Do you really believe that anti aging products can help slow down the aging process of your skin, thus making your skin look younger? I have never used any sort of anti aging products for various reasons and I don’t really believe in them. I’ve heard of an anti aging cream called Prototype #37-C that can help you see noticeable results in less than 10 days and is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. Does that convince you to buy it and try?
Category Archive: Uncategorized
Online MBA
Many years ago when I was still attached to the corporate world, I almost registered myself in a part-time MBA course at a local college. I was single then and I wanted to climb up the corporate ladder fast and furiously. I of course dropped the idea later as I could not cope with the stress at work and I had to work late almost every night. Those days, online MBA was not so popular. The part-time MBA classes were conducted after office hours or during weekends. These days, getting an MBA degree from an online university seems to be the in-thing for working adults. If I had the time and wherewithal now, I will reconsider my once ambition of pursuing an MBA. Now I can do it at the comforts of my own home!
3 Kids With Colorful Characters
Having 3 kids with 3 different colorful characters is interesting! My first born is caring, responsible, sweet and thoughtful. My second born is bold, rambunctious, loud, smart and entertaining. With her around, I don’t need to go to entertainment centers to find amusement. She entertains me with her antics everyday, sometimes to the point of making my blood boil. My youngest is still young and I don’t know what type of character she will have. Right now, she’s still manageable – cute and lovable but her negative traits are slowly but surely rearing their ugly heads. I hope she will outgrow them as she grows.
If Only
If only I had the extra wherewithal, not only will I execute my plan of setting up an eatery for the health conscious and weight watchers immediately. I will also invest in another unit of the condo that we are staying in now and perhaps also invest in an Austin real estate. Living in an expensive city and having to feed 3 kids plus a domestic maid on just one household income is no joke, I tell ya!
My Many Business Plans
If my plan of setting up a health eatery materializes, I think the most expensive equipment that I would have to purchase would be the POS systems or Point Of Sale system for restaurants and the kitchen equipment. It would run into tens of thousands of bucks or even more. My other business idea is to set up an organic shop with a retail outlet, complete with online shopping facility. I think setting up an organic shop requires a lower capital as not many equipment are needed. All I need are some shelves, cabinets and a good POS system. If only I had a hundred thousand bucks extra in hand, I would go straight and execute my business plan. Seriously, if anyone is interested to be an active partner or a sleeping partner in my business plan, I’m open for discussion!
Setting Up An Eatery For The Healthy Minded Foodie
One of the business plans that I have long thought of is to set up an eatery that serves healthy and organic food for the health and diet conscious. However, this would eat up a lot of my time, from the initial planning stage to the execution to the running of the eatery. When my 3 girls are a little grown up, I will surely bring this plan out from the back-burner and put it into action. In the meantime, I am trying my level best to save some money to invest in my health eatery. There will be a long list of equipment to purchase from kitchen equipment to a computer, software, an epson tm-t88iv receipt printer, furniture, amongst others. Wish me luck!
Hyperactive Baby
Baby has been driving me bonkers lately. As usual, she is hyper active and does not seem to get tired a wee bit. She wakes up at 6am and does not nap until around 11:30am when I force her to. She also sleeps late, at around 11ish pm. Lately, she’s also into climbing up table tops. Just the other day, she pushed a stool in the kitchen and tried to grab something from the counter top. She slipped and knocked her chin on the tile counter top of the kitchen. Now, there is a blue-black mark on her chin. But this is not deterring her a wee bit in performing her heart-stopping stunts!
Musically Inclined
Sherilyn my #2 is musically inclined. She loves listening to music, has photographic memory when it comes to memorizing the lyrics of song (though she may not know the meaning of the words) and dances very well too. Almost every day, she would bring out her mini battery-operated stereo player cum karaoke player and switch it on to full blast while she sings and jiggles. I think very soon, she will pester me to shop for MP3 players, I am quite certain she’ll do just that, just like Alycia who has already started to bug me for a Playstation.
My Bad Experience On My First Car
Have I ever told you in this blog that I had a very bad experience with my very first car? It was a bright red Kancil and my dad helped me pay part of the car more than a decade ago. The first week I drove it, I crashed the rear part of the car into a glass door of an office building when I reversed the car!! Thank God my car was only slightly dented but the glass door of the building was shattered. And thank God again that I wasn’t injured but was quite traumatized. I think if it were some kind of steel buildings, the butt of my car would be totally ruined lol!
A Career In The Medical Field
I have never ever liked careers in the medical field. However all that in me has changed ever since Baby C was born. Since Baby C was 7 weeks old, she has been in and out of the hospital, with the peak in May last year when she was hospitalized for 3 weeks after her 2 surgeries. Now, I think a career in nursing is such a noble job. A good nurse and doctor can really make a huge difference to how a patient or the patient’s loved ones feel during their stay in the hospital.