Category Archive: Uncategorized

Getting A Laptop Soon

I am considering getting a cheap laptop with extended laptop warranty for my 2 older girls. Instead of lying on the couch with eyes glued to the idiot box all day long during the school holidays, I want them to spend their time doing more useful things like reading and learning from educational websites or play educational games online. I am excited now, excited shopping around for a lappie, yippie!

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We may get a new LCD TV for our home. Our old TV will be given to a relative. I wish there were Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales here where discounts of up to 70% on electrical appliances will be up for grabs. On top of that, there’s even free shipping. What a pity there ain’t such deals here. I hope that our regular electrical shop will give us a good deal on our TV purchase.

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Of Colloidal Gold And Gold Bullions

Did you know that you can actually eat gold? I am not saying chunks of gold or gold bullion but particle size colloidal gold. Colloidal gold is micro-clusters of 99.9% pure gold suspended in pure distilled revitalized water. Colloidal gold is gaining recognition as a super food. Colloidal gold is beneficial to the mind-body in that it promotes higher potentials of mental, emotional and physical well-being. It can also strengthen the body’s immune system, combat fatigue, promotes a sense of euphoria and reduce depression. I don’t mind giving colloidal gold a try to boost my mental well-being as I have been feeling lethargic, stressed up and over-worked lately. And if someone gives me some gold bullions as a gift, that would lift my mood up instantly too!

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Singing Girls

Cassandra can sing pretty well for her age. At 2years 7 months, she can sing over a dozen nursery rhymes, folk songs in Malay, jingles of cartoons and movies in English, Mandarin, Malay and even in Japanese. When Cassandra and Sherilyn get together in a jovial mood, I am assured to be entertained by their singing. They can really bring the house down if I ever buy a karaoke set for our home for they will surely belt out their favorite songs the whole day.

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Polar Opposites

My 2 older girls have interests, likings and characters of polar opposites. Sherilyn my princess wannabe loves princesses, fairies, wands, everything pink, dolls and all things sweet and cute. The other day we were at the mall and she went gaga when we brought her into a shop that sells pretty dresses for girls. She wanted to try on almost every dress there. As for Alycia, she would be really excited if we bring her into a shop that sells Nintendo, game console and wii accessories. I wonder how Baby would turn out to be a few years down the road. I’m hoping she would follow her 2nd sister’s foot steps.

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Praying That All Will Be Well

The first 14 months of Baby’s life involved endless hospital trips, screaming moments on exam tables each time the doctors poked her body or inserted tubes into her down under and hospital stays. Not a day goes by without me thinking of those days. I thank God that all is well now and I pray that Baby and I never have to go through those days again. We will be bringing Baby to the hospital for her bi-annually ultrasound scan of her kidneys soon. I hope that all will be well with her kidney.

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True Love

I wonder if the best fat burners really work. Well, maybe they may work initially but will they really work on a long term basis? And will there be any side effects on one’s body, especially on the kidneys? I will always remember the case of the Singaporean actress who lost both her kidneys to slimming products she consumed. But her hubby (boyfriend then) donated one of his kidneys to her. She was told that she would never be able to carry a baby to full term. Yet her man married her. That’s what I call true love with no boundary.

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Zits Won’t Bother Me Anymore

It’s the time of the month again and darn it, some acne had popped out from my flawless skin, especially around my chin area and temples. I remember I would freak out each time zits erupted on my face when I was still working. I was a PA to a Datuk and I had to meet VIPs all the time, thus looking good was very important to me. Now, it does not bother me much even if zits pop out on my face haha!

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Too Busy To Work Out

There was an anniversary sale at our favorite bakery 2 days ago. Being a ‘kiasu’ buyer, my hubs bought a huge blueberry cheese cake that cost over RM50. But there was a 28% discount. Gosh, the cheese cake tasted sinfully delish. Being a cheese cake lover, I have been gorging on the cheese cake everyday. Today I have to give the gym a miss as I have some online assignments to complete. I also have a HUGE batch of stock from my supplier, of which I have to do stock check and QA check. If I continue to eat like this without exercising, I may have to resort to Lipofuze, I hope not!

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5 Hours Out At Mid Valley Megamall

Yesterday being a public holiday, we spent over 5 hours shopping at Mid Valley Megamall and hubby burnt a hole in his wallet. Shopping with 3 kids is no laughing matter. From lunch to desserts, shopping for the kids’ shoes, for hubby’s own shoes and groceries, everything involved money. I bought a pair of pretty clogs from those a kiosk that sells flower hair clips and clogs and also bought a pair for Sherilyn. I allmost bought a cute Pooh Bear table lamp from one of those kiosks that sell table lamps and cute kids’ stuff. Had I not controlled my spending, I could have burnt a big hole in my own wallet too.

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