seeds, nuts, eggs and lean meats.

Calcium is also important for healthy nails. Without it, the nails lose their strength and become brittle and dry. You can find calcium in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, sesame seeds or even a daily supplement.

As mentioned before, ridges in the nails can be a result of vitamin deficiency, one of which is the B vitamins. Vitamin B is needed for strengthening, while vitamin B12 also strengthens while promoting normal nail growth and healthy coloring.

Vitamin C is another necessary vitamin. Adequate intake can help prevent hang nails and swelling of nail tissue, and a frequent occurance of either of these symptoms is a good indication of a deficiency.

Probably the most common sight on the nails is the “white spot”. Although it has been noted that white lines can be symptoms of a serious disorder, their presence is more than likely a result of iron or zinc deficiency. Before worrying about any severe disease, your first step should be to see your doctor and have him/her test your levels of iron and zinc. Zinc supplements are easily found in any pharmacy while additional iron intake needs to be monitored by your physician.

The best way to assure yourself of healthy nails is to eat a well balanced diet. You’ll need plenty of protein as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Sufficient water intake is also important, for as well as keeping the rest of you healthy it provides moisture for nails. If you feel you are still not getting enough essential vitamins and minerals it is recommended that you

Information obtained from this website.

Have you ever had those white spots on your fingernails? 

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Beating Constipation With Psyllium Husk And Prune Juice

That’s Sherilyn downing a cup of prune juice with a spoonful of psyllium husk.  I thought she wouldn’t drink that cup of yucky stuff coz it’s quite yucky tasting and the texture? Eeeeyucks…. even I hate it but I still down a cup of apple cider vinegar (about 2 teaspoons) with water and psyllium husk every morning…. and I hardly ever have constipation.

The yucky cup of prune juice with psyllium husk. If it’s gulped down immediately, it’s not that geli (repulsive) but if you let that cup of stuff sit for more than 15 mins, oh boy, the husks will expand and the feeling of them going down your throat is just horrid!! Sher did not drink her cup of yucky immediately yesterday and when she drank it half an hour later, she almost wanted to puke. But I told her – drink that or drink your meds and put enema. She downed the cup of yucky painfully, hahaha!

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No Longer Bloated

The Duphalac syrup is taking effect and Sherilyn has been pooping lots for the past few days. Her appetite has also returned and she’s no longer rejecting milk, albeit she’s still holding on to her cup of milk in the morning and needs at least half an hour to gulp it down after much nagging and threats from me. Lately my gals prefer fresh milk to formula milk powder meant for kids their age…. coz fresh milk tastes better. I prefer fresh milk too.  I am really contemplating switching them completely to fresh milk. It’s going to be way easier to get them to drink fresh milk and I don’t have to burst my blood vessel coaxing #2 to drink her formula milk. And it’s going to save me the trouble of fixing them milk since I can just pour the fresh milk out from the box right from the fridge. But aren’t kids supposed to drink formula milk enriched with all the vitamins, minerals, DHA, AA, SA and all that jazz? 

Anyway, back to Sherilyn. Today we brought her to an Italian restaurant for lunch and she could chomp down slices after slices of bread with huge chunks of butter. She also whacked a plate of spaghetti and helped herself to more thereafter. Also ate half a cup of pistachio ice-cream for dessert. After lunch, she said she wanted to poo! After her poopie business, she said she was hungry again, goodness!  So when we reached home, I gave her a cup of fresh milk, which she still needed at least half an hour to finish with nagging and threats from me and daddy… coz she just likes to dilly dally and play till no end before she eats and drinks.  That’s just Sherilyn.  Tonight, I’ll fix her some chilled buckwheat noodles with some cold Japanese greentea noodles sauce.  When she heard I was going to prepare noodles for her, she was the first to say “yay…..yummy noodles“!  I think I will have no problem getting her to  finish her bowl of noodles. As long as she does not have to eat rice with dishes, she will be one very happy girl and so will I!

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