Category Archive: Uncategorized

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Bizarre Insurances

I know of a local former beauty queen who had a boops job done and then insured her heavy assets! I also know of a local super model with legs so straight and long that made heads turn wherever she went to, who insured her legs. Some drop-dead gorgeous superstars insure their faces, some singers insure their throat / voice while some photographers buy liability insurance for photographers. The hubs and I only buy insurance for the kids and for our health, besides the usual vehicle insurance and property insurance. What other bizarre insurances have you heard of?

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Busy Weekend

The rats are now having a whale of their time, doing what they are not supposed to do, as the big, fierce cat is too busy to prey on them! This is how I feel when my kids are monkeying around though they know they have tons of unfinished homework. I am the big, fierce cat and the rats are my 3 rascals. Much as I would like to sit with them at the table to ensure that their homework is done and time well spent, I however do not have the time to do just that. I have spent the whole morning today at Cassandra’s sports day event and out shopping in the afternoon. That’s three quarter of a productive day gone. What I have to do next is to write a review on discount avo cigars. The sight of my side table is dampening my mood to have an enjoyable Sunday with my family tomorrow as I have a heap of stock to check and pack for my customers, for courier pick up on Monday. Do you believe in striking a lucky lottery or hitting a big jackpot??

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Crazy Weather

The recent weather has been causing many people to fall ill. It has been crazily hot and humid for the past few days with no rain at all. Consequently, smoky haze has enveloped the skies and it’s choking us sick. The haze has also caused my sensitive nose and sensitive throat to itch. I do not even feel like stepping out of my condo. Though I have some supplements to buy from the pharmacy, I just feel like sitting at home and order them online from , comfortably from my desktop computer, under the air-conditioner. If you know me well, you will know that I will ‘melt’ and ‘break down’ under the scorching sun, with a throbbing headache after being roasted by the sun. So during this hot and hazy season, don’t invite me to go anywhere during the day ok?

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All Equipment Acting Up

My girls are missing their granny and grandpa a lot. It’s been over 2 weeks since we all saw my parents, after our Port Dickson trip. Today they suggested that we should Skype granny and grandpa. But my logitech speakers seem to be acting up lately. Not only are my speakers acting up, even the wireless modem and the external pods have been acting up for the past few weeks, which escalated over the past 3 days. Our wireless internet connection had been breaking up intermittently throughout the day for the past few days and this had driven me up the wall. Business had to slow down. So did all my online work. Bummer! But thankfully our internet service provider has been pretty efficient and the problem was resolved yesterday night.

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School Holiday Coming To An End!

I am really glad that the school holiday is coming to an end! When my 3 boisterous girls are at home, I can hardly concentrate in my work. There are screams, fights, bickering, complaints, whims and fancies and demands from my 3 rascals all the time. A write-up on white swan denim scrubs will usually eat up 10 minutes of my time if I have the opportunity to work in peace but when the 3 rascals are around, I need almost half a day (with lots of interruption) to complete it!

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Internet-Deprived-Irritability Syndrome

During our recent trip to Port Dickson, I put behind exercise for 2 days. If you know me well, I am the type who would not skip my daily exercise regime, unless I am so sick that my brain is foggy. But I was feeling really jaded and thought I needed to catch up on my sleep and just rest and relax at the beach resort. There was no free broadband internet at the beach resort, except for the WiFi from my mobile phone, so I did not get to use my laptop at all. All work related to my online store was put on hold. My online assignments were put on hold too. One advertisement that I was supposed to write and submit has been overdue for over a week, including one write-up on round truck side steps. I had quite a good rest but I must admit that I had ‘internet-deprived irritability’ syndrome, LOL!

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Any Inexpensive School Holiday Activity Ideas?

Today is the start of the 2-week long school holidays and I have been starting to feel my headache coming since early this week! While some of my friends started to get excited and were switched into holiday mode a few days before the mid school term ended, I am feeling stressed actually. Our getaway from the city is only in a week’s time and I am thinking hard on what sort of activities I should engage my 3 active kids in to drain off their boundless energy. This morning, we brought them to the tennis court of our condo to play badminton and scooter while I worked out in the gym. Now they are doing painting while I have to do a review on vonage promotion. That’s half a day gone. So far no outburst and fights from them yet. I welcome ideas from parents on how they spend their days with their kids during the school holidays, inexpensively.

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Of Tumblers and Name Tags

I have a small obsession with water tumblers. I change my daughters’ water tumblers once every 3 months or earlier. When I see new designs of my favorite brand of water tumblers in the shopping mall, I will surely grab three new ones, one for each girl. But I hate it that my girls write their names on their new tumblers with a permanent ink marker pen. Sometimes they stick fanciful stickers on their tumblers. When the stickers get in contact with water, they will peel off partially. Gosh, how I hate to see the condition of their water tumblers, tainted with partially washed off marker ink and partially peeling stickers! I have been hunting around for some good quality name tag stickers for their tumblers, lunch boxes and books and didn’t know where to get them until my friend told me to check out for name tags.

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Sore Thumb

My mood is foul today. Just do not feel like doing much though I have got quite a bit of work to complete, including writing a review on monroe sensa-trac shock absorber. It’s all because of a sore thumb. I have no frigging idea how I got a deep cut on my right thumb yesterday. I only realized that I had a cut on my thumb when I felt something wet and sticky on my face and mouth. Then I had the familiar bloody taste in my mouth. I looked at the kitchen top and saw blood on the table cloth. I looked at my fingers and saw blood oozing out from the right thumb and the cut is quite deep. The pain is still throbbing now and I need a band-aid to protect the wound. I have to type without using much of my right thumb, raise up that right thumb when preparing food but still have to wet it when I shower my baby girl, sigh…

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My Girls And Their Yoyos

I have lost count on the number of yoyos I had bought for my 3 girls over the years. We had tried expensive yoyos and cheap yoyos but none survived for over a year. The string of the yoyos often got entangled and when this happened, my girls would open up the cover to try detangling it. After a few times doing that, the yoyos were permanently dismembered. I vowed never to buy my girls yoyo again after these incidents. However, recently I could not resist my girls’ pleas when they begged me to buy them a very attractive and cheap yo yo at a toy shop. I succumbed to their pleas and I regretted. The same fate fell on that yoyo. I think that will be the last time I will ever buy a yoyo for my girls.

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