Category Archive: Uncategorized

Shopping On A Friday Evening

Yesterday evening, hubby announced at the eleventh hour that he wanted to bring us to Mid Valley for shopping as he had to get some stuff for a client’s function. After dinner at a Chinese restaurant near our house, we went to the shopping mall. Traffic was smooth and surprisingly, we got a nice place to park, right outside the entrance of the mall just within a minute of entering the car park. It was also surprisingly quiet at the mall, though it was a Friday evening. I guess it’s because there were no on-going sales at most of the stores, except for some cigar deals. Whenever the girls shop with daddy, they take advantage of his indulgence and would just pick and drop everything they fancy into the cart. At the check out counter, me the ‘Customs officer’ will often remove all the ‘luxuries’ out from the cart and get daddy to pay for what’s necessary only!

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Versatility of Gold

Did you know that in the olden days (and perhaps even now), the American Indians would boil gold nugget in water and give the gold water to patients to drink for a variety of health benefits? But please don’t you dare try this at home yourself! The benefits of consuming gold, in particular colloidal gold are plenty, ranging from healthy digestion to healthy skin tissues, healthy joints, for treating ADHD, among others. But these have not been reviewed by the FDA and gold is not a cure or treatment. One thing is for sure. If you want to invest in something that is stable and considered a save bet to invest in, you can consider gold bullion and be sure to buy them from reputable websites like the

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Patient First Wellness Center

My life with Baby, my youngest daughter, for the first 14 months of her life was extremely bumpy, stressful and chaotic. It involved endless trips to the hospitals every month on end, unpleasant news one after another, endless heartache moments whenever I watched how she struggled and screamed each time the doctors poked her hands and feet.

When Baby was first diagnosed with Grade III Kidney Reflux, we brought her to a semi-government hospital to seek medical treatment and consultation. We thought that we could save some money by bringing her to a semi-government hospital. But after several trips to the hospital and experienced the service of a government hospital, we knew we could not scrimp and save on medical and the doctors’ consultation fees. Baby’s condition was rather serious but it was only later, after several thorough and expensive tests that we had found out how bad her urinary tract system was.

My hubs and I had spent our fortune on Baby’s medical fees and surgery bill during the first 14 months of her life. ALL these are NOT claimable from our insurer as Baby’s condition was congenital. If only there were a Patient First Wellness center here like the Las Vegas medical center, we could have saved some money.

Patient First Wellness Center (PFWC) is a premier discount / low cost medical and pain management clinic that offers discount medical services to patients who are without health insurance. PFWC offers high quality and affordable solution to resolve people’s basic medical problems and conditions. Our country should consider setting up such a center in our country to help those who cannot afford to pay for good quality medical treatment. You can read more about PFWC and read the medical testimonials of our Las Vegas clinic by clicking on the links above.

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Movie Junkie

My hubs is a movie fanatic. He has tons of VCDs and DVDs at home. Each time he sees a man peddling VCDs and DVDs by the road, he will surely take a peep and end up buying a few. He has so many VCDs and DVDs in his collection that he can open a shop to sell them. He buys originals too, like the blu ray ones and I must say that the quality is unbeatable, albeit slightly pricier Now our girls have inherited his genes. They too are movie junkies and if I would allow them, they can be a potato couch and have their eyes glued to the idiot box from dawn to dusk!

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Do you still keep your old trophies?

Do you keep the trophies that you won and collected during your days in school? I still have all my trophies in my parents’ house in my hometown. They have been sitting in the same old cupboard for over 20 years and hardly ever moved, except for the occasional cleaning. My mum is a good keeper of things. She keeps my brothers’ football trophies, taekwando trophies, athletic trophies and they are all over 3 decades old! Do you still keep your old trophies?

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Started To Buy Christmas Gifts

Though it’s 3 more months to Christmas, I have already started to buy Christmas gifts from online stores whenever something nice and affordable catches my eyes. Most of the gifts are for my friends’ kids. I haven’t gotten anything for my hubs or my friends and relatives yet. It’s easier to buy gifts for kids than it is for adults. I don’t like getting gifts that people will only keep and not use them. Just like when someone got a set of unique stadium seat cufflinks for me some time back when I was still working and wore shirts. They are still sitting in my drawer untouched

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Career In Health Care

After experiencing so many hospital stays with Baby throughout the first 14 months of her life, my point of view on a career in nursing has changed dramatically. I think a career in the health care as well as a career in nursing are very noble and can bring about a lot of satisfaction. A good nurse and doctor can bring about so much difference to the patients and their loved ones during their period of difficulty. If you are considering a job in health care, do check out this health care job site.

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Office Furniture

As my customers’ orders are getting more each day, my house is getting more cluttered with my stock. Every where in the living room is my stock and arch files. I told my hubs that I need some office furniture and a new cabinet to store my stock. But he’s been too busy with work to bring me to shop for the furniture. I will just surprise at home and order my office furniture from the internet!

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Hooked On Online Shopping

Recently I bought some shoes from an online store. I bought a pair first as I was apprehensive of the quality and sizing. I was very pleased with what I received and I ordered more pairs. Online stores are such a blessing to busy people who don’t have the time to do shopping in shopping malls. If you are just like me who don’t even have the time to sleep, let alone go to the shopping mall, shop for your shoes and clothes online. Just type in shoes womens in the google search bar and you will see thousands of such online stores. I am already getting hooked on online shopping 😀

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Do You Still Send Cards Through Snail Mail?

Ever since I joined Facebook, I hardly ever send cards to my friends and loved ones anymore. I still have a stack of birthday cards, Christmas cards, save the date cards and Chinese New Year cards but I guess these will be kept and turned into antique cards. With the advent of the internet and social websites like Facebook, people hardly send greeting cards through snail mail anymore when they can conveniently send a personal message in just a few clicks. Do you still send greeting cards to friends and loved ones via snail mail?

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