My visiting parents from Ipoh bought a few kilograms of raw peanuts from the wet market for us. I’ve not bought raw peanuts for aeons and I miss eating them. Each time I see a vendor hawking boiled peanuts on a bike or tricycle (which is pretty rare in KL these days), it reminds me of the time about 20-30 years ago. Those days, my papa would bring us to the movies occasionally. Going to the cinema was a luxury and one of the very few entertainment outlets for us back then. Before going into the cinema, papa would often buy us boiled peanuts wrapped in newspapers twirled into a cone shape. Thinking back, how dirty it was to be eating from newspapers eh? There were no pop-corns then. Only boiled sweet corns, boiled peanuts, kacang putih (also wrapped in newspapers twirled into a cone shape), Ramly burgers (I still love them!) and light snacks / junk food.
When I saw my mil boiling the whole bag of peanuts, I thought we would not be able to finish them but I was wrong. They tasted so soft, so good and so fragrant that all of us whacked the few kilograms of peanuts in 2 days! We snacked on the peanuts throughout the day! When we could not finish the peanuts on the first day, we kept them in the fridge and the following day, we ate cold boiled peanuts! Still tasted good! Even Baby had a try and liked them but after eating quite a bit, she spat them out coz she couldn’t chew them properly with only 3 tiny teeth.
Food For Thought :
Health benefits of eating peanuts :
Eating peanuts is a good preventive measure for those who frequently suffer from nose bleed.
Recently, research showed that it helps in reducing heavy menstruation for women who suffer from heavy periods.
Very good for our heart, which in turn helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Full of mono-unsaturated fats, which are beneficial to the health. Diets consisting of “good fats” control weight better than low-fat diets, thus making groundnuts a great source of weight management. Studies have shown that eating peanuts lower a person’s risk of weight gain and promotes good heart health.
Groundnut contains 13 different types of vitamins and is also rich in 26 essential minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, amongst others which are beneficial to building and maintaining strong bones.
Bursting with anti-oxidants and they help in reducing the risk of heart diseases and cancer risk.
Helps in anti-aging thus keeping the body fit, young and trim.
Regular consumption of peanuts actually reduces a lot of ailments. They also provide protection against cancer, obesity, diabetes and Type II diabetes.
As with other food, intake of peanuts should be taken moderately as over consumption can still lead to weight gain. Many people also believe that eating too much roasted peanuts can cause sore throat and zits because of the ‘heatiness’.