My passion in passion fruit was unleashed during my holiday in Lake Toba, Indonesia with my mother circa 1992. In Indonesia, passion fruits are called Markisa. We were served Markisa juice everywhere that we went to — from the hotel to the restaurants and on board the plane.
Since then, I have always bought passion fruits. I like them eaten in any way – straight from the fruit, made into cocktail, juice, smoothie, ice-cream, fruit tart, passion fruit swiss roll and passion tea.
Passion fruits are very affordable local fruits. But we very careful when you scoop them out from the shell. Once, I almost chowed down some worms when I spooned out the fruit from the shell. Thankfully I looked closer when I thought I saw something squirming within the seeds, ewwww! Since then, I have always scooped the fruit out into a bowl to do a spot check before I pop them into my mouth! Better be safe than to have wriggly worms breeding in your guts!
Yesterday I made passion fruit smoothie. I used 3 oranges, 1 green apple and 2 passion fruits and added pure orange + apple + apricot juice to produce 4.5 glasses of thick smoothie.
So refreshing and aromatic!

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit:
1. Promotes intestinal health
2. Cardiovascular benefits:
3. Asthma attack:
A current scientific study stated that passion fruit is an extremely powerful remedy for asthma victims. The peel includes a group of substances which includes chemicals, acids and several various other ingredients which can supply a little bit of alleviation to the asthma sufferers all over the place.
4. Treats Insomnia
5. Kills Cancer:
Research workers in the University of Florida have discovered that yellow passion fruit extracts can easily kill cancer cells within vitro. The phytochemicals which can be liable for this particular anti-cancer effect usually are carotenoids as well as polyphenols.
6. Reduces Anxiety
7. Antioxidants
Passion fruit is abundant with vitamin C, an anti-oxidant which safeguards you from the harm free-radicals cause, avoiding premature aging as well as keeping the immune system powerful. Along with 71 milligrams for each cup, one serving provides you with all the vitamin C you’ll need every day. Additionally, it provides you with 10 % of the foliate you will need. Vitamin C as well as foliate are water-soluble nutrition which gradually turn out to be exhausted right after harvest. A freshly-picked passion fruit is a lot more nourishing than one which has been saved as well as moved, so get passion fruit from the farmers’ marketplace whenever possible.
8. Contains Iron which relieves anemia
9. Great Dietary Aid for Weight Loss
For all those watching their body weight or even attempting to lose weight, fruits are definitely the suggested culinary food. However the passion fruit appears to be created for a fat loss diet. It really is lower in calories, just 97 calories for each 100 g! It can be lower in sodium as well as fat. It provides a fair amount of carbohydrates as well as natural sugars, therefore the body of a human recovers rapidly from the exercise as well as energy levels are rejuvenated. The fruit’s nutrition focus on cholesterol-reducing levels within the body. In addition, the high fiber content indicates a serving of the fruit satiates your hunger as well as keeps you full, so that you do not overeat on various other food items.
10. Has Relaxation Effect
A tall cool glass of passion fruit juice might help unwind your nerves as well as your mind, causing you to really feel relaxed. This particular juice can also be recommended for digestive problems and enables along with indigestion as well as gastric problems.