Category Archive: Uncategorized

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How Often?

Our bathroom and kitchen floor mats are washed everyday while our rugs are washed once every 2-3 days. Some of my friends commented that I wash them too frequently and I should only wash them once in a week. I think a week would be too long and the mats and rugs would be heavily coated with dirt and dust. With 3 young kids running in and out of the house bare footed, our mats and rugs are often stained black everyday. It would be too unhygienic to wash them once a week. How often do you wash your floor mats and rugs?

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Wild Mango Tree / Bush Mango

I drink the fresh juice of lemon or lime after my meals everyday to help me neutralize the acid in my body. The sour juice also helps to aid in digestion and weight loss. Recently I found out that there is another fruit that can help in weight loss. The seeds of irvingia gabonensis (wild mango tree or bush mango), from a West African tree have been used for a long time as a weight loss ingredient. It can also help to lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. I have not seen this product in our market yet. Would you dare to try it if it’s available here?

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Looking Like A Walking Zombie

I have been looking like a walking zombie for the past few weeks. Not getting sufficient shut eye is paying a toll on my health and physical appearance. I feel sleepy all the time and just 2 days ago, my eyes felt really tired, heavy and droopy. Not to mention I also have dark circles under eyes and I have been applying face mask on my face to nourish it, less it gets wrinkled fast.

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The Search For The Acne Lotion

The hubs is always after my acne lotion. I don’t always use it but when I do need it, I always have to search for it high and low. And I always cannot locate it. Whenever I ask him where he had put it, he will always tell me that he had put it back into my drawer. My tube of acne lotion had been missing for months and finally last week, I saw it sitting nicely inside the bathroom cabinet, among his toiletries, aaaargh!!

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Too Much Work And Too Little Time

Though I only slept at 12:30am last night, I was already wide awake at 5am this morning. There are just too many things on my mind, too much work for me to settle with too little time on hand. I have orders from several customers to process, issues to settle with my supplier and a review on Texas Maritime lawyer to write and submit. I also have 10 other online assignments to write and submit by today! Life is tough being a work-from-home-mum.

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Sleep Deprived

I am not completed above the weather yet. Still having cough and gosh, those stubborn phlegm are really hard to get rid of. Not getting sufficient shut eye is making my healing process slow. For the past one week, I have only been getting 4-5 hours of sleep each night. I have been spending a lot of time on my online store lately as business is getting better. I think I should defer my plan of bringing in men’s clothing to my store. I have enough on my plate now.

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Everyone Is Down

Everyone in the house has been having cough and sore throat. I think we all got bitten by the bug from our visiting friend who had a bad throat infection. Sherilyn got bitten first, then Alycia, next my mil, then me and now the hubs is down and it’s pretty bad. Baby is also showing some mild symptoms yesterday like sneezing and she sounded like there’s some phlegm in her throat too. I have just recovered and I think I am getting it again because those pesky bugs are everywhere in the house now, preying on us. I felt weak and uncomfortable yesterday, as if a fever was going to hit me soon. Though I still had loads of work to do, I dropped everything and went to bed early. The review of the car insurance blog and matters pertaining to my online store can wait. I need REST, lots of it to heal my body quickly. I am not prepared to spend a hundred bucks on a consultation with the doctor just to get some antibiotics.

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Acne Scar Removal

I have a friend who used to suffer from acne ever since she was a teenager right through her twenties. It was so bad that she was prescribed with oral antibiotics and Vitamin E, which she had to eat for many months. The results were good and the acne stopped appearing. But the acne scars were pretty bad and she had to apply topical anti-scar creams on her face. I have not seen her for a long time and I wonder if the anti scars have vanished. If I ever bump into her, I will tell her to go to, the ultimate acne scar removal website for advice.

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Tough Being A WFHM

Lately I have been getting only 4-5 hours of sleep every night. I know this is REALLY devastating for my health. I can see you shaking your head at me now :S But there’s just too MUCH to do and I can NEVER complete my work. I know you will tell me to wait until tomorrow to do but when you are in this online ladies fashion business where competition is so stiff, you cannot afford to wait and carry forward to the next day. I am just so tempted to send Baby to the nursery, so that I have at least 3 hours of uninterrupted work done in the morning. When she’s around, I can barely do much. The only way to keep her still is to put her in front of the tellie, which is really bad. Life being a WFHM is TOUGH! I have not even looked at the extended service plan that the hubs has asked me to review. I have not done a single thing that he has asked me to do :S

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Try It To Experience The Goodness

My friends always ask me what motivates me to sacrifice my beauty sleep to exercise every morning. It’s easy to tell them the benefits of exercising but they have to try it to feel for themselves the manifold benefits of regular exercise. Apart from feeling good after exercising, a result of the endorphins, when I exercise I experience brainstorm surges. It’s during these brainstorms that I get during my exercise sessions that I plan what and how I should write my online assignments. This morning while jogging with Baby in tow on the stroller, I drafted on my head on what I should write on garage flooring and a few other online assignments. The day that I skip exercising will be the day that I’ll feel restless all day and my brain just won’t get started haha!

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