Alycia and Sherilyn are very prone to throat infection, no thanks to their daddy and mummy’s genes as both hubs and I have tonsils and are very prone to throat infection too. For me, it is under control now as I watch what I eat all the time (and have very strong will power too!) and I eat pretty healthily and exercise to keep myself healthy and fit. For Alycia and Sherilyn, I try to control what they eat too, i.e. by keeping deep fried food, spicy food and junk food to the minimum and make them drink plenty of plain water as well as ensure that they eat fresh fruits and veggie everyday. But what they eat in school and beyond my radar is out of my control. Sometimes, there are people who give them ‘forbidden food’ out of love, which is also beyond my control.
Alycia has been down with a chesty cough and runny nose for the past 3 days. Thanks to the nightly sea salt water gargling, she did not get any sore throat though. She just has lots of phlegm and a runny nose. Also thanks to my most trusted Esberitox and Manuka honey, she is now recovering, without having to visit the doctor’s office. Getting rid of phlegm in kids is pretty tough as they do not know the technique of forcing out and spitting out the phlegm. Thus, whenever my girls have phlegm, most of the time the phlegm will be expelled naturally through vomiting. Last night, about an hour after dinner, Alycia threw up. All that she ate came pouring out, together with a bucketful of slimy phlegm! It’s a good thing that she threw up because after puking, her throat cleared up and today there is lesser phlegm obstructing her throat. The only side effect she is getting after puking is that she has turned into a freckled face girl! I shall post pix of her freckled face next and tell you why this has happened.